Do you fake the funk?  Do you fake your balloon animals?  Or do you even fake being on a diet?  Let us know for today's TQOTD!

What are you faking?

  • Happiness, sanity, being a functioning adult
  • Being healthy. Same as every day.
  • That I have to mimic an organ that quit on me in 1993...type 1 diabetes.. pancreas quit working...trader!!!!
  • My eyelashes!
  • Being happy...
  • My life.
  • My stability
  • How happy I am
  • My attitude at work
  • Being happy
  • My life
  • Having it all together.. I don’t and it’s barely holding
  • Sanity.
  • Productivity at home.
  • My smile
  • My sanity
  • Happiness
  • The will to live
  • Being human
  • That I care
  • How well I feel
  • Migraines
  • How much I like my Job
  • I'm always faking that I'm okay because that's easier for other people to deal with than the fact that I struggle with mental illness.
  • #TQOTD I'm faking that I'm happy to help out at work. Granted, most of the time I am, but today and tomorrow are a different story. I really don't want a damn thing to do with what I signed up for simply because I struggle to say no.
  • TQOTD....for the sake of others I fake strength in my diagnosis. I fall apart when I am alone and keep my shit together and put on my fight face when talking to them so they learn to not let it own their life and keep the strength. ***Don't read my hashtag..swears #FindAFuckingCureAlready
  • Faking I'm smarter than I really am
  • Currently I am faking my good health. I got a bad diagnosis last week and I haven't told anybody yet.
  • I am faking the belief that I'm doing the right thing by divorcing my husband of 12 years (5 of which have been plagued with various degrees of his lies, drug abuse, manipulation, and emotional abuse/abandonment). I am faking because I'm told "fake it til you make it" but I am old school and do hold my faith very close to my heart. Logically, I know all the adages... I'm worth more, my children deserve better, I need to set a good example of healthy relationships etc... but most days my heart and my head battle over this choice. The love is gone, the respect is gone, so I know deep down it is the right thing for us... but still... most days I "fake it til I make it"
  • TQotD I am faking liking my mother-in-law. I feel bad for this but she starts so much drama between my husband and I. She helps me sooo much I have alot of respect for her for this, but I hate her too for the disrespect.
  • I'm faking having a good relationship with my mom, but only because she leaves for 7 months out of the year with her boyfriend of only a couple of years. She has chosen men over her daughter's for quite some time and it depresses me.
  • I fake being broke, otherwise my kids would suck me dry.
  • TQOTD. I fake liking some of my coworkers or at least I'm friendly when I'd like nothing better than to just do my job and be left alone. I spend more time with them than my family and I love them. Some of my coworkers are condescending jerks who act like they hold a better position in life when in reality their attitudes make them ugly. I'll take a humble, stinky, honest person over snobs any day.
  • I fake being happy at times, I'm generally a happy person but stress can overwhelm me at times. Work, home life, debt and car issues just brings down the happiness. But I gotta look happy when I'm not, so my kids dont get down and upset.
  • I fake knowing what I am talking about. If I fake it long enough I usually either figure it out or someone let's an actual description slip and a lightbulb goes off lol. P.S. i never do it with important stuff.
  • I am faking listening to this coworker next to me blah blah blah about the job she's doing I really don't give a Chuck I'm listening to you guys in the other ear Baja
  • I'm faking how happy I am with this new relationship I'm in. He's much younger, and I know it's not forever, but it's by far best sex I've ever had in my 45 yrs of never being married!!
  • Morning guys I love the text question of the day today!!! I'm faking being interested in a guy just for balloon animals!!! I'm 40 he's 26 and I'm too old for the mother/wife thing come on now I'm a new grandma LOL
  • Since I don’t want to get you guys in trouble. Fish just read this in a boring sounding voice: “Wha wha wha WOOO HOOO WOOO HOOO … YUP YUP …. Which is Orgasms of course

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