I Was Dating Him/Her Until I Found Out BLANK Then I Dumped Them – #Secrets
When we asked you to give us the juicy details of one of your breakups, you did not disappoint. We think that may have even creeped out our new intern in the process as well. Sorry, Emily, hopefully the Click of Six hasn't gone too far.
I was dating him/her until I found out _________ then I dumped them
- #Secrets I was dating my ex until I found an Instagram account under a fake name. There was a picture uploaded The same day that we were supposed to have a date but he canceled… And the picture was of him swapping spit with another girl. So I dumped his bottom
- His dad dropped him off at the date because he had his license taken away for drunk driving. Information that would have been more useful had it been brought to my attention prior to!
- He had a diagnosed and medically treated mental issue that he refused to stay on medication for..he tried kicking me out of my own house in the middle of the night..I was sound asleep when he tried evicting me..that’s when his parents finally told me!!
- I was told I couldn’t do any better than him. The first reaction in my head - was HELL YEAH I can!!! Decided then I only needed a slight reason & he would be on his way.
- He was expecting a child with another woman. Not to mention we were engaged
- That he couldn’t make a decision on anything until he asked his mommy
- The other guy...
- He was married
- He was married with four kids.
- I dated him (won't say a name), then I found out he said 'i love you' to another girl the day before he asked me out so I dumped him.
- Secrets: When I was 19 I found out my bf tried to kiss a 12-year-old. I moved out that night.
- I was dating him until he cheated on me & then I dumped him!
- I was dating my ex when I found out she was cheating on me with one of my best friends
- Hey all! I was dating him until one night he took his shirt off and had the words Thug Life tattooed on his chest....like Tupac. He was a blonde-haired, white as a white Dutch guy. I just couldn't..... I just couldn't imagine taking him on a family beach vacation.
- I'll be at work when u read ghese so feel free to share before we didn't technically date, wr met on a reputable dating site. talked on the phone and made plans for a first date. til I googled him. had been arrested for assault-strangulation of his ex-wife. ok byeeeeeeee. then when I kindly said good day to this fella, he went off on a tangent about how all women are the same I met my now-husband the following day.
- I was dating Zack until I found out that he was bipolar than I dumped him .no offense but I couldn’t deal with bipolar. It is so emotionally draining because you're always living on eggshells worrying when they're going to go into their funk depression . Especially if their meds are not accurate...I feel like a bad person but I can honestly say I'm very very happy that I did not end up with him.
- He didn't think pineapple belonged on pizza ♀️♀️♀️
- I was dating Sherry in high school until I found out she chewed her fingernails,
- TQUTD: I was dating him until I found out he was doing drugs and thought it was okay to hit me! So I dumped him like a hot Potato!!
- Secrets: I dated him until I found out he was still sleeping with his ex-wife.
- He was a flipping alcoholic and peed to bed!!!!
- TQOD, I was dating him until found out he was strung out on cocaine all the time. I had a kid and didn't want it around her.,,And then I dumped him
- I was dating someone until I found out they had a skin disease and it grossed me out so much I ended it.
- As to the question of the day. Was with a woman for a year and a half and I was about to have a financial issue, she was not working at the time. I told her she would have to get at least a part-time job to help. Her response was, 'no I don't, you just need to find a second job' broke up with her on the spot.
- I was dating my ex until I found out he was Skanky McSkankerson
- He was in college and I was in my senior year of high school. I told him I didn’t want to go to my senior prom, and he was more upset that him as a college guy wasn’t going to go (he didn’t even know anyone at my hs as we went to different ones), this created a huge fight and then buh-bye!
- Secrets: so my bf moved to Ohio. I went down to visit him. We had a great afternoon/evening. He then made up the couch for me to sleep on, and went in and slept in the bed with his "roommate". I snuck out and never looked back
- Secrets: Is it weird I never really had boyfriends? I stopped "hanging" out with one guy because he was a HEAVY drug user. Coolest kid, but baked constantly. I think he was dealing at school too.
- I dated a girl until she hired someone to steal her car and set it on fire for insurance fraud.
- I dated a guy in college until he told me it was unfair of me to make him choose between me and his friends, when I asked him to stay in and watch a movie with me the day we buried my grandpa. Two years together and he knew my grandpa. Byyyyyyye.
- I was dating him until I found out he was bipolar but refused to take his meds, he would pee in empty cups and bottles and stash them behind the couch, he had a hardcore porn addiction, and tried to cheat on me with high school girls (he's 36)....and then I broke up with him. Best decision EVER
- I was dating my ex until I found out what he did on my birthday. We lived together and I went to have a birthday dinner with my family. I let him stay home because he was feeling sick. Later I discovered that he invited a girl over to OUR apartment! Let's just say his illness was fatal
- Wed, I found out how he kissed. It was horrid. Like a wet fish....all floppy & sloppy. BLAH! I'm still traumatized.
- I dated a guy till I found out he kissed like a Hoover vacuum!!
- #secrets Until I found out he wore bikini briefs,
- I was dating him until I found out he ate his boogers, then I dumped him. #Areyoufroggingkiddingme #Eww #grownman?
- I was dating a guy when I was 18 until he patted my stomach one night while we were camping and told me that he was going to put a baby in there then I dump him when we got home.
- I was dating him for a few weeks until after the first few dates he started NOT wearing his dentures... I just couldn't do it... I understand not everyone has perfect teeth but have some pride man!! I just couldn't!!!
- I was dating Shelli until she told me she hated lesbians!!!! And she would never do that!!!! Who hates lesbians!!! Really!!!!
- When we lived in Austin, TX, I was doing my usual phone snooping and saw he had answered 2 Craigslist ads; one answering to a glory hole proposition and the second to a ring of escort services to be "valet driver". I was 3 months pregnant with our baby. Bye Felicia.
- Easy one!! Micro Junk
- Dating her.. until I found out she had a poop fetish .. sorry, not pooping on no chick and she is definitely not shitting on me!
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