Other Than Work What Is Something That Takes Up Too Much Of Your Time? – TQOTD
Hey guys! It’s Fish. Connie was busting my chops the other day, after the show, because I constantly am looking at all of our social media (ConnieandFish on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). I actually ended up breaking down in my head that I spend HOURS a day looking at all of our social media or other people's feeds as well. After she laughed at me (I love her laugh) we thought that would be a great Text Question of The Day:
“Other than work … what is something that takes up TOO MUCH of your time?”
- What takes up most of my time? COOKING! I spend all my time after work cooking... and then cleaning dishes... 🙃
- Sleep takes up way too much of my time
- Driving! I drive two hours a day for work alone.
- Being 30 weeks pregnant, OB appointments are necessary
- sleep and OB appointments take up my time
- Commuting for the kid's...you know school/gymnastics...
- And sleeping takes too much time I hate it
- My daughter plays club soccer. All year. Games every weekend.
- House work
- Driving TO work
- Whiny children.... yes I brought four into this world, but seriously.... 😂
- They were supposed to be perfect angels and just do what the were told and have people look at us because they were so impressed by how followed the rules.... and not running the other way because they are throwing themselves down on the floor because the store is out of the cereal they want....... Oh the life!
- Working out and trying to get my 10,000 steps a day 😔
- Today's poll question. Ron from Lyons Michigan. I spend way too much time looking for a girlfriend LOL
- Candy crush saga #timesucker
- Besides work, my life is school work and taking care of my son.
- Sleep
- Grocery shopping … The thought process behind my list is annoying.
- Driving
- Laundry! Never get it completely done..
- Cleaning. I hate it so much!
- Laundry
- Sleep! Love it, but it does take a big chunk out of a 24 hr period!
- Doctors!!! Ugh!!! But, I am on the road to being healthy. Finally!!!
- Kids in sports
- My husband and I spend way too much time complaining about our EX s … Because they're never going to change
- Training our new puppy!
- I love to clean! I wish I could make enough money doing that for people’s houses lol…what takes up all of my time is driving!
- Stupid Facebook! I can't stop staring at it like a crazy person!
- My phone takes up WAY too much time!
- Sex
- Mowing
- Texting
- MY BOSS, uggg
- My kids sports take up most of my time but I love it! Wouldn't change it for the world
- LAUNDRY!!!! Washing, drying, Folding, putting away. 🙄
- Laundry!!!
- Laundry! It's out to get me 😬
- Kids Carpool!
- Cleaning
- Right now it's taking care of my sick cat. Back to the vet every other day...
- Laundry, cooking, dishes and kids bath time. Night gone lol
- robotics
- I spend too much time driving. I commute an hour each way to work. Plus running my 6 kids everywhere.
- Running!
- Netflix and chill. But legit Netflix and chill with the wife. Have gone through so many series on Netflix. It's kind if ridiculous
- WORRYING!! This is my son Gavin and he leaves Tuesday for Air Force basic training. I worry ALL THE TIME!!!!
- My daughter said school
- Meal prepping, then washing the Tupperware
- Netflix! Became an empty nester this year. #sorryimnotsorry
- This stupid 1000 piece motivational puzzle I started on Jan 2nd.
- Cleaning up after my family, the damn husband is as bad as the kids.
- Commuting! I have to drive here drive there pick up the kids here pick up the dog there drop the husband off pick up cousin Joe drop off Aunt Betty... Way too much driving!
- Arguing with a miniature identical version of myself. Also waiting for my sloths of children to get ready in the mornings!
- Question of the day, what's for dinner? OMG!!! Why??? Eat cereal!!!!!
If you have a suggestion for the text question of the day, you can text it to us at (616)-770-8957.
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