Grand Rapids is One of the Best Places to Live in America!
Grand Rapids just made another "best of" list.
U.S. News listed the "100 Best Places to Live in the USA" and Grand Rapids came in at #19! If you already live in G.R. than you know this to be true. U.S. News says that Grand Rapids:
...has an affinity for public art, and a craft brewery scene that is one of the best in the nation."
They also mention how the city has evolved over the centuries stating that it attracts families and young professionals because of its healthy job and housing market plus recreational activities.
From the doctors and nurses working in the region's booming health care industry, to the strong LGBT community who hosts the much-feted annual Grand Rapids Pride event, to the numerous artists and musicians, the region is home to people from all walks of life."
The results were based on the quality of life, job market, value of living in each metro city and people's desire to want to live there. Based on all of these things, Grand Rapids was given an overall score of 7 out of 10. It ranked best in value (7.9) and the lowest in desirability (5.1).
So what else makes Grand Rapids so grand? Compared to other metro areas, it has a lower average cost on houses ($155,000 vs. $211,000) and although 91% of its residents drive to work, we get there four minutes faster than the national average. Hey, faster is faster! The city also scored high on the quality of life (how happy people are with their daily lives).
If you're wondering where the BEST place to live in America is... that #1 title was given to Austin, Texas, with an overall score of 7.8 out of 10.
The only other city in Michigan to make the list was Detroit at #89, right behind Los Angeles.
If you want to see what else was said about Grand Rapids (and how awesome we are) you can read it here.
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