We are all getting incredibly sick and tired of these insanely low temperatures and the constant snowfall, so we decided to channel that sickness into our #TQOTD!

I’m ready for this week to be over because … BLANK

  • Ready to be done with this week Bc plowing every day is leaving me without sleep or a social life lol just want my pillow
  • I'm feeling like a FAH-Taz. I need to do stuff and things. I'm too social/active for this polar bear b.s. (though I have slept like the dead).
  • I'm ready for this week to be over because.. I'm tired of everyone complaining about turning their heat down to help Consumers! Loved to see their faces when it shuts off completely!
  • TQOTD: I am ready for this week to be over because of this polar vortex. I like a little bit of snow but this week has been crazy. I don't like to drive in it either but I have no choice to.
  • Arabella The Witch here! I'm excited for this week to end because Saturday the Second of February is Imbolc!! It's the holiday that celebrates the coming of the spring thaw! Not yet spring, but it's getting closer!! So everyone, have a Blessed Imbolc!
  • QTD: ....so I can turn my faucets completely off! This is the first year I've left one dripping 24/7 to avoid freezing pipes but I hate doing it!! Love you guys!
  • Ready for this week to be over because... My children have not left my presence for approximately 168 hours. That’s just not natural. Even wild animals leave their young to go find food. 5 snow days plus a weekend and counting
  • Because I live in Michigan... ❄ #polarvortex
  • I am ready for the week to be over because I hate winter, snow, cold, no sun, bull crap driving, and crazy kid snow days. #tqotd #thankscaptainmorgans #springiswhen
  • TQOTD...I am ready for this week to be over because I have run out of binge watching shows, and my eyes are going to fall the frog out of my head! I don’t mind the snow, but I prefer the temperature to be at least where we can go out and enjoy it and have fun in it! This. Is. Not. Fun. #cabinfever Kristin-Cedar Springs
  • Going to be over because I get to go ice fishing
  • Love for this week to be over because on Saturday I'm going to my first PBR rodeo. So excited. ~Dawn Marie
  • Besides the obvious, the bitter ass cold!! We will be one week closer to the next CNF Trip lol 🍷🍻🍺🍹🍸🌞🌴🐠 ~Matt & Misty
  • My wife and I are going to Florida for a week Leaving Saturday
  • I am ready for this week to be over because Saturday I leave for Florida
  • I'm ready for this. Week to be over because I'm sick of people whining about the cold
  • Tracy from Rockford. I'm ready for this week to be over so I can see my boyfriend again snow cold😢 😭 I love you all 😘
  • Nothing is getting done and my boss is a bleep
  • I'm looking forward to this weekend because my husband and I are going to Vegas!!
  • TQOTD: Ready for the end of week cause of WEDDING😃 I get to be a bridesmaid for the first time for my best friend😁. I got her together with my cousin😜 Present surprise that my matchmaking worked out so nicely
  • TQOTD... I am ready for this week to be over because... Duh, look outside (my husband's answer) lol! Because just because I love Winter... Doesn't mean I want to be out in this! I would love to just hibernate this week. Sleep, eat, watch Netflix or PSVue. (My answer)
  • Trucker Don here I'm ready for the week to be over I'm tired of driving on icy roads not being able to see having my fuel jell because it's so cold and the airlines freeze because of the cold come on spring … it’s been a stressful week … love you stay warm
  • I’m ready for this week to be over because half of our staff has called in every day this week and they only live 10 to 20 minutes away from work where I live at least 40 minutes away from work without snow and still drive my but over to work every morning
  • #TQOTD I can't wait for the warm and sun! We're going from -25 to 41 in just 48 hours!
  • I'm ready for this week to be over because I've had to venture out every day to go to work.
  • I'm ready for this week to be over by I'm tired of sitting in the house not being able to do anything
  • I'm ready for this week to be over because we're going skiing this weekend 😁
  • For my KIDS to go BACK TO SCHOOOOL!!!  I love them but they need to be separated from each other! 😩 Plus my 12 is a big Nerd (his words) & wants to go back & told me that if he did school online there would be no snow days... #KidIsTooSmartForHisOwnGood
  • Good morning Connie and fish I’m ready for this week to be over because it’s going to be 51 on Monday!!!! At least in paw paw 😂😀
  • I’m excited for this week to be over because Sunday my husband and I move into my first house and get a puppy!!!
  • TQOTD: I'm ready for this week to be over because OF COURSE, my furnace is acting up during the polar vortex. #polarhouse
  • I am ready for this week to be over because January will be over. Man, that was the longest year... I mean month ever! Please be sweet to us February
  • I am ready for this week to end so I can get away from my family who have been driving me crazy! I have to take care of my younger siblings 24/7 and it is exhausting. Oh, school please save me! - A Brother in Pain.
  • TQOTD - I have been surviving without coffee creamer but now I'm running low on toilet paper.
  • I am ready for this week to be over so my dogs can be outside longer than 10minutes and burn off some energy! (I HAVE 5 BIG ONES!)
  • My daughter is getting married Saturday!! Looking forward to an awesome day!
  • Text question of the week: I'm actually NOT ready for this week to be done because as snow plow contractors we have had a very slow and rough season and waiting for this to come. A week and a half of extreme snowfall do not cover three months worth of lost income that was hoped for. On the other hand, I do want the roads to be nice so that people can stay safe.
  • Rando texto. Lindsey here from plow your daughter 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 thanks for the shout out, that was GLORIOUS
  • Hey, this is Jennifer from plow my daughters ha ha Ha ha ha. I can't wait for this week to be over because.... although the money is good I'm getting really tired and haven't got much sleep and I feel like a fat ass as well 😃😂😂 Keep making us 😂
  • I am ready for this week to be over because it's going to be in the mid 70's Saturday! Come and get warm guys!! Brandy from Clearwater!
  • I have had every day off from work this week... and I'm ready to be back in the office😢
  • I'm honestly going crazy being cooped up
  • I'm ready for this week to be over cause my water balloons are frozen
  • I'm ready for the week to be over because we're headed to Arizona for vacation! #byemichigan #wastemanagementgolfopen
  • I'm looking forward to not plowing this snow BS till next year.....
  • I am ready for this week to be over because one of my friend's mom's passed away this weekend and it has just been a nightmare
  • I'm ready for it to be over so I can tell where the road ends and the snow banks begin
  • I can't wait for the wk to be over because my grandson will be born! Due on the 7th but we will see!!!!

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