What Are You Embarrassed To Say You Have Stolen? – #Secrets
Today we wanted to dive into the seedy underworld of thievery... Pretty much every person in the world has stolen something at some point in their lives, and we want to know about your dumbest theft in which you are absolutely ashamed.
What are you embarrassed to say you have stolen?
- When I was maybe 9/10yrs old, I stole another girls sandals from outside her apartment door. Then accidentally re-gifted them back to her at her bday party. welcome to the hood, sis!
- Not anything I am proud of.... but I took $$ from my mom. In my head( before I was on meds)- it was my way of getting back at her for everything she did to me as a kid. It was WRONG I know that and the only one it ended up hurting was me!!!
- A box of fruit snacks when I was babysitting. It wasn't even from their cupboard, but their pantry in the basement. They were quick to realize an entire box was missing and of course, I wasn't going to admit to it. Instead, I implied the kids must have eaten them at some point. Needless to say, they didn't ask me to babysit their kids again.
- When I was little and went grocery shopping with my mom, I used to love going down the bulk candy isle. Yea, I thought it was a taste test for all the different candies.
- Spoons from restaurants. Why is it that we never have enough spoons. We were at Denny’s one night and my boyfriend hands me a spoon n says “here, put this in your purse”. So I did. A few days later I found the spoon in my purse. Boyfriend said he was only joking. But I did it. Now it’s a running joke
- A donut from the bakery while I was shopping . Ooooppps. Now they put out free cookies so I'm good.
- A Christmas ornament when i was like 5.
- Pogs lol
- I honestly don’t think I’ve stolen anything. Ugh. I’m boring.
- Ash tray in Vegas back in the 80s that's when the hotel's had there logos on them
- I stole an industrial vacuum from a stadium. Just picked it up ran out the door like a boss. Might have had a little too much liquid courage that night. Pretty embarrassed when my bf at the time came out to the car after playing at said stadium and I'm sitting on vaccum like its a majestic steed. Lol
- I mean a cpl hearts here and there!
- When I was 8 I stole a Brian Littrell (of BSB fame) sticker from my best friend. I was so scared she would figure out it was me that I hid it and still have not found it... two decades later.
- A lot of hood ornaments, way back in the day
- A Hello Kitty marker when I was 6 years old
- My parent's weed.
- Ate the whole box of my kids icecream sammiches & told them they must have been bad cuz the sammich eating fairy done broke in the house that nite & eat them all... then showed them the empty wrappers in the garbage..... told them to take notes cuz at least the sammich eating fairy had manners & put her wrappers in the garbage can.
- #Secrets...I stole toilet paper ♀️ by accident it was in the bottom of the cart and I forgot it was there at checkout, and toilet paper ain't cheap people!! It was a win Fish you should try this technique
- Back when I was 17 i worked for a catering company. My wife and I had plans to move out when we turned 18 which we did. So while I worked there I'd take trash bags and silverware. We didn't have to buy trashbags for the first 4 years.
- I’m embarrassed that I stole a Yeti from a friends front yard....I knew for a fact that it was theirs and acted dumb when they asked our friend group of they’d seen it
- I stole a shopping cart once. The restaurant that I worked at shared a parking lot with a small grocery store, they NEVER took care of their carts at the end of the night so it kept hitting my car. So I took it.
- I am embarrassed/not embarrassed to say I stole my wife of ten years. It’s wrong to steal someone else’s girlfriend but I am way better than him
- When I was a teenager I stole wine coolers from a convenient store. I stuffed them in my side band and pulled my hoodie over my waist. Such an asshole move lol I think I had 5 of them.
- So. I was 13 and shopping at Kmart... my friend. Not me... just to be clear, started to steal makeup. I had never seen anyone steal before and I was terrified! She told me to chill out and just act natural . We started walking around and heard "code 4 to mall entrance ". My friend tells me that is the code for secure when someone is stealing! I freaked out and peed my pants, which she thought was hilarious! After 5 minutes of walking around trying to dodge security, in freshly pissed in pants she admitted she lied about it and had no clue what code 4 was! I then stole underwear to replace my wet ones.... she still laughs about that 25 years later!
- When I was 13 I stole 11.00 from my dad and blamed it on my sister. When I look back on it its embarrassing and yes I've told my dad the truth now.
- My most embarrassed moment was when I stoled the pizza pepper from Peter piper pizza a TX pizzeria lol stoled it for my mom inside pizza box I was 12
- I stole a bottle of fry seasoning from Red Robin once.
- I can say I've stolen toilet paper and dish sponges from my current job. Plus The occasional medical supplies like ace wraps, kling, and tourniquets.
- I was working for an amusement park and I stole part of a costume that was very recognizable!
- I stole a skateboard from Walmart. Just rode my happy ass right out the door with it. Felt like Tony hawk. Do I feel bad about it? Honestly. Not really
- Remember those foot-less tights girls wore in the late 80s/early 90s? They had lace on the ankles. I stole a pair of those when I was in high school. What a stupid fashion statement. 80 degree temps but I wore those stupid things under Jean's. Yeah, height of comfort....blech
- I stole a thong from Victorias secret before my mom would let me wear thongs
- I am ashamed to admit that when I was 14 my best friend and I stole bras and underwear from Dots a clothing store. We thought we were cool as we were walking out the door until we were invited back in lol. Super embarrassing for sure!!!!
- I'm embarrassed that I stole a five dollar phone case from the mall. This is now on my criminal background and has prevented me from getting jobs
- I would have to say it was stealing about 40 leather coats from a clothing store I worked at when I was 18. My boyfriend met me at the back door when a shipment came in, and I tossed them out to him. Needless to say, my boyfriends mother found them all hidden in his closet and made us return them.
- Band-Aids from the doctor's office
- My husband stole football cards , got caught and is currently paying fines because he stole.... FOOTBALL CARDS! I'm embarrassed for him.
- When IWas seven years old I stole a clown stuffed animal from a friends backpack at school and when I got home I was questioned about where I got it and I had to admit I stole it that was also the first night my parents decided to give me my first Bible oh the irony
- Sugar packets from Wendy's to make Daiquiris. We were watching The Ten Commandments. I got to the 4th commandment. To this day I don't remember the rest of night.
- Back in the day there was a chain of stores call big wheel I stoled many many many Transformers toys until I got caught by my mom re not allies to tolerate I was get them from
- I'm embarrassed that I stole a glass margarita shaker from a TGIF restaurant, wait no I'm not I earned that our bill was almost $500 lol
- The bubble off a Police Car ( WALKING home from party while I went to WMU)
- When I was 4 or 5 years old I opened a pack of baseball cards to eat the gum out of it
- I stole a "what would jesus do" (wwjd) bracelet. Well jesus wouldn't steal that bracelet!
- I stole a co workers extra tampon out of the closet and when she asked if I had one the following month I said no way too quick
- apparently when I was little I stole this tiny ceramic turtle from the window in the play area at the dentists, We got home and I was like "mommy lookit this turtle!" and my mom was too embarrassed to return it. So now I just kinda have it. Its got kind of a snobby expression
- Back in my younger teenage years I used to steal balloon animal balloons from the local retail store is obviously my boyfriend couldn't afford them neither could I
- I was only embarrassed, no mortified, when my best friend started barfing all over the house when we stole from my parents liquor cabinet. Good Lord she was trashed. I sobered up real quick!!!!
- When I was about 12-13 I was very curious about my body and sex my friends and I went to the mall and I stole a vibrating massager from Spencer’s lol one of the best worst things ever
- Kissing Dutchmen when I was drunk in college
- I used to wear bootleg jean and that mad me room to walk out of bars with the tall beer mugs. Alcohol is the devil
- dear Connie and fish please keep me Anonymous but when I was younger me and my friends swiped an old coin operated City parking meter
- I attempted to steal one of those cellophane wrapped caramels from the bulk candy section, carried it all through the store while following my dad around while he was shopping and finally the guilt was too much and I had to bring it back and put it back where it belongs
- So I stole a special ring for my husband ones for when we have balloon animals wanting to try it out before I bought some
- Condoms
- Ooooo oooo I forgot about this....me and my drunken friend ,jumped a low fence and took 2 patio chairs and a small table from a restaurant we hung out.They went out of business shortly after that. Hmmm. Dear god please forgive me.
- I was 15 and stole some fake nails from a pharmacy. The cops were called, I said I didn't have parents and lived in the car so they wouldn't call my parents. After a half hour of back-and-forth, they said I had a smart mouth and tried to load me in the back of a police car. After kicking an officer in his nether region, I bolted. The second officer caught me and I spent a few hours locked up before my parents were called.
- #secrets when I was a teenager I was at the store Kohl's with some of my friends I was there to steal something so I did when my friend got busted she ratted everyone out and of course I got the biggest punishment all because someone left the jewelry box open and I walked out with a $5,000 diamond ring for my mother for Mother's Day needless to say she got nothing besides a call from the police department on Mother's Day love you guys
- When he were younger my husband and I got an apartment together. I worked at a hotel at the time and stole sheets, towels and a shower curtain for our apartment.
- I'm in barest to say that sometimes I steal tampons from church bathrooms... Embarrassed stupid voice to text
- Embarrassed stupid voice to text
- I used to work at a local hospital when I was a teenager. I worked in the food service department. I stole an entire set of silverware from them still have them to this day
- When I was a kid I stole a Cadbury egg from The store. My mom caught me as we were leaving and made me go tell the store manager. THE WORST
- I know you just finished the qotd but I had to share! I was BAD as a teenager when it came to stealing. The one I feel the worst about is when a freind and I stole from a sporting goods store. I stole a softball glove and she stole a golf club!! I still laugh thinking about her walking out of the store with a golf club in her overalls because she couldnt bend her knee. But the worst part is at seperate times we RETURNED both the glove and the club and the store gave us cash! I was crying when I returned the glove with a big sob story about how I didn't make the softball team and my dad had gotten me this nice glove. I am going to hell!