What Are You The Most Judgmental About? – #TQOTD
Let's all turn into Karens and get ready judge because we need to for the #TQOTD.
What are you the most judgmental about?
- Myself....my weight, not being a good enough parent or person.
- Adults who have no manners/respect but expect you to treat them with respect and have manners. Aarrgg!!
- Lately it's people who bring their entire family (2+ adults and kids) to shop for 4 items every/every other day.
- Driving! No turn signal, driving slow in the fast lane, obviously on their phones, following tractors too close, etc.
- Manners and bad grammar.
- Fake people. Those who are kind only when they need something from you.
- People at work but not working
- That haircut!!!
- Laziness!!!!
- People that like to judge others but can’t get things right themselves. For instance, they are going to tell others how to raise their children and how public schools are “awful” and they homeschool and don’t let their children play on tablets , but can’t use spell check to fix their grammar! Feel bad for ur child, u homeschooling Nazi!! There are other examples but let’s just leave that right there
- People who chew and "smack" loudly. I can't help but wonder if they really are so oblivious to it, or if they just don't care that they completely let themselves go.
- When people don't do something right away when asked. Especially when they clearly aren't doing anything important. Drives me up a wall. That video can be paused. It can wait. Please just do the dishes before you fall asleep early and don't get to them until the next day with reminders.
- Currently; people who do NOT wear masks in public places. Helllooooo people, pandemic. Did you miss the frogging memo or something?!?! Sheesh!
- Those with no common sense. Also, those that are dependent on someone else to get things done. Instead of trying and learning how to do something, they are helpless and wait for someone else to do it.
- Adults who need to be told to chew with their mouths closed and/or not to talk with food in their mouth.
- People that display Gun Owners for Trump 2020 signs in their front yard.
- Judging people by sight! Not good, but I'm aware, so there's that
- Hypocritical people. People who encourage others to stay home and social distance without people they don’t live with but feel as if the rules don’t apply to them..♀️
- People surfing YouTube while the rest of the department is working..
- People not doing the job they are paid to do.
- Judging people, not knowing anything about them
- There's paint on the road, stay between the lines, it's really quite simple.
- When I see an entire family with little kids at the grocery store and none of them are wearing masks.
- Mixing up "Your" and "You're" Drives me
- Marriage values
- Not taking care of shopping carts!
- Loud chewing! And not picking up after your dog
- People wearing Crocs over the age of 7.... Keep your nasty swamp feet away from me.
- People
- Laziness
- I am most judgemental about people who are most judgemental. I think people should just mind there own business. To each their own.
- people that say, yeah I can do it. The last minute drop out and then the work load falls on someone else by force. We were relying on you, you cant just say no now.
- Secrets: people that say, yeah I can do it. The last minute drop out and then the work load falls on someone else by force. We were relying on you, you cant just say no now.
- I am most judgemental about people who are most judgemental. I think people should just mind there own business. To each their own. Kim Coopersville
- I'm most judgmental about the way that people walk.
- I think im most judgemental about homophobia. E.G. Why can't people be nice? Also, spelling. I am best friends with a dyslexic, and though i love her and all, it can get really annoying.
- Good morning! ? Of the day.....For someone that says" Idon't judge"being me, I do from the first moment I see somebody. so bad at that. That's right.... I lie, I suck! Oh hell
- TQOD: Cleanliness! If you have a dirty house or yard I'm totally judging you!
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