If You Could Start Any Type Of Business What Would It Be? – #TQOTD
I love to day dream and think about what I would do if I won the lotto. I think that’s normal for most people. If I had Jeff Bezos money I am sure I would start a business flipping houses. Thought it would be fun to hear from you guys with answers and there are some really great ideas here. Check it out:
If you could start any type of business (money is not an obstacle) what would it be? Why?
- A machine shop! It has and always will be a dream of mine to have my own CNC machining business. I have been in this trade for about 26 years and this would be amazing.
- A daycare that didn't charge parents an arm and a leg, was safe and helped kids learn to socialize with others
- My own custom vinyl business!!! I have a very small business now but would LOVE to do it full time!
- Old fashion cafe, arcade and roller skate rink
- An adult toy store and education center.
- I’d start a NASCAR team.
- Organizing business
- Snacks. It’s all about snacks. Every. Single. Kind. Of. Snack.
- A place for patients to get mental health/suicide prevention help. But not a hospital atmosphere, more like really nice apts with gorgeous views.
- Already did. Car dealership. Best move I ever made
- A bakery Trailer so my hubby & I can travel & see the country once our kids get out of school. We just take our business with us.
- An assisted living where out elderly get there care & respect they deserve!
- A proper tea shop (serving afternoon tea) and international gift shop.
- Coffee and soft serve ice cream ... small shack drive thru and in the summer walk up window with outdoor seating.
- Ok so my business would be the absolute greatest one ever, a bulldog safe haven. So called BULLIES R US and have room for people's bulldogs to stay while they are gone or a place for ones that have no home. And volunteers could come and get free kisses and fun times
- A high-end Wine and Craft Beer place with small plate appetizers. Good beverages and conversation!!
- A fresh food pantry that offers hot meals..healthy food..free of charge for anyone that needs it
- Power washing! Instant gratification
- As a special needs mom battling the system for my twin girls, I'd start a place where children with disabilities and/or special needs could get any equipment/ mobility aids without having to "jump" insurance hurdles/ copays/ denials to get what they need to thrive
- An interior design business with a home decor boutique as well. I went to college to get a degree in business to own my own company and it hasn’t happened yet.
- My business would be called GF Only... gluten free foods ONLY!
- Bookstore/lending library/coffee/community center.
- A mom and pop type of little bakery because I love to bake where I could also display and sell my art as well as other
- I would start a Residential Center for adults with autism. As a parent of a 22 yr old daughter with autism I worry almost daily of where she'll go after I'm gone.
- I would sell edibles on the medicinal side of things. Which means low DOSAGE
- Soups to go. It amazes me what people will pay for just a little bit of food nowadays
- To teach women about ppd and get the resources and help they need. Also to help moms with nothing to get what they need.
- I want to start a Vintage Car Driving School, to teach kids the joy and skill of driving stick shifts. I’ve done this with my sons, nephews and college friend’s kids, and it is a blast!
- A wedding reception hall because ppl who get married are stupid and will pay a ridiculous amount of money for a 5-hour party at a reception hall.
- Laundromat with restaurant while your waiting for you clothes you can grab a bite to eat with a cocktail if you want
- A gigantic animal rescue in the country with an adjacent living center for unwanted children and seniors. Everyone would pitch in taking care of the animals and each other.
- Either a senior center, or a daycare. A combo would be so fun! There aren’t enough of either!
- I have two: An animal rescue/animal boarding/elder animal hospice care/animal therapy facility with lots of land. A full-time art studio, with extra space where fellow artists can also utilize the space, have exhibits, special events, classes, etc
- I always wanted to start a baking school for young kids that also teaches how to business mang.so they can run their own business without being scammed. Also a job just visiting elderly for like an hr or two ( just listen to them talk ) I love listening to the elderly tell stories or a senior center with a shuttle bus so they don't have to drive .So many elderly have little to no family or they don't have time for them .They could do sports, crafts, Bible study, games, cooking area, swimming pool ....
- An age out home for kids coming out of foster care. A lot of kids have no where to go. I would teach them how to get jobs, pay bills, get loans, collage classes and right down to basic skills. I was lucky. I had somewhere to go. But I think about all the kids I was held with waiting for foster families. Where are they? Hoping they got a fair shake
- A bakery and candy shop- following my Grammies family recipes
- Travel writer
- After this weekend an emergency vet clinic. People were driving 2-6 hours in EMERGENCIES because there’s only one in Michigan!
- A volunteer program for the less fortunate, a soup kitchen per se but less soupy!
- For me: I'd love to have a shelter just for hospice dogs. For my husband: I wish I could buy him a food truck or a little spot somewhere he could serve people his food. He's a great cook and it's his passion. I wish I could afford that for him and support his passion.
- An animal shelter or a children's home where animals and kids would be totally loved until they found their forever home. (If I didn't take them all home first. Yes both the animals and kids)
- Same business I have now. Bulk wholesale meat.
- Rescue/sanctuary for senior dogs who are overlooked at shelters
- Bridal store
- Redneck Nick here... I'd be starting my own charter fishing service on Lake Michigan and Michigan's inland rivers for salmon and steelhead and I actually am! Should be up and running full swing by April at the latest.
- Selling gentle used clothes for adults. Also a acreage for dogs and cats in need.
- A no kill rescue for senior dogs. They have a huge place in my heart especially the giant breeds.
- Bakery or house flipping
- I wouldn't start a business, per se, but I would buy a house on 12 acres in the country, and be a last hope animal rescue. Any dog or cat that cannot find a home can come live with me!
- A child care with a preschool program. It has always been a dream of mine.
- Ice cream shop
- I’d want a wedding venue!
- A bakery they also sells crafts and artwork because I love baking and creating things.
- Event planning
- Antique shop
- Cooking freezer meals for people
- A doggy daycare and a rescue. Dogs no other reason. They bring me joy, and so many need good homes.
- I would quit my corporate job and turn my home baking business into a storefront.
- Id open a store for people with sensory disorders. A place that carries hard to obtain legitimate products for people on the spectrum.
- A coffee shop that has a book store attached.
- An animal sanctuary! I hate seeing dogs and cats at an animal shelter.
- cat rescue
- A center for people directly impacted by senseless violence.
- Healing center for anyone who has been abused physically, mentally and sexually.
- If I could start any business I would start a house flipping business. I want to find distressed homes and flip them so that the first time home buyer could actually afford them. An actually that's what om trying to do now. An the best part is that I technically don't need any of my own money to do it! So hopefully I can get it rolling here soon!
- Short and fat store!
- A Bed and Breakfast, preferably on the lakeshore
- Daycare/preschool for economically disadvantaged
- Counselor
- Homeless shelter
- Bed & breakfast
- A fitness center geared toward very heavy people.
- I’ve started a podcast. It would be awesome to make this full time, but that’s a dream at this point.
- I would start a wedding business. I'm an ordained minister and I have been officiating weddings for several years and I love it. I'd love to do it full time.
- A no kill animal sanctuary
- Ceramics classes
- pneumatic cars
- An event hall
- Employment coach
- Art. I would love to have the money to afford the tools and materials to only do art for the rest of my life. As well as plants and possibly herbs/teas.
- Making tshirts!!! I've wanted to do it for years!
- An old folks home for animals
- I would open a pet friendly bed and breakfast.
- Art gallery
- Wildlife rehab
- A bowling alley with an event hall
- Horse boarding and training facility. Horses are my passion.
- Craft store. There aren’t any close by anymore.
- A dog boutique that only sells a American made food, treats, and accessories
- Bridal shop
- A service to do shopping for the elderly people and make sure the groceries, or whatever is needed, is delivered to their doorstep without them having to worry or stress about it.
- Greenhouse
- Train my dad was into trains all of his life
- I’d love to buy homes for homeless veterans to help them get on their feet.
- A high-end Wine and Craft Beer place with small plate appetizers. Good beverages and conversation!!
- A 24 hour vet service that doesn’t charge crazy prices because your animal gets sick after 5pm. We would also work on TNR, help rescues in the area with vet assistance, provide reduced fees for lower income clientele, and educate people on animal care/welfare. Help all the animals!
- 24 hour bookstore/cafe! For those nights where you finish a book at like 1am and just NEED the next one!
- Laser tag arena (a big one with multiple levels and areas suitable for each type of weapon) with a variety of weapons (dual wield pistols, smg, rifle with full or semi auto fire modes, shotgun, sniper rifle) instead of a boring generic thing that every laser tag arena has these days. Oh, and Halo style "overshields" as health and being forced to return to a base to "heal/restore shields" if that reaches 0.
- A special needs photography business. As a photographer as well as someone who has worked with special needs children and adults most of my working career, I've heard and noticed it's extremely hard to find a photographer who understands your needs and I'd love to change that!
- A sam's club type wedding store. Where you can get everything to plan your wedding under one roof.
- If I could own any business, it would be a cute bakery dedicated to delicious treats made with cannabis. I would call it The Baked Baker
- A housing development for the homeless. We take care of their rent for the first year and help them get a job and get their lives turned around. And rent would be reasonable to ensure they don't fall back on hard times
- Well, with my last name being Bates, I really wanted to open a motel.
- Build A Bra. People could choose the cup size, band size and straps. It'd be so nice to actually have bras that fit.
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