What Are You Bad At But Wish You Were Good At? – #TQOTD
We wanted to know where you can improve today. So we asked you what you want to be better at. Connie and Steve both said cooking and Fish thought they were crazy because they are already good cooks. No, Fish, just because they can cook more than just tacos and spaghetti doesn't mean that they are world class chefs...
What are you bad at but wish you were good at?
- Burger Singing and 💃
- I can’t sing to save my life
- adulting
- Buying gifts. I always have a difficult time
- Ahhh, keeping my mouth shut, dangggg did I say that? Nope, nope, nope.
- I'm really good at singing loudly. I'm really bad at using the correct notes while doing so.
- I wish I was a good artist. I don't even draw stick figures well! #TWOTD #wannabepicaso
- TQOTD: one thing that I am bad that I wish I was good at is being confident to talk to new people. I am always scared and/or nervous to talk to anyone new.
- I'm on time for literally everything but school. i'm leaving my house right now and class started half an hour ago.....
- Beatboxing. My inner gangsta embarrasses herself when she's drinking
- TQOD - I know this is cliche, but Managing money. I'm a single mom so there is no one else to do it. It is a daily struggle to stay in budget and make the paycheck stretch until next payday.
- TQOTD.. I am HORRIBLE at crafting. I'd sew my finger in a sewing machine, glue myself to the table or staple my face to the wall. I can cook, bake, and clean, but no DIY projects here...
- TQOTD...I wish I were better at math and singing both. I mean...who doesn't want a singing accountant.😁
- #TQOTD I wish I could do my hair and makeup.... I'm such a tomboy. And my poor daughter is a girly girl And I have no idea how to teach her how to do hair/makeup... Lol
- I wish I was a better cook. I can follow a recipe fairly well, but to just whip something up I'm not very good.
- ... adulting ...
- Eating healthy and working out!!
- Sticking to a diet. Apparently, I have no willpower. I love food 😔
- Softball! I play coed and its tons of fun just to be out there with everyone. I can bat and hit the crap out of it. But can't catch a ball to save my life.
- I SUCK at money management... I just cannot figure it out
- Text message of the day: organization and interior design!! I want to be good at this so bad lol but I feel like I just fail lol
- Cleaning cleaning cleaning
- Text question of the dayyyy I wish I could sport better. I'm a musician ok?!?! When I try to sport, the ball always has an odd way of finding my FACE #poundtown #steeeeeeeeve #GLORIOUS
- #tqotd I wish I was better at being humble.... its just REALLY hard cuz im SOOO awesome and funny and perfect..... and SARCASTIC! 😉
- #TQOTD I wish I was better at social interaction. I have my good days, but generally, I suck at it.
- Driving!
- I'd have to say waking up. I've slept through so many plans it's pathetic
- Taking a break and not working so much
- I would like to be better at budgeting
- TQOTD: IT/tech support so I can solve my own problems
- Budgeting. Money. I am terrible.
- Relationships
- I wish I was better at being on time. I swear I am going to end up being late to my own funeral. *sigh*
- Tqotd I wish was better with words, spelling, and grammar. #thankgodforautocorrect
- #TQOTD I wish I was better with the design. Interior design and putting outfits together. I always have great visions, but then they never come out the way I hoped they would. So annoying!
- Good morning Connie and Fish. I wish I was better at speaking up for myself when people hurt my feelings or say something negative about me in front of me
- Ditto to Nikki. Hair/makeup. My poor little girl...
- Hello weirdos That I adore I wish I was better at managing my anxiety Without medication and even on medication I pray a lot I take a lot of deep breaths seems the only thing that actually takes away the heart pounding is my kids when they're cracking me up but if any of you out there have anxiety too just listen to Connie a fish and laugh your fool heart out
- Genna from Holland love you guys! I wish I could spend less on groceries.. I spend sooo much because my children NEVER STOP EATING
- I wish I was better at lying LOL I can't get away with Jack … Also.... pole-dancing
- Hi it's you, boy, Daniel 😤 one thing I'm bad at that I wish I was good at is waking up in the morning
- Question of the day, I wish I was better at time management I'd go into it but I'm going to be late for work love you guys have a good morning
- I wish I was better at liking people!!
- Vooce texying
- Losing weight
- Flirting... lol. So awkward!
- Making balloon animals 😂
- I wish I was good at sex
- Cleaning the house. I hate doing it. I just wish the house would clean itself
- Dishes and laundry... I hate them! Cleaning, putting them away ugh
- Procrastination, and crop dusting. No wait I'm good at that.
- I'm horrible at procrastinating and staying on a healthy diet, cheat day is every day
- Being vanilla I talk about sex too much
- I wish I was better at retaining information, that way I could learn to be better at a few things.
- I wish I was better at being a type A personality, a go-getter. Instead of calm and laid-back.
- Tqotd: I wish I knew how to hold my temper better.. I'm plenty friendly and nice but I can go from 0-60 in 5 seconds! My temper could use some work
- Math!!! Intelligent yes, but math hounds me like a dog!!!
- I wish I was better at being patient! It seems the older I get the less patience I have.
- I wish I could sew better, more professional I want to be a designer. There are a lot of hidden errors #sewjo
- I'm not very good at life. My friends even renamed Murphy's law after me because of all the $h!t that happens to me 😂. #frazhoslaw
- Trusting. Once it's been broken. It's hard to fix.
- I'm bad at love, can't seem to make it pass 8 years
- I wish I was better at talking to people. I'm so socially awkward.
- I am really really bad at remembering names. No matter what I've tried or even had been in a sorority (we learn to remember names for recruitment and of course our 100+ sisters) I've struggled and I am a teacher. I have memorized all my student's names but if I get a few new ones throughout the semester I am struggle bussing.
- Understanding woman lol
- I'm always late!!! I'm later than the late people!
- Caring. I just don't
- The one major flaw I have is women. They are so much fun!! I get myself into trouble enough times, but now I've snatched up a keeper. She fills me and makes me complete.
- I wish I was better at adulting. I'm a married mom of 2, I work a grown-up job, and I worry about boring grown-up stuff like colon health. That said, I feel like three kids stacked on top of each other with a trench coat and a fake mustache most days (you know, like in the cartoons lol). I feel like I'm always desperately trying to keep up, but would rather go home to my messy house to watch cartoons and each sugar cereal. I go to work and feel like I'm trying too hard to convince everyone that I'm one of them, then get home and take off the adult suit and revert back to kid mode. Lol
- i wish I was better at getting my texts on the air. #lesbians?