What Are Some Things Your Kids Say That Drive You Crazy? – #TQOTD
Kids say a lot of dumb things, and some of those things can drive a person crazy. How does your kid drive you crazy?
What are some things your kids say that drive you crazy???
- TQOTD: I'm 40 years old and I don't have kids. Kids actually drive me crazy and annoy the crap out of me. Don't get me wrong, I love kids (especially my nieces) as long as they go home with their parents after a hopefully short visit. My nieces are constantly saying
- When you ask them a question and get "I don't know" on almost every question.
- After asking them repeatedly to do something: “why are you grumpy?”
- “I forgot”, “You never said that”, “uuuuhhhh”, “I’M TELLING DADDY!”....
- “Watch me do...” I’m so glad I watched you jump on the air, thanks for that amazing show
- “Moms grumpy” Well maybe if you fluffin’ listen the first 284 times I said something I wouldn’t be so grumpy. Goes for my husband as well
- 4 year old “you are MEAN!” “I want a NEW mom! And a NEW house! And a NEW bed! And a NEW dog!” And on and on...probably for some reason like I wouldn’t let him play with a real hammer ♀️
- "Do we have any ___ ?" Dude. You know where we keep ____, go look. But no, immediately ask mom without even looking.
- I couldn’t stop laughing when I took my granddaughter to the doctor. Doctor: hun you have influenza b. Grandkid: I want an A not a B. A is better. Me: no . None are better.
- “I caaaaaant” in a super annoying 2 year old whine!
- I don't remember, I can't find it..even if the item is right in front of them, or I can't do it..even though she can do it herself at school.
- “I don’t want to get out of bed”...like I want to get up at 6:20 to wake them up and then be a human snooze button repeating myself at 6:30 and 6:40?! ♀️
- "What's for dinner" oh my lord I have a slight spasm when I hear that, I don't know, I get up at 245am, I don't think about dinner all the time cause I'm too tired...Go ask ur dad whose asleep on the couch, he's only been up since 6
- When my 8 year old daughter slips up and calls any adult "dude" or "bro"....it's just disrespectful!
- Yeah but... stop doing x- yeah but.... we don’t do x because it’s nice nice- yeah but... you need to do your chores- yeah but... ugh
- "I forgot" from my oldest or my little one's favorite "I want a new mommy" probably not the best mom move when I respond with I want a new son.
- Every. Single. Morning. I. Wake. Him. Up. For. School. He. Says, “I wish it was Friday.”
- My almost 2 year old granddaughter is a broken record when it comes to the word "no". Ask any questions and the answer is always no!
- “It’s not mine.” DRIVES ME CRAZY! I didn’t ask who’s it was, I asked you to pick it up!
- My sons 13 and I think the only thing he knows to say now is “”I DON’T CARE” and it is SO frustrating!! I always reply “that’s fine, but I do care” and it makes him mad
- “Not my fault”. Ok kid, then who made the silly choice for you then?
- "I only have 2 hands" when I ask my 3 year old to grab something for me
- My Son calls me "Cuz"... "Hey Cuz, how you doing" #teens
- "Gotty" instead of got ya, or got it. My students do it all day long and I think they only do it because they know I hate it.
- I didn’t do it. I hate that phrase. How dumb do you think I am??, of course you did it. Just admit it and we wouldn’t have to punish you for not telling the truth. I swear my kids get punished more for lying to me than anything else.
- Yes! Boomer! Drives me nuts. And "Road work ahead? I hope so!" Everytime we see a road work sign!
- "I'll do it in a bit". Days later.... Never gets done unless I hound him to do something.
- "bro" for one thing I am not of the male gender! Plus I am your mother not your "bro"
- Yesterday night ......Ugh you me last night. Wait what..... why do I have to wait. It wasn’t me...... this dude is getting beat if I ever meet him. I’d didn’t do that ....... of course you didn’t it was ________
- My 12yr old daughter on a daily basis after being told more than once “Oh, I forgot”
- “It’s not fair” or “mom mom mom mom mom mom” x 289
- I don't know, when asked anything.
- Mom. Can we have dinner. Its 4 in the afternoon and he just got home from school
- Wait.... what???? Said after EVERY GOD FOR LOVIN THING I SAY TO THEM!!!
- My bad...(a kid on my bus said it yesterday) reminded me that my kids use to say it and it drove me nutz...
- Getting a "Meh" or no reply with a blank stare when asked direct questions..
- Ok boomer ( not a boomer) and In a minute...ggggrrrr
- Mine acts like he doesn’t hear me when I ask him to do something..
- My 2 yr olds favorite word right now is HEY!
- "Did you take your meds today? You're grumpy." - 5yr old
- My 4yr old “ can I watch YouTube on your phone”
- WHY! Drives me nuts.
- Mom, mom, Moooommmmm!!!!
- My 10 y/o daughter says yeet. I Hate it!!!!
- Drinkt (drank/drink), irun (iron)
- I fooorrrgot!
- Boomer! I am not a boomer.
- #tqotd my 4y old has a hard time with the letter s. O: mom, I wah ducking my pop-tickle. Me: I'm sorry, what? O: I wah ducking my pop-tickle Me: try that one more time. I think you're auto-correcting. O: I wah ducking my pop-tickle like I used to duck your boob (He was breastfed)
- #TQOTD you wanna know one thing that my kids say to drive me crazy. I have 5 kids and they all have something. Oldest to youngest Girl 21 - god doesnt exist Girl 19 - just kill me already Boy 15 - I did my homework (but he never does) Boy 14 - mother trucker (he really says trucker) Boy 12 - chicken Nugget...a response to almost everything I ask
- TQOTD.. "Can I tell you my dream? My 14 year old insists on telling me her dream that takes up 4.6 hours of my life AND "I'm JUST kidding" when they say something that pisses me off. No child.. No you weren't But I love em so much
- I can only think if a couple of words. One is WHATEVER. Asking your kids to do something and the answer is whatever. The two words in the English language I despise is when you ask your teenage kids a question or you show them something and they say I KNOW. Well if you know then why didn't you do it right the first time.
- I have a daughter that says "what not"... what the hell is a "what not" . She also says"you know" , I want to scream no I don't know that is why you are telling me
- “I forgot,” when asked to do pretty much anything 13, 11, 9
- my oldest couldnt do t"s....a truck was a fuck. that was fun in public
- My 13 year old says Or do I, or, Or am I...after every darn thing and she makes it fit for whatever the situation requires. Like, or do you, or are you...ALL.DAY.LONG!
- I HATE it when my kids say "Lets Go" and "Wait..."
- #TEXTQUESTIONOFTHEDAY my brother talking during a movie.
- Two sons this is true for both - after saying something mean to the other if I told them not to I would hear "I was just kidding"
- My adult child has this saying I just hate. I'm 27 years old and a grown a$$ man. I tell him then act it ya jerk
- My daughter drives me crazy when when says I’m bored
- When I am running through all or the kids names trying to get the right name, I eventually give up (we have 6 kids) and say "you know who you are" and my 16 year old will reply with, "Do I, do I mom?"
- Something my oldest son says that drives me crazy is his entire body hurts because he worked so hard at school!!!! He's 9 and he's in for a world of hurt if he already hurts
- My 6 year old daughter says "REALLY" and "Not Fair"" drives me crazy!!!
- I'm pregnant -16
- Drives me crazy when my one year old son calls me BOB … Who’s BOB??? I am your mother!
- My youngest (16 yrs) does not SAY something per say, it's her body language. When we are arguing, she will constantly steal looks at my husband as she is arguing with me clearly trying to WILL him via eye telepathy to back her side of the conversation. It drives me NUTS!! Also - my ADULT children (22 & 25 yrs) bother me when they swear with GD (God- da**). We swear a lot in my household so I'm by no means a prude but this word drives me crazy. It's all my years of Catholic school I think!
- My daughter used to call a bridge a b****, we have a pedestrian bridge by our house and she would always say there's my b****
- I can’t say anything without one of my kids telling me “you can’t say that anymore, it’s considered insensitive “.
- We were traveling and I referred to a couple with an adorable little one, who appeared to be from Japan, as “they are, in general, a smaller people”.
- I can’t remember what we were talking about that I said that, but seriously, is that a thoughtless thing to say? It wasn’t a negative comment in my opinion.
- My daughter is 6 years old and has picked up wanting to say everything my husband says and does. So now when my husbands objectifies me at the house like, a slap on the bum while I’m cooking dinner with a “good job babe” low and behold here comes my daughter right behind him. She slaps my butt and say “good job mom” and goes about her day. Drives me nuts, but it’s so hard to reprimand her for looking up to her dad, I’ll just continue to be objectified by them both, one will tire of the other one eventually.
- My 8 year old daughter likes to say "victory is mine" after she farts... after a while she will say excuse me but ugh! Be a lady!