#Secrets – What Secret Have You Been Holding On To?
It's time for #Secrets! Back by popular demand, we are giving you the opportunity to let loose with a themeless #Secrets segment. That means that you can say whatever #Secret you want! For a bonus, we are even giving you this awesome video that our Intern Cheyenne made. It's her reading off some of the dirtier #Secrets that we got today. We aired some of them, but others can only be heard in this video!
Ha! Great job, Cheyenne!
Now, here are the rest of the secrets from today!
- I tell my sister in law that her kids are very well behaved buy in reality there not very pleasant..
- I am sleeping with my boyfriend's best friend
- #secrets If it wasn't for my son I wouldn't be alive. I have two chronic pain conditions that at times are too much to handle. He's The reason I continue to fight.
- Morning y’all! So I’m adopted, along with my biological sister. My secret is that I don’t want to find my birth mother, however, my sister expects me to try with her. #lamehaaaaaaaaamburger
- My husbands mother is moving in with us and now I am having second thoughts about it
- Good morning guys! My secret is that I've been with my fiance for almost 10 years and we are finally having our wedding and now I'm not sure if I actually want to marry him :(
- Secret: my friend sells Lularoe and is obsessed/brain washed by it! She never comments on Facebook or posts anything that doesn’t have to do with Lularoe. It drives me crazy
- I've been having a lot of dreams lately where the person I'm intimate with isn't my husband. #secrets
- My kiddo is competing in the district spelling bee this morning. So proud of him! In the 3rd grade he struggled hard with reading to the point that he was switched to a different class, leaving his friends. GO BUDDY!!!!
- My daughter is 25 her loser boyfriend is 38 and has 4 kids and they are living with his mommy. Ugh!!!!!!
- I’m applying to go back for my masters because it’s very important to my boyfriend but I don’t know if I’m ready. It’s always been my plan but he’s let me know that’s one big reason he’s able to see a future with me, so it adds to the pressure to get in and do well
- I am taking mmj and my husband doesn't know
- Secret: we are pregnant for the first time!
- Last week I got my co worker to download the app to your show and listen on her headphones in her cube. Its good to know she is listening now so I can say this. “Please quit being so messy and mean to other co workers … we all hate you JOYCE!!!”
- I hate my coworkers and I’m going to Change my place of work and not
#secrets I want to call child services on my cousin and his wife. They're "homeschooling" her son, but he's 8 and hasn't had a day of education. He can't read or write and no; he's not challenged in any way. No Autism or special needs. - #Secrets My secret is I adopted a cat this past weekend, and my parents don't know. FYI, I'm moved out and in my own apartment, but they were against the idea
- I secretly think my fiancee's kids are the most disrespectful, disobedient children on the planet, which is exactly why we are not getting married anytime soon. To make things worse, my fiance rarely follows through on any kind of actual consequence when they misbehave , and then doesn't understand why they have 0 respect for anyone
- I've been lying to my husband about how much money i have in my account because i don't want to buy him cigarettes because i hate that he smokes.
- I left a job I loved for a job that I thought I would love even more and I HATE IT. My new job pays me a lot more and challenges me mentally but my old boss says I can come back whenever I want. I’m actually thinking of going back.
- Sometimes I have the balloon animals with my best friend… he is married
- #Secret: my mom is coming to live with me. I don't want to live with her because when we lived together we hated each other. Our relationship is really good now and I'm afraid living together will ruin it, but my brother who has always been her favorite kid already said no, to her living with him and I dont want to hurt her too
- Secret: I work in a school with children and recently had a surgery and a coworker of mine (who also works with elementary children) asked me for my painkillers several times. Seriously thinking about
- reporting it but don’t want him to get fired. ♂️
- Good morning, My husband and I started dating in junior high we have now been married for 34 years I've never dated anyone else, after listening to Connie and fish and their experiences it makes me wonder if I've missed something. #secrets
- Me and my friend call our boyfriends , Felicia and Tiffany, behind their backs cuz they are such girls when their sick
- I smoked weed while doing power cleans before work. Thought it would wear off. Stoned at work.
- #secrets someone at work is secretly eating my donuts that I bring in and if I figure out who it is I'm gonna secretly break their fingers
- If you read my secret on air, I would get served divorce papers
- I rid myself of lady satan #bachelor # freedom
- My job is been making me question my employment so I took a bunch of incriminating pictures of my jobs workplace
- I’m only 19 and me and my boss have a great relationship but I’m scared to tell him that I’m looking for a different job
- My husband and i have a deal, where we can only eat dessert on Saturday nights if we go to the gym every day. I told him I went to the gym last night even though I didn’t, so I can have a piece of my birthday cake on Saturday
- Secrets: I miss having a significant other. Ever since my ex-fiance broke up with me, I have felt alone in the world.
- I really REALLY wish my fiancé would go back to school and at least get an associates. He has so much more potential than working in a factory for the rest of his life
- I’ve been having a affair with a man..I’m friends with his brother, but the man that I’m having a affair with is married to a woman, and I’m a man as well and it’s been going on now for 2 years.
- My marriage has been in trouble for a while. But I don't want to be the one to say that it's over. So I go through my daily routine hoping my wife does.
- My family doesn't know ..I let my daughters father name our daughter yay finally someone's knows my mom's controlling and I'm 24 lol and we'll off
- My parents were immigrants, they had issue and my dad would tell me to teach him how to send emails and such to women back at his home land. Sadly my father left my mom for one of them. Knowing I help my dad cheat. My mom still doesn't know..
- We just found out I'm pregnant and we haven't told anybody yet this secret is killing me
- Used to work at a grocery store and 5 coworkers got together to follow this one lady through the store. Swiped ky lube, then we have to let em try to leave before we bust em so it's actually shoplifting. 55 yr old woman arrested, over KY lube, because she was too embarrassed to just buy it. I think buying it would have been less embarrassing than an arrest over it and the spectacle we all made of that one...
- I am a female, and had a threesome with a guy I was dating, and one of my best female friends. I haven't had sex since cause I can't stop thinking about her.
- I cheated on a test in college 20 years ago. I got caught by a girl and she told on me but when I was confronted I lied about it and got away with it.
- My boyfriend isn't the best in bed and I'm thinking about cheating on him
- I stole a pair of bowling shoes for my husband on our second date he still has them we've now been married for two years together 6
- I am in love with another man (other than my husband). And "other" man has also admitted feelings towards me. There is so much we like about each other than we find in our spouses!!
- My secret is that I WISH I HAD SOMEONE TO KISS!!!!! My husband doesn't kiss much anymore. We've been together for almost 25 years and things are very b it and have dreams about kissing other men!!!!
- Secret: the stairs at work r really Steep and I sit reception. I'm really waiting for any of my coworkers to trip up the stairs
- I had to eat spaghetti off of my bosses chest so he wouldn't fire me. I eventually quit though.
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