If You Could Redo School What New Career Would You Choose? – #TQOTD
Let's rethink those career choices that we made. If we could take it all back and get new jobs, what would they be?
If you could go back to school … what would your NEW career choice be?
- My new career would be in Hedge Funds, cause let me tell you Connie and Fish those off shore accountants and stock market specialists are living it up well just by understanding and utilizing a system very little people including myself know about.
- TQOTD. I would be a surgical nurse or a geneticist. I could kick myself for getting my stupid degree **kicks rocks**
- If I could go back to school I'd be a conservation officer or a forest ranger
- I'm 33 and I actually just started college last week I'm going for my nursing degree it's always been a dream of mine but I Procrastinate
- Yes Fish! I was laid off from my previous teaching position. I debated about finding another position so I had criteria. I wanted a Physical education position in a k-12 building. Nailed it! It's literally camp/practice EVERY DAY ... and I'm paid! My darling little kiddos already call me coach. #socute
- I went back to school to go from teacher to principal. Now I’m a principal and I wish I had taken more classes in managing public health!!
- I would finish my psychology degree and go into social work. That was my plan until life, a husband and kids happened
- I would have taken photography classes. I also wish I would have gone to school to be a sign language interpreter.
- I would go back and finish my criminal justice career to be a probation officer, or go to be a social worker.
- A photographer for National Geographic or a Wildlife Rehabilitator
- Well I always thought working at a trauma center would be something I would love....but Pole Dancing sounds pretty fun too!
- Physician’s Assistant or Nurse Practitioner, something in the medical field.
- I would go back and become a Dermatologist. So I can look young for the rest of my life.
- Forensic scientist or detective. ♀️
- I love what I do now (Social Work), I just wish I got my bachelor's degree in it instead of just my masters
- Counselor who specializes in co-parenting and blended families.
- LOL I wouldn't go back. Pure hell the first time.
- I am going back to school to drive semi
- I would design prosthetics. Badass prosthetics.
- I would take computers more seriously then In the 90s
- Audiologist or speech pathologist!
- If I knew that I'd be in school
- Graphic designer.
- Human Resources or pastry chef.
- Architect and design
- I'll be going back for brewing craft beer. I just wish it was free lol.
- Meteorologist or investigator/detective.
- Autopsy technician
- Criminal profiling.
- Totally a surgical dermatologist.. I love pimple popping and watching it on YouTube: Dr Sandra Lee aka drpimplepopper
- I would finishing my Teaching degree
- Crime or chef
- Surgeon!
- FBI profiler
- culinary
- Chef
- Psychology
- Coding
- Criminology
- Teacher
- Vet
- Coroner
- Accounting
- I went to college to be a CPA, and that is what I do and I love it. But if I could go back, I'd either want a degree in culinary arts (specifically baking) or maybe how to be a trophy wife - LOL!
- I majored in psychology and received a teaching degree. I do not use either one of those. So, I would say anything in fitness. I love being active.
- Hmmmm.... if I was to rewind time and start over I would have found a way to go to nursing school or become a dental hygienist. If I were to go back to school in current time I would find something I could do from home. I have kiddos who still need me
- Event Planner. I have the experience, would be nice to have the paper to back it up.
- Meteorology...back in the day I wanted to be a nurse but as I get older I enjoy the outdoors more and weather
- Archaeologists or paleontologist (astrologist is another field of interest)
- Wildlife conservation
- Nurse
- Sports Psychology and personal training!!
- I would get my BA in Fine Arts.
- I would have done more with my skills and id be making awesome money by now and be on tv n movies I would have been the best general entertainer ever
- I returned to school when I was 26. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to go for but I found my passion in the sciences. Six years later, a cross country move to MIchigan, and a baby... I am going to graduate this December with a double major in cell molecular biology and biochemistry from GVSU. I plan to work studying infectious diseases prevention and control through vaccine development , what a perfect time to be graduating!! I never thought I would accomplish this! Big shout out to my husband Ben for supporting me all the way!
- #TQOTD If I could go back to school I would become a juvenile probation officer. Ive always attracted the people who struggle with substance, and I have a great relationship with most teens. I'll settle with being a school bud Driver. Lol
- If I went back to school it would be for culinary. That is what I've always thought I would do because I love baking and cooking. But after high school I was so done with school I didnt want to go to another. I do regret not taking the offer from my in-laws that said they would pay for me to go to culinary if my wife and I moved back to the east coast, but I had my reasons for not taking at that time!!! Oh well, maybe one day!!
- If I could go back to school I would go back to be a lawyer. I’d love to represent those that have been wronged and couldn’t afford a lawyer. Stick it to all the jagoffs who take advantage of people - especially those less fortunate.
- I already decided to go back to school. I’m 42 and a year from graduating with a controls engineering degree
- If I could go back to school... I’d be a stay at home mom. I’m a dude with no kids
- Goat Farmer
- A stripper hahahahaah. Just kidding, I'm never switching my sports marketing major :)
- Gold digger
- I would go back to be a surgeon, always wanted to be one but things didn't work out so became a landscaper but jokes on the surgeons bc while they at work I get to watch there hot wives sunbathe lol
- TQOTD-I want to go back to school for massage therapy. Second times a charm?? Lol
- A therapist in a prison
- I've actually stuck with accounting since I was 15I can't really imagine doing anything else but architectural drafting was my backup
- I have a degree in culinary arts... DONT DO IT. Lol
- I just went back to learn how to wax coochies
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