I Was Pleasantly Surprised Over Thanksgiving When BLANK – #TQOTD
The first of the family get-togethers for the holiday season has come and gone. So, besides being thankful for that being done, what else were you thankful for this Thanksgiving?
I was pleasantly surprised over Thanksgiving when BLANK …. FILL IT IN!!!
- I was still able to eat after losing half a crown and tooth three days prior to Thanksgiving.
- I actually relaxed and had a good time. Oh, and the gravy was so good! Usually it's thin and tasteless, but not this year!
- I didn’t mind staying home alone on the couch sick. I did mind however that I wasted time watching the stupid Lions game!
- I counted the 10 empty wine bottles in the recycling!
- I got cancelled at work (night shift RN) so I was able to sleep the night before and enjoy the holiday with family instead of catching up on my sleep.
- All four of us siblings were present and in the same home!
- That my wife didn’t put us into debt when she went black Friday shopping. Last year she spent over a grand!
- TQOTD-I was pleasantly surprised when Ohio State beat Michigan!!! JUST KIDDING!!!! I KNEW THEY WOULD WIN!!!!! BOOM!!!!!
- I didn't have unexpected (and unwelcome) visitors.
- I got food poisoning from an undercooked turkey at a relative's home. The suffering continued for over 18 hours.
- My ex’s new girlfriend eyeing me the night before thanksgiving at the meadery we both go to
- I was pleasantly surprised over thanksgiving when we had dinner
- Sis cooked the best turkey I have had in my entire life. PLEASANTLY SURPRISED
- For the first time in forever I didn’t over eat or pig out on desserts. No one like feeling like crap the rest of the day.
- The stuffing tasted AMAZING!!
- When all the family left so I could take a nap.
- I used self control and didn’t over eat like usual. Usually stuff myself on dinner and again at dessert time. Didn’t do either.
- Our power was restored
- Everyone went home!!
- It didn't matter that we went to buffet instead of having a traditional dinner- we were still all together.
- The stores weren’t that busy.
- Everyone got along and the food was good.
- My Step Son was moved out of ICU My PSA... Dont text and drive!!!!!!!!!
- I fell asleep for a couple hours due to a 4 day headache.
- Gas didn’t go up!
- I didn't have to cook everything myself. Daughter made dessert and her boyfriend made a big pot of mashed potatoes
- I was pleasantly surprised to find no dents in the metal, only scrapes on the bumper after my mom backed into my 12 day old new car TWICE as she was trying to leave. Silver linings? I felt like I had knives in my stomach, but I couldn’t be mad at her. The woman has done EVERYTHING for me.
- I was pleasantly surprised over thanksgiving when my 9 year old daughter FINALLY tried turkey for the first time. It was dipped in bbq sauce but still..haha
- I was pleasantly surprised when my step mom’s house which is always too small and we all have to stand around because there’s not enough room around the table she had actually cleared all of the furniture out of her living room and had set up for long white tables so everyone had a place to set it was really nice because after dinner we also all sat around and played cards against humanity
- I was pleasantly surprised when my one sister-in-law was nice to me instead of mean and actually had a nice conversation with me.
- When I woke up on Thanksgiving morning and saw the beautiful scene out my window (Snowy snow snow snow)
- My hubby and I found out I was pregnant
- I was pleasantly surprised on Thanksgiving when, my husband and I were able to attend and see all our families together. It was a big gathering and so good to see everyone together. The food was delicious and we were so full at the end of the night. Truly grateful for my big family!
- #tqotd I was pleasantly surprised when an employee didn't show for her shift and my family came to help me take care of the 30 animals we had at the kennel
- I was surprised when someone payed my $70 food bill at Trader Joe's
- I was pleasantly surprised over thanksgiving when after three days our power was turned back on after the huge wind storm Wednesday. I was starting to wonder as a millennial if I would be able to survive still in a world without electricity/ luxury like I did in my childhood and my parents did before me when storms were bad etc. Well after 3 days. No Electric. No Running Water. No Automatic Heat. With my 3 month old, 6 year old, and husband. Only thing in the house that worked was the corded land line. We survived “roughing” it and ever so thankful. How many now a days can say they could do the same?
- I was pleasantly surprised over Thanksgiving when we had enough food to feed all of the people who weren't invited. My aunt brought her new boyfriend, his 4 children, his parents, and 2 of his cousins without saying anything about it. #Really? #FamilyOfFreeloaders
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