If You Could Learn The Answer To One Question About Your Future… What Would It Be? – #TQOTD
The future is a common thing to worry about, but what if you could know something from the future? What would it be? Everyone on the show wanted to know something about their future, and that's why we came up with today's #TQOTD.
If you could learn the answer to one question about your future… what would it be?
- What will my lifestyle be? Rich? Middle class? Or poor? This college better be worth it
- Will I become a virgin again? Lol. Lack of sex.
- I would like to know what I would be remembered for!
- #TQOTD I'd like to know if the business my husband is opening next year is going to succeed or tank.
- #TQOTD - How long am I going to live. I don't want to know how I'm going to die. I just want to know if I should spend the next year on vacation/having a great time or if I have lots of years ahead of me.
- #tqotd - the question I would like to know the answer to in the future is ... Will I no longer be struggling to make ends meet and be truly happy???? Duh duh duhhhhh lol
- Will I ever get married/have a lasting relationship???? Because if not, I'm gonna stop trying and just play the field!!! HAMBURGER!!!!
- I would ask whether or not I needed brain surgery for my cavernous hemangioma.
- Getting married in August, does my birth control work?
- Am I happy?
- Question of the day. I would like to know if my children grow up to be successful in life...
- I would want to know if I will ever be ahead on all my bills and stop struggling.
- Will I be happy in the future?
- Will I ever find someone who will truly love me for me
- Well I'm 13 weeks pregnant so it's not that far into the future but if I could know the sex of my baby now that would be awesome.
- When will I drop a deuce?
- #TQOTD I would like to know if I will ever have kids!
- The one question I want to be answered is who will I marry. This is probably only accurate right now because I just started a new relationship and I'm head over heels for this guy :)
- Will I ever have a child of my own? About two years ago now I was told I have PCOS. The doctor told me I had no chance to get pregnant on my own without medical help. I know many women who have gotten pregnant with pc is but it would just be nice to know if I'm getting my hopes up or not.
- I would like to know if I’m happy with where I ended up. Money, location, fame; none of that matters as long as I’m content with who I’ve become. It probably would be when I get happiness for my whole family
- Would be to find out when that Genie is going to come out of the bottle so I get my three wishes but seriously it probably would be when I get happiness for my whole family
- QOTD...I think I would want to know if I will ever live without my husband... and not because I want to but because we have both discussed together that we had to go together because neither one of us couldn't make it without the other. Even after 24 years together
- I wish I knew if my past would ever go away in the future, and allow me to be successful and happy.
- I'd ask if I was ever going to get ahead financially. If the answer is no, I'm done being responsible!
- My 2-year-old son was born with a severe brain bleed. I want to know if he's going to be okay and what he'll be like as an adult.
- TQOTD: I want to know the day I'll die so I can get a stupidly high loan a year before and travel around the world
- For my future, I would like to know which one of my boyfriends is going to step up and take me on vacation with Connie and Fish
- I'm with Connie! I wouldn't want to know when anyone would die, but rather I'd want to know if I would successfully graduate college!
- I would want to know if I fall in love again with my life partner...
- I wish I would know if my marriage is going to make it or to not waste any more time and throw in the towel
- Tqotd-if I could know the answers to the future one would be if I will be okay and happy after recently being dumped
- My name is Brianna and I would want to know if what I'm going to graduate school for is what I'm destined to do with my life.
- Will my ex-girlfriend will die a painful death ????? Lol
- TQOTD will I hook up with Jennifer Aniston? Lol
- I would really like to know what I will be doing job wise...not happy with where I'm at, and getting a new job is stressful - even within the same company. Dream job: working with Connie and Fish 😆
- What will I regret the most? That way I can try to change it
- #TQOTD will I ever not have to live paycheck to paycheck.
- If I could learn one thing about my future it would be when we're going to be debt-free. We're working on it now but it feels like it's going to take forever
- Who will I happily marry?
- I would like to know the day I'd die, so I can live my life to the fullest.
- Text question; Will I get to walk my daughter down the wedding aisle?
- #TQTD- Will my husband and I be financially stable...EVER???
- Will my wife EVER be happy?
- I'd love to know if I'll EVER pay off my student loan
- My question would be am I ever going to be able to retire??? Because right now I don't see that ever happening!
- I want to know if I should leave my job and if by doing so if I'll be more financially secure.
- Do I go out of state for school and if so was it a good choice. I'm looking at schools out of state at the moment and struggling
- Will I be a good stepmom?
- I would want to know when I will find my one person. I'm only 22, but I feel like I should have found someone I want to be with my now and I just crave that domestic life.
- Wanna know if I keep up with buying scratch offs and playing the lotto will I ever hit big!?
- Something I’d like to know about my future is knowing what idiot I’m going to marry.
- How awesome will my birthday be this weekend this I think my wife is planning something but I'm not sure today is my birthday and I'm working blah but hopefully, this weekend's going to be glorious
- When My wedding date is …. And if I will get my period on my honeymoon
- I'd like to know if the new lesbian relationship I just entered a few months ago will be the one... And, Steve should have extra sets of teeth made, for future breaks. 😘
- Will I ever pay off my student loans?! :P
- What actions or decisions (from today to the day I die) should I have done differently to live my best life?
- What should I do for a living?
- Will I be happy staying married to my husband or happier divorcing?
- Will I be alone?
- I would want to know if I'm gonna win the lottery or not. Because if I'm not I can stop wasting my moolah😉
- I'd like to know what my greatest accomplishment will be.
- When the heck am I getting engaged? My boyfriend needs to get his stuff together
- Fish in answer to your question last week yes I'm single and nothing is wrong with my tongue. 😂 For the question today I would like to know how my health is going to hold up. I'm at stage 3B kidney disease and I've had breast cancer so I'd like to know how I'll be
- I don't want to really know anything about too far in my future I just want to know that when I leave on my 10-day road trip out west with my husband, with no kids, that we'll both make it home alive and we won't kill each other along the way.