Is Your Life More Or Less Stressful Than Other People’s? – #TQOTD
Let's talk stress, people! Go ahead and compare your life to the average person and let us know if you think your life is more or less stressful. Connie, Fish and even Steve (with his baby) all say that their lives are less stressful than most. What do you think?
Is your life MORE or LESS stressful than other people’s? And why?
- My life is more stressful, at this moment. I'm going through a divorce and the court rejected our paperwork because of wording. #can'tAffordaLawyer #brokelife #loveyouConnie&Fish
- Tqotd - anon - my life is stressful right now but in a good way. I'm a teacher of younger kids (who go insane once it is spring), I'm taking masters classes, I'm mentoring a new teacher which requires a lot of meetings, and I'm getting married in a month. #all of the drinking
- TQOTD... My life can be more stressful than many people, but not all people. I juggle a household of 7 pretty much alone (husbands a 2nd shifter), I work and handle 99% of the adult responsibilites. BUT it is what you make it and most of the time I'm pretty stress free because I handle it well.
- I don’t think I’m more or less stressed than others because everyone has challenges (at least at some point or another) but I can tell you that this is definitely a stressful point for me.
- My children are healthy, I have a nice home and food on the table. My life is full of blessings. All in all, I think there are people out there who are stressing way more than I am.
- Less, I decided to get my ducks in a row and implement little things in life such as “10 habits of people with clean homes” and putting more than enough money into a seperate account for bills, savings and paying off our home and property early. Those major things automatically organized takes most of my stress away so I can simply live my best life
- It's not about more or less, it all perspective and how you handle stress. 2 people, same situations, one doesn't notice and manages, the other flips out. It's just a personal thing.
- I took a personal wellness class that taught me everyone has a Personal backpack that nobody else can see, and nobody else knows what's in that personal backpack… It's all about the load that you're caring around with you every day.
- Ehh. My life is super busy, but to compare to another...yeah...I can't do that. I may do things differently than another.
- Way less!!! I’m not married! 😂
- Idk but mine is full of stress and full of bless ❤
- About the same as every one else
- I am an RN in a hospital, so I'm betting my life is more stressful than most...
- I always seem to have bad luck. My boyfriend was leaving for his grandmothers when he realized his car battery was dead. I said “sounds like my kind of luck”. 15 minutes later my key broke off in my door before I left for Easter
- I life is a crazy circus...but I’m not sure it is more stressful than others. So...maybe less since I always know there is multiple things going on.
- Less. Don't sweat is what is
- More .. I have 1 step daughter that sees to it. Constant drama and she is in her 30s. Help 😳
- TQOTD....probably way less stressful than most peoples it's just easy to sometimes think life is really stressful, but I know my life is likely zilch stress in comparison to some!
- My life is more stressful! My husband is a recovering addict, and I worry about him everyday! 15 months clean!! ❤️ I'm so proud of him!!!
- Text question of the day. I’d say mine is more on Monday and Wednesday’s right now I don’t get home till after 8pm due to the after school activities and baseball. a lot of people depend on my husband i also have to work lots of over time
- #Tqotd I'd say that my life is less stressful than most. Although I do want a family someday, I'm single at the moment with no kids. I'm a former nanny so I've been a caregiver to kids, but I feel like parents have a lot more stress in their life than me.
- More. I live with my mom. I also work with/for both of my parents. There is nothing my coworkers don't know about me because my mom makes sure to let them know every time I need to do laundry or clean my room. Also at home I get to talk about work constantly.
- Probably more stressful than others who have two equal partners raising 2 young toddlers. I'm a single mom who does it all on her own BUT not as stressful as those single parents with no support network. I'm lucky enough to have emotionally supportive parents & I know not everyone has that.
- Stressful- 3 teenagers, single momma, student loan debt, mortgage, and working 2 jobs. I'm a social worker in the ER and work with families trying to keep kids out of foster care. But I have good health, a home, 3 kickass kids, supportive family, and 2 jobs. It's all about perspective
- My life is more stressful because of my youngest twin daughter, age 6 months, has stage 4 and 5 kidney failure. I have to worry about if her kidneys will function enough to keep her alive, cause anything could happen, and it scares me. There are a lot of days that I look at her and just cry. She is so bubbly though, and a very happy baby.
- Can I just go into the house and touch the top of my mother's head and just keep walking for a stress free day? Lol
- I would say my life is less stressful. I have my ups and downs in my life isn't always great but I think it's about the way I approach it.
- I hate to think of my life as being stressful, but at this current time it probably is. I have 3 boys who are involved in competitive sports and I work full time. To complicate things further, my mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and shortly after that, my dad died.
- More stressful for sure! We have 5 kids all in sports currently. None can drive themselves and their school is a 20 minute drive from home. I travel for work but I married an amazing hubby that is super flexible. Insanely crazy but we make a great team and love it!!
- #tqotd My life is more stressful than some and less so than others. I have a high stress job, and my home life is also stressful. I do nothing but pay bills, and still had to file bankruptcy due to a slumlord.
- My life is less stressful because I'm leaving for Florida tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be there for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! #beach yes #life's a beach #vaca
- I would say more stressful… I am eight months pregnant and we are selling our home and purchasing a home in this next month. Trying to move just before my due date was a little bit lofty thinking ha ha
- #TQOTD as of now, my life is more. My weekend, oh wait, Friday night/Saturday morning resulted in a Dr visit, a 5 hour ER visit, a 911 call, an ambulance ride to yet another 6 hour ER visit, to being admitted to the hospital. This was all for my daughter. I need a stiff drink and a vacation!
- My life is more stressful at this point in time. I'm going through a divorce I did not want, about to enter an internship, I have to move and find affordable housing for me and my kids, and I'm about a month away from taking a big exam so that I can get a job that will allow me to pay rent.
- I'd say my life is fairly stressful. It's a balancing act of being a paramedic, seeing and going through the things I have. Then you add in PTSD, depression and anxiety. The stressful part is pretending things are ok and being happy go lucky. Some days it takes something as simple as a flat tire to tip me over the edge for the week. But fortunately I have an amazing support system with my husband. I don't know how he handles it.
- #TQOTD My life is more stressful. I have a whiny toddler and my husband switched to a lower paying job.
- Less. I don't have a boyfriend that's causing stress. My son is graduating high school and my daughters been married for a year. And I exercise a ton
- Right now I feel like my life is a little bit more stressful then most oh, because I am working a full-time job, have a part-time internship, and I also have class and homework. I only get one day off a week and on that day I'm usually cleaning up from the mess of the week
- I would say my life is more stressful than the average person I work in a busy French restaurant and currently everyone is at each other's throats because of drama that has happened with the current employee and nothing can be done about it my brother was just diagnosed with high-functioning autism after 32 years and my stepdad has been sick for 4 years and because of everything that's happened to him we have faced a lot of financial troubles. The thing that sucks about stress, is that sometimes things are out of your control and there's nothing you can do to fix it. Luckily I'm learning that it's ok to have things out of your control and just let life play itself out #itiswhatitis
- I take things as they come and play it by ear. I expect the worst and I think that makes me less stressed in the end because if it doesn't happen the way that it was expected then it's not as stressful to me because I don't get let down. Other people make all these plans for example like their "birth plan" and it doesn't go how they expect and they get all stressed out. When I was pregnant I had an idea of how I would like it to go but I didn't set my standards too high because I figured it wasn't going to go that way. And it didn't because I delivered four weeks early so everything happened unexpectedly
- I want to thank that my life is more stressful, considering I have a crazy schedule between work, school, sports, and everything else in my life. However, I know there are a lot of people my age who have a lot more on their plate than I do. I'm 21, finishing up my junior year of college and I'm currently debt-free. I don't have any pressing bills or many of the things that a lot of people at my stage in life have to deal with.
- Good morning Connie and Fish and Steve! I would have to say less stressful for my answer because I have a roof over my head and a job that I love! I love how my life is going right now
- My life is probably more stressful than the people around me, but it’s because I have chosen the choices that have made it stressful. So I try not to complain about that. If I wanted less stress I guess I could choose that. But I have three boys who play three sports year-round and that alone causes a lot of stress.
- More!!! I have 3 kids full custody no real help other then my parents watching them every other Saturday. Takes me 3 hours to get kids everywhere in the morning and get to work. I never get any alone time. I'm the one who has to leave work if they are sick or a babysitter doesnt show up. I'm the mom dad breadwinner nurse maid etc.
- I have student loans so of course I’m stressed lol. Everyone has their own stress though so I’d say I’m average. #weallneedtherapy #internsteveismyfav #shhhhDontTellconnieandfish
- Way less stress!!! NO KIDS and I never stress the little things....everything's little!!!!!
- I dont know that my life is more or less stressful because everyone is different. I work full time as a nurse, go to school full time, have 5 children (4 are teenagers) and let's add baseball and softball practices and games and regular doctor appointments...its a crazy life but it's my life:)
- 3 kids 10 6 and 1 .full time pre K teacher and full time student at Western I have no time to think About whether I am stressed or not Haha
- I believe my life is pretty hectic/stressful. My wife and I try to manage 4 children (7,5,3, and 9 months) as well as two dogs. The two oldest boys are in hockey and soccer. I work as a sales manager/trainer putting in over 60 hours a week. There are weeks that I don't get to see my kids, but will get home and have to help clean the mess. Only to get up and start it all the next day. It's a crazy busy life for sure, but I embrace it. Oh and the best way to eat brussel sprouts is from the table to the garbage can...
- Morning my favorite pair! Less stressful - single lady – empty nester. My life is in order and if you know a 47-57 year old good looking fit and his life together set me up please! Lol. No really
- More stressful X-wife is bitch from hell complains about everything 2 more years kids are old enough
- Hi Connie & Fish. My life is more stressful. I became a compulsive gambler 2 years ago after divorcing my husband of 15 years. He is a closet gay man. Then my mom had a stroke 3 months later. My 13 yr old has a form of muscular dystrophy. He had surgery 3 years ago and the doctor botched him. He can barely walk and in so much pain. He has another surgery by a different doctor on June 20th. I am fighting the disease of gambling. Many don't understand it and they judge so few people know.
- Ps you guys rock and make me smile and I'm not a morning person. Pps. I'm also stressed because I ran out of soap for the dishwasher so I put just a little dish soap in it but I'm waiting for it to explode in bubbles.
- Less! I live the part time life, working every Tuesday Thursday, and my husband and I are "dinks" duel income, no kids
- Fish my life is very stressful because of this Friday I've been waiting a long time!!! So Friday is finally the release of avengers end game and hamburger I'm ready for that movie what do you think fish???#hamburger #avengers #iamgroot #internsteve
- Less stressful I told everybody to kiss my a--
- This week in particular I feel my life is more stressful than others, my kids have 14 games this week and my daughter's first communion is on Sunday. My husband and I both work full-time and I am a coach for one of the teams.
- Text question. My life is pretty stressful. I have 4 kids three of them are teenagers one graduates this year one gets a drivers license and one is just sassy. My non teenage kid plays on two baseball teams. I have a pretty stressful job and I am finishing up my masters degree. But I handle it pretty well by creating me time and exercising. It's all about perspective