If You Suddenly Had To Start A New Career What Would You Do? – #TQOTD
For today's #TQOTD, you can either follow your dreams or be pragmatic about it. If you had to start a new career, what would you do?
If you suddenly had to start a new career tomorrow … what would you do? Why?
- I'd be a dentist
- For my job, I would take care of fish's horse at the bar
- My new career would be opening a Dessert Truck or a dessert store front. I LOVE Baking and creating new desserts. I would make cinnamon rolls, breads like Banana, Zucchini, etc., desserts for parties (like trifles, cookies bars, etc.), and my Oreo Chocolate Cake creation.
- If I had to start a new career tomorrow, I would want to be an interior designer. I think that it is important to love the space you live in and to make a space beautiful for people to come home to would be an amazing feeling.
- I would like to be an interior decorator/designer. I am very crafty and love to decorate. And I also love to shop and I’ve actually had people help me shop for them
- TQOTD.. My dream job.. Photojournalist for National Geographic. Maybe one day. My kids are growing quickly and we will be empty nesters in 10 years or so.
- I’m currently an RN, and it’s pretty much my dream job. I love helping patients get back to living their lives after a traumatic event.
- A nurse is all I’ve ever really wanted to be, but if I wanted to switch specialties I’d like to work Labor and Delivery or be a Lactation Consultant. I love squishy babies
- Too many! Start a dog rescue, be a Disney vacation planner, own my own bakery, or photography. Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it.
- Crime scene investigator, I have always been intrigued with the show and got my degree in the criminal justice field. I am currently working as a store security officer, but would love become part of MSPs crime scene investigation force. Because of this I love watching the ID channel. (My husband thinks I am coming up with ways to get rid of him. )
- Photography because it’s what I actually went to school for. Lol 10 years ago I had big dreams of being a big name photographer. I still do side work in it, but I would have never pictured myself as a Virtual Banking Assistant. But here I am. And I actually love working at a bank!
- A legal pot dealer i get to stay home and munch all day and collect money with no worries
- I'd love to go back to teaching, its my passion. I detoured years ago and ended up doing medical coding (quicker money and less school time than going back to teaching) as a single Mom. It was the right choice for my situation but I miss interacting with the students every day.
- That’s a great question. I am retiring/being let go after 37 1/2 years. I really wanted another year but...I have no idea what I want to do. I’ve worked my whole life for insurance for my kids and now my husband. I have faith in the man above that he will point me in the right direction. Until then I am going to enjoy my summer off!!
- Either a psychiatrist or a meteorologist, not here though … I would move to the central plains.
- Equine Therapeutic Riding for physically and mentally handicapped people of all ages. Veterans with PTSD as well. I have volunteered for a place like this already and there is a need for it. It is amazing to see what this type of therapy can do for people of various physical and mental challenges. It is rewarding for me as well and I could be with horses all of the time. That's all I want to do ❤ Help people and help me.
- Drill sergeant...running this sh**show for 18 years I’m pretty confident I could command some troops
- I went from working as an early childhood teacher to an account support specialist for insurance health benefits.
- Be an office manager because it’s Monday through Friday. Anything Monday through Friday.
- I’m legit starting a new career as an elementary special education parapro this week. I left an office job of almost 16 years for it.
- Hmmm, I currently have a BA in Psychology with a teaching degree but clean houses. If I could do things differently, I would do anything in fitness. I love to exercise.
- I would raise Camels. I cannot think of anything that would make me happier. I already have a career that is very fulfilling but Camels are awesome. Dream job!
- Travel agent! I want to travel and help other people with their travel adventures!
- If I am to change careers it going to be for the last time and for my dream! I will finally have my Bed and Breakfast! Overlooking a lake
- Personal trainer, I'm good at it, certified (but it's expired), and I'd love to do it as a career. ️♀️
- Well.. I love my job (Transportation aide for a preschool program- not the driver, just a helper on the bus). But I think I would go back to school and be an early childhood educator.
- Lawyer. I can argue anything like you wouldn't believe and am really good at it. I can put my own personal feelings on a topic 100% aside and tear you a new one. If only I wasnt the age I am, I would totally go to school for it.
- Paramedic. I love adrenaline rushes and helping people!
- Is drug dealer a career? Asking for a friend . After watching Drugs Inc, a hearing a guy say he made 3 million last year, is making me consider a career change.
- A book reviewer. I love to read. This would be the ultimate job!
- FBI or Private Investigator...because I'm damn good at it! ❤
- Open and successfully run an ocean side cafe
- I would love to go on tour with a cool band and be their roadie. Would get to travel the world and listen to awesome music.
- Police officer or something in law. The reason why is my mom worked for a mens prison in Virginia and I always looked up to her! I even went out and got an associates degree in criminal justice at 40 years old...my momma was and always will be my female hero!
- I know it is late but I would be a children’s book illustrator!
- only to find mold and other issues afterwards.
- Event planning, because I should have done it to begin with!
- Become an endodontist (Root Canal specialist). I had two root canals done in 40 mins and it was $7,400!
- Can’t think of anything I‘d rather be that what I already am...a nurse.
- I’d be a special education teacher. ❤️ People with special needs (especially kiddos) have a huge place in my heart, and I’d love to help enrich their lives.
- I would be a travel blogger. Travel the world and write about the adventures.
- Preschool teacher and/or professional photographer for National Geographic
- I’d be a millionaire because I like money
- Definitely would be starting a rescue for senior animals to live out their final days in comfort and loved! ♡
- Travel photographer. I could travel the world and take amazing photos to share with the ones that can’t be there with me.
- I'd work in a horse barn. And find a way to show people that I can teach people how to ride correctly. I've had horses my hole life.
- Either own a bed and breakfast or be a mortician.
- Anything but customer service
- Goat Yoga Instructor. Do I need a why?
- Event Planner - Vendor Events and Food Events - I'm almost there! :)
- A Baker. I love to make cookies and cakes
- Woodworking/crafting because I love it and it relaxes me
- Work with animals...luv me some puppies and kittens!
- Stay at home dog mom!! It's too peopley out there!!
- Professional dog Petter lol. Cause I love petting doggies
- Be in radio..I have a face for it
- Event planner for Fundraising
- Data Analyst/Statistical Analyst, Sara
- Since my hubby loves working out & does 3x a week at 3:30am: we would have a gym, he would train & I would be the one at the juice bar, & make meals/and provide help making recipes for people. I do that now for my family & friends.
- If financial allowed I would want to be a stay at home mom. I work 50+ hours a week and never have time for family.
- How do I explain my fascination with space and the human brain? Hmmm...to have been the one who helped bring a family answers of what happened to their murdered loved one would be...something. I have watched every forensic files episode on netflix....and there is a lot. That goes for space shows too. I watch everything I can get my hands on on the topic.
- There is a super massive black hole that is a billion times our sun...can you imagine being the one to have discovered something...well, I can. Stuff like this...and the science that goes into solving murders fascinates me...you just made me realize how much science fascinates me and here I am in an accounting position. I think my happiness missed her calling.
- I’d modify and work on Jeep Wranglers. It became my hobby 2 yrs ago, and i find so much relaxation and peace in it. Especially when it’s other people’s money
- My dream job to be a forensic anthropologist
- I would be a professional organizer. Bc I love getting rid of stuff. No wait—id be a professional meal prepper! Nothing I love more than making a bunch of healthy meals on Sunday to make my week easier. #hireme
- If I could change careers, I would open an orphanage for lack of a better word, I would be a mother to as many children as I could.
- If I could be anything I would wanna be a dentist. I’m a denta assistant right now but I would LOVE to do the procedures.!!!!
- TQOTD: I think I'd be a motivational speaker. I've heard many motivational speakers and I always feel uplifted after hearing their stories and would like to do that for someone else.
- TQOTD: either the curator of a museum...or a professional DnD player (you said anything lol)
- I would be the person who goes to spas and then gives reviews on them!
- I'd be a journalist. I love to write. I'm trying to write a book now. I'd def. Do it as a job now but it's to late in my life I'm 35 so that ship has sailed.
- TQOTD. I would be a stay-at-home mom. I've never had the opportunity and one of my kids could use the extra attention right now.
- If I had to start a new career I would have to say I would have to deep dive into acting. I am a natural ham and it is my five year plan anyway to get some paying gigs. I am currently trying to make contacts to try and get commercial work. If that doesn't pan out I would have to try and be a superhero somewhere along the lines of Blankman meets the Mask..LOL
- I would like my new career to be counting money....I'd like to win the $150 million in the lottery and have them pay my in ones. Maybe I'd get bored counting money, and just swim in it...always enjoy swimming ♂️
- I always thought I’d make a great trophy wife!
- My new career is a full-time job looking for a sugar daddy. I'm for real's sick of working!My new job is spending a lifetime trying to be a kept woman!I'm OK with that I've done the whole independent woman and make my own money by my own house bullcrap time for someone to take care of me
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