This week has not been a good week regarding school bus safety. With 6 different stories around the county, and the fact that until 2012, Michigan allowed people to pass school buses, this is a good reminder to a) read and b) share with family and friends.

The rules regarding stopping for a school bus are as follows from Michigan State Police:

  • Prepare to stop when a slowing bus has its overhead yellow lights flashing

  • Stop at least 20 feet away for buses when red lights are flashing, unless driving in the opposite direction on a divided highway

  • Slow down in or near school  and residential areas

  • Look for clues-such as safety patrols, crossing guards, bicycles, and playgrounds-that indicate children might be in the area

  • Watch for children between parked cars and other objects


The real confusion sometimes comes from “when are you supposed to stop for a school bus you’re coming towards the bus?”  Fortunately, I found a graphic that helps.

courtesy of
courtesy of

Here’s the deal, you pretty much stop no matter the size of the roadway, UNLESS there is a divider/median in between the lanes.

In case you're in such a big hurry and want to fly by the school bus anyway, good luck not hitting a child... and avoiding the fines of anywhere from $100 to $500 and up to 100 hours of community service at a local school.


source:  MSP.GOV &


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