Get A Reading This Morning With Astrologer Janet Amid On Connie And Fish
Today, we have a very special guest on the show, Janet Amid! Janet is an Astrologer, Columnist, and Media Personality that lives in Toledo, Ohio.
She began to learn Astrology and Numerology under the tutelage of her father at the early age of 5. Janet is a 12th generation Astrologer and considered by many to be a Hereditary Psychic.
In order to get a reading from Janet, you will need to be listening today and call in to the show at (616) 770-8957.
Please be ready with the following information:
- First Name
- Birth Info:
- Day, Month and Year
- Time of Birth
- City and State
- One Question each: love, money, career? Those sort of things…
- If you are asking about another person:
- The persons first name
- Day, Month, Year, and if possible time of birth.
You can get more information on Janet Amid by checking out her website, or her Facebook page. You can also call her office at (419) 882-5510 or email her at