Hi, I’m Steve and I’m a new Dad who has learned a lot of things over the last several months and I want to pass along some knowledge to you!

Each week I will be giving you some new tips for first-time parents and one spectacular Dad joke!  So let's get to the tips!

  1. Today’s first daddy tip is based on the monkey see monkey do phase that your baby or toddler will get in to at some point in their early life.  Charlotte has pretty much started to try to imitate us every chance we get. While we were folding laundry this weekend, Charlotte all of a sudden grabs a washcloth out of the basket and walks over to her chair and starts to wipe it down.  We were like what the heck, is this for real. But then we realized that earlier in the day she was watching Brittainy wipe down the counters in the kitchen and Charlotte must have decided that looks fun. Well, guess what, baby girl? Now we are going to show you all sorts of chores and acting like they are the most fun things ever so you can be begging to do them when you’re older.
  2. The next daddy tip has to do with having a little fun with technology.  If your baby is as interested in phones as Charlotte is, this is definitely something fun to try.  Give your baby a phone and while you are in the same room, facetime him or her. It’s one of the funniest things we’ve seen all month as Charlotte tries to figure out what the heck is going on when she sees her daddy on the phone screen talking to her and across the room at the same.  So facetime your little one while you are in the same room to watch their little heads get filled with hilarious confusion.
  3. And the final daddy tip is about getting outdoors now that the weather is finally nice.  If your little one learned to walk during the winter, it’s time to take them out into the great outdoors to do some exploring.  We took Charlotte on her first walk without a stroller and she had a blast! She walked further than she has in her entire life and she loved every second of it.  Plus it’s adorable watching your little one mosey down the sidewalk.

And now it’s time for an awesome dad joke!

Ouch!  A book just fell on my head.  But, I guess I only have myshelf to blame.

Listen to the entire segment below:

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