These Are The Biggest Dating Deal Breakers In West Michigan
It's red flag day and it's not because of high waves on Lake Michigan. We want to know your dating deal breakers.
What is or was your dating deal breaker???
- When I didn’t call my boyfriend after getting home from a girls night, and suddenly at 1am (mind you I had been already sleeping for an hour) he showed up at my window whispering my name!! Lol It was summer so windows were open of course and he thought that would be better than knocking at my door...
- Dating deal breaker for me; Before my husband and I met (almost 15 years ago now!) I would always say I couldn't be with a guy that couldn't fix a car or be handy! If we had to call a mechanic or handy man for something, it was over. Thankfully I met my husband and he is handy in all things
- Rude to waiters
- Can not date someone who is over critical of others. Went on a blind date one time with a guy who did nothing but have something negative to say about others all while thinking he was king $h1+. Ya...never went on another date with him nor answered any of his calls ... oops
- My deal breaker was the fact he didn't like the outdoors & wouldn't go camping with me. That was my last boyfriend, my high school boyfriend I followed all the way to Florida and stayed for six months to find out he wasn't going to grow up. There was another boyfriend that drank waaaaaay to much. Those were all my deal breakers.
- Eventually I made a few rules after dating some losers. He has to have his own place (no roommates), his own car, and a full time job.
- First date. He drove us out of town to eat at a BUFFET and then we went mini-golfing on the way home. There were NOT enough things to talk about all that way on a first date!!! ♀️ And who wants to eat at a buffet on the first date???? Never went out with him again!
- I have been happily married for almost 17 years, but back when I was dating I would NEVER even consider dating someone who smoked. My dad smoked my entire childhood (until I turned 19) and I HATED every single part of it. The smell of smoke in everything, his hacking cough, the actual smoke from the cigarette, his wicked mood swings when he would try to quit.... Such a disgusting habit/addiction.
- Asked my roommate for money because he didn't have enough to take me out. He still didn't have enough and I ended up paying on last notice. The entire time all I could think was don't touch me, someone please call in an emergency.
- No job and everything was everyone else’s fault!
- When he kissed me he covered my entire mouth and half my face. Felt like drool all over with a sweaty, probing tongue. Gross!!
- Was in a relationship for over a year and she got drunk one night and punched me in my face. This happen when I lived in Arizona...that was it....done
- When they started talking about how much money they have in the first 15 minutes I was done!
- No job. I was engaged to someone that couldnt hold down a job.. now my current boyfriend has an amazing career
- Smoking, no job, and closed minded
- Too short. Couldn’t date anyone my height. And I am only 5’2
- When they don't like dogs, have no job, and smell bad
- Bad hygiene and lack of job. Lol.
- Too many to name. #probablyforeversingle
- My deal breaker is if the guy can’t accept that my best friend is a guy and he is very important to me. And we absolutely have never had balloon animals! I explain the friendship right at the start to avoid any issues!
- Complaining and putting others down
- Poor manners and bragging.
- Smoker.
- He was already married.
- Poor hygiene
- Mansplainer
- Bad breath
- Acting more like a female than I do...
- Had to be above 5f7in. I'm 5'9 myself and definitely needed a guy I didnt feel ginormous around
- TQOTD: Dating deal breaker....smoking and excessive drinking...dated an alcoholic and won't deal with that again!
- My dealbreaker was the guy being too short.. I'm 5'9" and he must be as tall as me or taller.
- For some reason so many short men lie so badly about their height. I married a man who is 5'10" , but he said he was 6 ft before we met. So funny.
- TQOTD: My dating dealbreaker was that he needed to be taller than me (I'm 5'10"). It's a shallow one but I couldn't let myself get emotionally attached because I was always too focused on the height difference. Its an insecurity of mine
- A deal breaker for me is always wanting balloon animals. Don't get me wrong, once in a while is okay but always asking for pic and wondering when it will happen is annoying. That's why its a deal breaker for me.
- Deal breaker- can’t date anyone into organized religion. Ew, the typical hypocrisy is not for me
- A girl that doesn’t look good in yoga pants. I love a nice tatted lady that walks around the gym with confidence
- I haven’t been single in a long time but my husband has made it so I could never be with someone who doesn’t handle arguments as well as he does. He is always calm and reasonable, it’s hard to be mad at someone that does that. Lol
- Finding out about the criminal child sex offenses
- If she doesn't want sex, adios baby!!!
- The first thing I asked my now fiancé was "do you have a felony?"
- A dating deal breaker for me was when a guy that my friend and I had met while we were out found me on FB and immediately asked me if I wanted X-rated pictures. Ummmmmm NO you sick perv! He still tried to ask me out after that but he had already wrecked his chances
- People who bitch about other people's habits, have a habit of their own...BITCHING!!!
- I can't stand a woman that talks ghetto. No matter how attractive she is, the whole ghetto talk ruins it's for sure
- Deal breaker is being to tall!!! I'm 5' 5 it's not fun.
- ? Of dah.... Eating with thier mouth open, I so would just get up and leave halfway through the meal
- Brother in pain, Deal breaker for me is ugly feet and toes!
- Body odor top and bottom
- All he wanted to do was play video games. Spent half of our first date playing a video game and when the night was over and he asked “when can I see you again?” I just smiled and shook my head no.
- Picking their nose in front of me ! I was dating a guy and we were going out to dinner on the drive there he was going full depth digging for gold the whole drive. I don't mind a quick pick, but geeze.
- A date a dealbreaker for me is when I start dating a guy and things are going good and we start spending more more time together and more overnights and I realize that he does not brush his teeth regularly done absolutely done
- This isn’t my personal deal breaker but my ex fiancé ended our engagement because I passed gas in front of him at our house
- Dating dealbreaker is drunk girls. Dont like dunk people in general. But a drunk girl is the biggest turn off there is. I mean, the drunk that cant handle it. Not against reaponsponsible drunkness. Some people r funny. The "white girl wasted" status is ugly
- Ugh... when he went in for a kiss that I DIDN'T want and his big a** mouth went OVER the end of my nose and near the bottom of my chin AT THE SAME TIME!! HE SWALLOWED MY FACE!! I gagged. I left so doggone quick! He tried to call me even while I was on my way home... he never heard from me EVER again!! I have gone out with people before but never considered it a date. I have only been on one real date... and that was the last one!! I gave up on trying the dating thing completely for many reasons. LOL I am GOOD alone!!
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