It's time to throw your employer under the bus and tell us what you wish would change about your job.

If I could change anything about my current job it would be …

  • If I could change anything about my current job it would be...that I have to actually show up for it?
  • I'm with you on that one Malissa! It would be nice to work from home and just finish when the job is done...I'm so much more productive without all the interruptions here.
  • my paycheck! gimmie more, baby!!
  • Have my job be closer to where I live! Job market in my area is very minimal & lower paying.
  • Just wish I were closer to home!
  • I would love my job if it were better staffed.
  • My pay!
  • I'd like n othing more than to get paid for my "job" as a stay at home mom to our 5 children.
  • ...that I got paid at least $2 more.
  • I'd have a new one.
  • That I only had to work 4 days a week. Seriously, I may even consider working 10 hours a day if it meant a three day weekend.
  • I need to just find a REAL Full-time job!!!!!!! I'd be very happy with that!!
  • Having to work drill weekends...I love my military career but just not the additional weekends...Happy Birthday America
  • the hours / pay / location -- would love to work much less for much more and do it all from home in my pj's
  • working days, not PMs
  • Nothing, I love being a Pro Gambler. Next stop, HARRAH'S NO!!! Yeaaaa T - 32 hours My page is open get on an follow the Pix's, this is going to be fun.
  • That I would get the biggest pay raise in history because I deserve it lol and I havent had one in the year in a half that I have been here
  • optional.
  • I would have a job!
  • a pay raise or a new title and job status!
  • 4 day work week and an office of my own
  • Sell it. and we did !!
  • Id change everything about my current job.
  • I'd be able to get paid without actually showing up to work haha
  • the hard work it takes to do it!
  • I would just love to change jobs
  • Get the A/C fixed in my Diesel oven
  • get a new one
  • I love my job. Pays the bills keeps me in shape, and work with ppl that drink and party as much as i do.
  • It's July and the building at work still hasn't thawed out from winter. It's 62 freezing degrees in here I wish it would get warm in the building winter and summer!
  • You all complain about work come on... I have just short of 1400 hours this year so far, I love it now let's go party!!!!
  • some of my co-workers
  • payrate
  • TQOTD: That I can do it from my actual work place. Tired of doing it from home.
  • For everyone to wear a mask when shopping at the retail store I work at. Its not difficult people! If we can do it for 8 hours you can do it for one.
  • That I didn't have one. I'm a Children’s Protective Services investigator.
  • I wish we could at least not have to wear our ppe (personal protection equipment) and it was air conditioned its a big factory but still...or at least had more fans
  • To not feel like I can’t take a vacation without my boss calling me about everything!
  • Air conditioning. No air in a metal building
  • That customers will stop bitching about the limited menu and actually tip!
  • Get paid out for unused sick time. I've got over 700 hours and it just rolls over every year....
  • To have a job would be awesome...Covid took my career job job hunting..not fun
  • Lol I'd be a stay @home mom of cats ....cause u can leave them for a few days and they are fine..... Not so much with 3 boys #momlife
  • I would just like to work. I’m a substitute teacher and I miss it.
  • That I could bring my dog to work with me. And a cookie dough dispenser would be great!
  • Less paperwork (I’m a social worker)
  • All of the complaining, it gets so annoying
  • Not much. Great job!
  • SWB: The heat of the a roofer and its brutal!
  • BIP: Work 4 days a week and have a 3 day weekend
  • I would have started long ago! I love my job and the people I work with.
  • That it paid more.
  • Better pay.Stay at home mom's don't make much income..
  • The hours and heat
  • Give us more time OFF. We work our asses off and the time off is sad compared to most jobs I have had in the last 20 years (no exaggeration).
  • The whole blasted thing.
  • Management
  • better pay
  • Management...
  • Having one
  • My pay I wish I got some hazard pay for all the extra I'm doing during covid. #healthCare
  • To work from home forever!!! Not just when there is a pandemic.
  • TQOTD...if I could change one thing right now about my job it would be to have a low key boss that didn’t spazz over every decision I make. Oh. My. God. Stop being so anal and picky. You give me anxiety and thankfully it comes with a paycheck!!!!!!
  • What do I hate most? Well my husband is my boss, and I’ve been at work since 2am with him because he’s the boss and said so. Lol
  • I would not be there at all. Thats what i would change. I'm going to school to become a Medical Assistant
  • Being able to listen to music for whatever reason amazon won't let you do so and i find that silly
  • I would KEEP my job. I work at a horse barn that is closing it's doors in a few weeks
  • would be the shift. Third shift blows, but that's it. I like my job other than that.
  • TQOTD: That the person who works after me and has been here longer than me would do the job correctly so when I come in I don't have to look everything over before I even start my day. Would love to come in and know everything is set and I can just start my day.
  • I would like air conditioning on every school bus because it gets hotter than heck on the bus! Now we will have to wear a mask?! Maybe it's time to get a different job. I will be soooo hot!
  • TQOTD: That the person who works after me and has been here longer than me would do the job correctly so when I come in I don't have to look everything over before I even start my day. Would love to come in and know everything is set and I can just start my day.
  • TQOTD. Aside from pay, I'd like to be able to afford part time. That's what I'm currently working due to COVID and I love the extra time with my family.
  • The management
  • TQOTD- I'd change it to where we don't allow anyone in thats going to be a jerk to us
  • If I could change one thing about my job it would to make they same amount of money just working less days! By Wednesday I hit 40 hours for the week, so Thurs, Fri and Sat are all overtime for me. Not gonna complain though seeing I make damn good money!! I love the company I work for!!
  • I would change my pay. I'm a dedicated and hard working employee, but at the end of each week seeing my paycheck makes me frustrated. Makes it almost impossible to live alone and afford even just necessities.
  • I would make my job all climate controlled, half of our plant is a bakery and with the weather this week in some spots it was 114 degrees
  • TQOTD: I would change some of the leadership, really the lack thereof. Leadership can heavily impact how employees feel about going to work every day and impacts employee engagement. It’s disheartening because it’s actually a good company, just some bad leadership.
  • PARKING!!!! We have to park just under a MILE away from our office and can walk or take the bus if we don't want to pay to park in the ramp. The morning walk is nice but at 5:00 it's a pain when you just want to get home
  • QOTD: If college can count as a job, then the obvious change I'd wanna make is the cost to go. If my hobby of drawing counted as a job, then I'd like a more comfortable desk chair to sit in.
  • Have a/c everywhere in the shop (factory) and no petty, gossipy, nosey people but that will never happen haha so I just shake it off! love you guys!!! Happy weekend!
  • The one thing I would change about my job is getting rid of one specific crappy coworker. She’s awful. Constantly complaining, always late. Ugh!
  • Less BM’s and more PM’s!!!

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