Should Michigan Businesses Be Able To Require Masks Indoors? [Poll]
With COVID-19 cases back on a steady rise for the first time in months, the mask debate is back in the news and this time some Michigan lawmakers hope to ban them completely.
Michigan lawmakers have proposed a law that would bar all businesses from forcing unvaccinated employees to wear a surgical mask. The bill also includes a state ban on vaccine mandates and allow for employees who refuse vaccines to have a way to sue their employers for "financial damages".
Do you think that a business should have the right to mandate masks or should masks only be able to be mandated by local or federal government? Vote in our poll below and let us know!
According to Representative Sue Allor, the bill is designed to "prevent an employer from discriminating or retaliating against employees who choose to not take a vaccine."
If this new bill is passed, it will likely be vetoed by Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, but that will likely spark further debate in the state about masks. So, that's why we figured that we would get ahead of this and ask you directly about a businesses right to mandate masks for employees and patrons of their business.
You can read the entire bill that has been proposed here.