It's Friday the 13th so that made coming up with today's #TQOTD pretty easy...

What are you superstitious about?

  • Connie! I drop mirrors almost every night! I make mirrors! Guess I'm screwed for life
  • full moon and never say its quiet when in a medical setting!
  • It's one thing I'm superstitious about splitting the pole
  • Can call me Mama Smash - I am right there with the "11:11". I for as long as I could remember always found myself looking at the clock and seeing 11:11 either a.m. or p.m. just about every day and found this very bizarre. Later on in life, I then found out that when I was getting a marriage license I had to have my first certificate and looked at my birth certificate and noticed I was born at exactly 11:11 AM. Not only that but it is also considered a twin number and two years ago almost 2 years ago I then had twins. Super bizarre but I now look at 11:11 being a reminder of that only my twins but just to appreciate life as well.
  • At my work, we are very careful with being jinxed. Anytime someone says "this never happens" it happens within hours
  • I'm superstitious about only picking up a penny if it's heads up
  • Question of the day… I always pick up a Penny when I find one and I put it in my shoe all day for good luck. Does that work? Nooo, but I just have to do it! Lol
  • Anyone in health care won't say the "Q word" (quiet) referencing their upcoming shift/call. If you tell your coworker "I hope you have a quiet shift/call " you might as well have said go "f" yourself cause they'll have the busiest/worst shift ever
  • Good morning fabulous people. Yellow lighters! I was told when I was young if you touch someone's yellow light it gives you bad juju.......but now that I'm reading what I'm saying I'm starting to feel like whoever told me just didn't want me to touch the lighter hahaha
  • My granny was from coal miners community in Kentucky and she would never let us bring in a shovel in the house cuz she said someone would die. Not kidding
  • I’m glad I am not superstitious. My wedding ring snapped in half recently! 😂
  • My mother was extremely superstitious I've seen her slam on the brakes because of a black cat turn around and go around
  • I have no superstitions and # 13 is my lucky number 😁
  • I used to be superstitious if something negative happened while listening to a specific song, I would change the station quickly any time that song would be played.
  • You don't say it's quiet in a medical setting because then some crazy shit will go down or you will get some crazy type of patient
  • Heads up pennies
  • I throw salt over my shoulder if I spill it
  • Friday the 13th has always been a lucky day so I bought lottery tickets
  • Not sure what the superstition is supposed to do. But I avoided walking under ladders.
  • I was always told you have to hold your breath as you're passing a graveyard
  • I am superstitious about digital clocks. If I ever see one when it reads 11:11 I have to touch it for luck
  • I will never consider Friday the 13th bad 1st child was born on Friday, December 13th 2002...4 weeks early at 36 weeks...happy and healthy..and she was born on the exact date that her grandfather passed away 4 years early..she took a sad day for my husband and made it happy
  • In my country you are not supposed to celebrate your Birthday before the actual day … just in case you die
  • The song Iron Man by Ozzy Osbourne. Every time I hear that song something bad happens... like a trip to the ER bad. My brother had a window fall over his head and cut and ribbons I slashed my leg open, etc...
  • Not sure if this is a Superstition but I cannot and will not walk on a grate or manhole cover on a sidewalk or Road. I will stop and wait for people to pass me so I can walk around I will walk into the street and rather get hit by a car then walk across one of those. I will not fall in it and being eaten by an alligator... I am not kidding.
  • If you step on the W by the library at WMU, you'll fail all your finals unless you go splash water on the whale
  • If I go under a yellow light I kiss my hand and touch the roof of my car
  • My superstition that always comes true is the street lights always shut off when I go buy them. I'm not sure what this means but it's creepy and always happens to me no matter where I am.
  • I’m superstitious about having a crazy night working at the hospital on a full moon. It always happens
  • Not really a superstition, but I'm pretty positive my grandma who passed a few years ago leaves dimes around every once in a while or when I'm having a tough time.
  • Penny thing, my gma always said only if it's face up and you put it in your left shoe
  • Bad luck to open umbrella in the house
  • I am actually anti-superstitious. I cheer when black cats crossed my path, I look for ladders to walk under, Friday the 13th is my luckiest day of any month. I actually met my husband of 34 years on Friday the 13th.
  • I am not superstitious. My husband and eyes first date was on Friday the 13th and we've been happily married for 27 years
  • My cousins will not watch Phantom of the Opera because the last three times they have watched it, (that night) their house has caught fire
  • My daughter lives in Hawaii...I've been told not to bring back any rocks from's bad luck to take them off the island!
  • I looked at your website for the first time last night now I can put your faces with your voices now that scary😂😂😂
  • I've never been very superstitious but on my wedding day it rained and they kept telling me that means it's good luck. That morning on the way to get ready I hit a bird. Without skipping a beat my sister said they say if you kill a bird on your wedding day it means it will last. It made me laugh, I know it's not true but it's been 14 amazing years! 😍😍😍
  • I used to be superstitious but decided that I had to cut back. Now I'm just regular stitious.
  • I’m not sure if this is what you mean by superstitious But when I was younger my dad told me that my mom used to have dreams of her teeth falling out She dreamed that two times and to weeks later Two of her aunts died, separate times of course recently I had dreams like that

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