Hey, Click of Six, they told you that you would fail, but you did it anyway.  We want to know what that is for today's Text Question of the Day.

That said you couldn’t do it, you proved them wrong. What is it?

  • Ex-friend said I shouldn't be hired to work in a daycare....3 1/2 years later I'm still there and thriving! The families there have become family to me and i take great pride in knowing how much they trust me in particular, not just the center as a whole ❤❤
  • SWB: Deadlifted 350lbs weighing @ 137lbs
  • they said I wouldn't make it more than a year at my job, this Sunday will be 5 years that I've been there and I have received 2 promotions in that time.
  • Marry my husband and have a growing and successful family.
  • Be a mother naturally-that’s right twice pregnant with two great kids you sucky docs. At 15 docs Said I couldn’t get pregnant without help
  • My mom told me I could not walk 60 miles in 3 day for breast cancer. I told her no you can't but I can and I did at 50yrs old.
  • Half marathon
  • Graduate college. I will walk Dec 7th. :) It may have taken me longer than expected, but marriage, kids (some with special needs) did not stop me!!
  • Play the flute. My middle school band director said I had split breath and would be better at the clarinet. My senior year in high school, I was 3rd chair flute/1st piccolo and went on to play throughout college
  • Be a functioning person instead of a f$%# up...I struggle every day but I dont quit...
  • Becoming a scientist when my HS chemistry teacher said I would never make it in science. I disliked her!
  • Live past 18!
  • Marry a guy after dating three months. 28 years later....crickets.
  • Got my diploma
  • Survived and thrived without them!!
  • Graduated from a prestigious university and got into graduate school
  • Home birth. Now I’ve had three.
  • SWB: Be a firefighter
  • Get a high paying job with tattoos piercings and funny colored hair.
  • Get my college degree in my 40s
  • Join the Marines
  • Being a female working in a Male dominated profession. Yes, I'm the only female there, have a mouth like a sailor, and know more about the "guy stuff" than 75% of the guys that call in needing repairs. I got sick of people saying I "looked" like a hairdresser or nail tech, so I did something people would never guess.
  • Get my Bachelors Degree...then I got my Masters
  • I graduated from college with a bipolar disorder. My psychiatrist told me I couldn't.
  • They said I couldn’t lose weight. I’ve now lost 47# in 16 weeks. Doing it for myself and for my health.
  • Had a teenage pregnancy from an interracial relationship, got married to the baby daddy at 19, moved to another city so he could go to college. A professor at the college told a friend of ours that we were never going to make it because we had too many strikes against us. Well guess what? We’ve now been married 26 years, and that child is doing great. #takethathaters
  • Question of the day –People said Since I am not a runner that I couldn’t run a marathon without Training so I went out and ran a marathon this year
  • Make it through fire Academy IMA certainly dead being a young female I passed fire fighter 1 and 2
  • My dad said i couldnt get a tik out of my cat, cause he thinks i would just rip the sucker out but i proved him wrong and i got the tik out whole and in one piece
  • The superintendent at my high school told me and my mom that he never expected me to graduate because I'm Native American. He was right. I dropped out my sophomore year. But now I have a degree in biomedical sciences and looking at doing a masters degree.
  • Answer to the text question of the day: I went to nursing school as a mother of seven children and graduated top of my class with my bachelors degree in nursing and was the president of the nursing Association and now service the president of the Sigma Theta tau for the Universit to encourage students to give it all in, whatever it is that they desire. Tennille
  • TQOTD: make money with an art degree. Now I'm making more money than they ever did with that said art degree ‍♀️
  • Answer to the text question of the day: I went to nursing school as a mother of seven children and graduated top of my class with my bachelors degree in nursing and was the president of the nursing Association and now service the president of the Sigma Theta tau for the University to encourage students to give it all in, whatever it is that they desire.
  • A lot of people told me I couldn't juggle grad school classes and internship, two young kids and a job combined with life in general and told me to wait and that I was trying to do too much. I graduated on time with honor cords and now work a job I love.
  • They told me I couldn't pick myself back up and hold my head high again.... proved them wrong
  • Good morning happy Friday TGIF with a goldfish thing can Connie help me out and explain why my black goldfish turned Orange
  • #tqotd my Dr told me I wouldn't get pregnant. That I didn't have the know how or care to be healthy enough to have healthy babies. I found a different Dr and he gave me the steps to be in the correct medical stage to have babies. I have two very healthy, rambunctious, crazy boys. And my diabetes is under control. Take that f*cker
  • Vice principal expelled me at the start of 12 grade. Ssid I would never have a good life. I would end up in prison or dead. That was 1987. In 1997 I made 140k and recieved my first patent. Educators still do not value students who do not fit into classical studies.
  • Not only was I told I would never have a baby due to infertility but everyone always thought I would never graduate so last year at the prime age of 27 I HAD that baby and I GRADUATED highschool and I now attend Davenport !! Take that one doubters !!!
  • In high school I did so bad on the SATs they told me I probably wouldn’t get a significant degree IF I ever went to college. I not only proved them wrong by getting into college and testing out of 90% of my pre-requisites but followed up by completing my Finance degree. I wasn’t satisfied so I went on to get another degree in Nursing with minors in Biology and Chemistry. I have now gone on to specialize in Traumatic Brain Injuries. Turns out I suffered from test anxiety and needed to be in a room by myself to test- something my high school didn’t allow. I now make 6 figures and am the only person in my family to complete college. My name has grown to be followed up by RN, BSN, APS, CNS, TBI-S, CM, BLST! Suck it, Mr. O’Connor!!!
  • I ran a half marathon without any training and came in only 15 minutes after my friend that trained all year! I smoke and am overweight and I did it!!!
  • Dear connie and fish, I graduated in 2008 from an alternative school. I was 20 years old when i graduated. The reason why im telling you this is because when i was at a traditional high school, i had an assistant principal tell me (in front of my parents) that i would never graduate, never make anything of myself, and i amount to nothing. I swear this on everything i have. I dropped out of that school less than a year later. I felt defeated. But then i found the school that changed my life. I had teachers that pushed me to do better because they saw the good in me. They believed in me. I cant begin to describe the amount of joy i felt when i walked across the stage at graduation. Im not where i want to be in life just yet but im working every day to make myself the best version of me that i can. And to this day, i still want to shove my diploma in that principal's face. *side note: my daughter and i listen to you all every morning on our way to school drop off. If you could read this around 820 ish so she could hear it, that would totally make her day
  • Hi Connie and fish. They said I couldnt race and win triathlons with type 1 diabetes! And I have now been racing for almost four years and winning!
  • I have a disorder called left brain learning impairment. Well, that with ADHD, they told me I would never have a normal education. Guess what people, normal education with a 3.0 GPA, high school diploma and associates degree. Take that people.
  • I got my masters at age 45
  • They said I couldn't quit smoking after 30 years.....this was almost 5 years ago. I did it cold turkey and going through a divorce
  • I got pregnant at 16 and my step father told me I would be nothing but a welfare pos. I NEVER accepted any welfare and worked my ass off. My mother kicked me out which I knew she would. She took me to an adoption agency to give up my child. I did not. I kept him. When I told my now near 32 year old son he said 'what?! You know who adopts cute little newborns?! Rich people! But no you had to prove a point! Lol.
  • He was joking of course and we are best friends
  • In high school, my chemistry teacher told me I would never do anything in the science field for my career. Now I’m a Research and Development Scientist for a pharmaceutical company. He gets a big old middle finger
  • My drivers ed ed teacher told me that I would kill people with the way that I drive. Well it's been 11 years and so far that hasn't happened. Proved him wrong!
  • I was told that it was impossible to drink a gallon of whole milk in under an hour. My buddy and I tried it. My gallon was gone in 20 min and I was purposely pacing myself. My buddy puked after half a gallon. Before the hour was up I chugged his half gallon. Boom! Eat that snooty physiology professor!
  • Maybe it's just me, but I've never had anyone tell me I couldn't do something. I've always had a great, supporting family who told me I could do anything.
  • I got married and have a kid! WTH!
  • My family said I would never move out of state again. Well here I am loving Florida life!!!
  • TQOTD. I had a professor who was the epitome of a crusty, pompous old windbag. I cannot recall what he wrote on a graded paper. it he essentially told me that I was too stupid to grasp even the simplest of concepts. I remember telling him I would prove him wrong by being published. Joke is on you, Dr. Goldsmith.
  • They told me I couldn't make the empire the biggest force in the galaxy while I showed those Jedis
  • I moved out when I was 17 during my junior year of high school due to abuse in the home. My parents told me I would never graduate high school, and even went as far as going to the secretary of state to have my license revoked until I turned 18. No matter how many obstacles they put in front of me, I graduated high school, and with honors. I was so proud to have proved them wrong even though my parent chairs sat empty during the ceremony. I knew what I accomplished and they couldn't take that away from me!

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