If One Of Your Christmas Presents To Your Partner Had To Be Something That They Are Lacking, What Would You Be Giving Them? – #TQOTD
It's time to get your spouse a gift that they have been lacking. We are talking about something like common sense, being good at balloon animals, etc. So, go nuts and throw that spouse under the bus!
If one of your Christmas presents to your partner HAD to be something that they are lacking. What would you be giving them?
- Romance! I love my husband but he doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body.
- To be more spontaneous. Not everything has to be planned out. And to not get all bent out of shape when things don't go exactly as planned. To just go with the flow
- To clean out the damn sink, before he starts washing dishes and rinsing CLEAN ones Buuuuuut... if thats all i have to be really frustrated by, i feel pretty lucky!
- Hair. He used to have TONS of glorious ginger-ish hair. I've seen old pictures. Now, he has what is comparable to what I called funky science teacher hair. I'd love my fella either way though. I just think he'd like to have more hair to keep his head warm in the winter.
- A new back! My husband is only 26 and has just started getting injections for pain due to a herniated disc in his back.
- Self worth. He's wonderful. He just doesn't always see it in himself.
- To be able to show compassion and love
- Independence...I have to make all of his doctor appointments for him and take his Jeep in for service are just two of many examples.
- The ability to see when they are wrong
- Pancreas! He could use a new one.
- Sleep. My husband needs some sleep like crazy!
- Forgiveness and confidence.
- Me! I don't have a significant other at the moment
- A job...been nagging about them finding one for months
- What about take away anxiety? That would be what I would do if I could.
- Fresh pair of socks everyday
- Peacefulness
- More free time for himself
- How to text back
- Existence
- Pain free days
- Honesty, common sense, the ability to see how he hurts people with his choices.
- Romance
- Patience
- Hair
- Affection, I wish he was more affectionate. Would it kill him to kiss me and tell me he loves me without balloon animals?
- Good Health. My life partner of 25 years has some serious health issues, this past year, all he is lacking is good health. I listen to your show every morning on my way to the hospital., and on the app once there. Thank you Connie and Fish for putting a smile on my face and making me laugh. It helps me get through the day. ❤❤
- A personal assistant
- A FRICKEN CHILL PILL! Dude needs to relax. Some spontaneity wouldn't kill him either...
- Common sense and honesty are a tie for me that would be the gift I would give to him he is no longer my partner by the way
- TQOTD. I'd give my husband patients, ownership, & admission. I love him, really I do, but own and admit when you are wrong and for crying out loud Have a smidge of patients please, just a teaspoonful lol
- I'm with you there, Steve! Patience.
- I don’t have a boyfriend but I wish people would listen to me
- I would wish that Jeff had a sensitivity chip.
- My significant other is lacking me....I'm single
- TQOTD. If he could learn to declutter that would be FABULOUS. He keeps old, tattered shirts and buys tons of junk at thrift stores, yard sales...
- #tqotd I wish HEATHER would be better at making me a sandwich and rubbing my feet #hamburger #internsteve
- TQOTD: 2 things I would give my man are his own place to live-split from his ex in October, and he is with friends until he can save for a security deposit-and his mother back because she passed away the Tuesday before Thanksgiving this year.
- TQOTD - I want to give my husband the ability to just hang. My family likes to sit around and just have a drink and talk, but he does not. I'd give him a shot of extrovertness, for a stocking stuffer!
- I would give him the gift of Tactfulness..... He would give me the gift of organizational skills..
- I would give my partner existence, since he doesn't exist
- I would have to give my husband finance sense/ lessons. It is feast or famine living with him!
- My husband is lacking COMMON SENSE! I would get him a slay full of common sense! Our 3 yr old kept getting into the fridge and getting ketchup. Okay? Normal right? My husband went and bought an eye hook and attempted to DRILL IT INTO THE FRIDGE!! To "lock" him out of it! NOOOOOOO!!!!! I cried with anger and fear for our future!
- I would give my husband better interpersonal communication skills. He needs the ability to be able to argue/debate to resolve an argument or disagreement with me.
- I would give them the gift of presence I still can’t find them
- If I had the ability to give my husband something he was lacking for Christmas, I would have to say it would be the ability to give gifts! Been together for almost 30 years. Can’t tell you how many Christmases I didn’t have anything under the tree, just because he didn’t know what I wanted! Anniversaries birthdays it’s all the same!
- I'd give my partner a divorce
- Question of the day… Some STONES. He can be such a WUSS WUSS DUMB FACE Oops did I say that
- OK, OK. I just wish he'd have the guts to come out and say what he's thinking and do what he's thinking.He will complain to me but yet he won't do what he's complaining about because it just doesn't have the guts. Is it better fishy?
- Well ain't this TQOTD loaded af. Id give my husband real feelings here could use when talking to me
- I would give my partner a sex drive and some freaking energy
- I would give my husband a bigger drive for fun time in the bedroom. I have a huge drive and he does not we can go MONTHS without making balloon animals
- TQOTD: I think if I had to give my partner one gift he was lacking, it'd either be Viagra for his only sometimes "at attention" eggplant or maybe a bottle of vodka and a shot glass so he loosens up when he's around my family. He is always very nervous around my Mom because he doesn't believe she can handle her son being married to another man.
- I would give my spouse the gift of a bigger penis both in girth and length. He knows what he's doing with what he has, but I can just imagine how good it would be if it were a little bigger.
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