What Are You Trying To Decide Right Now? – #TQOTD
Everyone has to make decisions. They can be big or small, but they are still a decision and we want to hear about them.
What are you trying to decide right now?
- Please keep me anonymous - I'm trying to decide if I'm ready to leave my somewhat abusive boyfriend after 5 years
- Should I stay in college, even though I am so over it? Or just finish the degree since I'm well over half done. Ugh. The debt is real
- My first husband passed away and I was super close with the family, since then I have met someone and remarried, the family has shunned me and won't speak to me at all I lent my sister in law a lot of money and she won't answer texts or messages, so I'm trying to decide if I keep trying to contact her or just take the loss and move on completely
- #TQOTD I'm turning 21 in October so I'm trying to decide where I want to go on vacation with my best friend so that we can start saving up! So far it looks like the winner will be Myrtle Beach.
- Where I should live. Sold my house 2 yrs ago and moved in with my parents as I was going to move closer to my boyfriend that lived and hour away. Our relationship was not a strong one so I never moved his way and I ended the relationship 2 months ago. Now I need to make the move to actually move my life forward after being stuck for 4 yrs. Looking forward to it but also scared about being out on my own. Need to finally do what is good for ME! Wish me luck!! 😀
- If I should start looking for a new job...found out today mine will be changing the upcoming year.
- How to convince my husband we need to cancel our gym membership and just buy an elliptical ($140 down the drain every month and we haven’t been there in at least 5 years).
- If I should continue to work where I’m at or make a change into something different
- Honestly trying to decide if I should go to bed right now since I have to work in the morning!
- If I should continue on the path I'm on or not.
- The correct method to relieve constipation. Also, if I should leave my job for a real full-time job.
- Whether or not public school is best for my CI kiddo, or if I should homeschool. At least til next fall when all his surgeries are done.
- How to tell this person, that has made most of my vacation hell, to get out of my house when we get home.
- After today’s crappy day, I’m deciding whether or not to run away.
- I'm trying to decide whether some people are worth my time. I've done a lot of growing this last year and some old friends and I just aren't on the same page anymore.
- Should I say something or just let it be?
- I am trying to decide if I want to go in for a mammogram. They are waiting for me.
- My current decision is which direction I want my life to go!! I have the opportunity to start my own business and make it as big as I want it to. But my wife is against it and just wants me to keep my current job only. I can do them both at the same time but she doesn't think so. An at the same time we need to get out of debt so having this part-time business would help that. So not sure what to do.
- Trying to book a hotel and car 🚗 rental to see my daughter graduate 👨🎓 from basic training in Oklahoma 🙌 #goarmy
- Where my career is going to go, where to get a new job, when to tell my boss and if it is the right thing for my family/future.
- Whether or not to email my estranged mother.
- To have a beer or two, or make my spin class worthwhile and not have any!
- To wear my warm boots or the ones that are super cute? Decisions, decisions. Lol 👢
- My pos car broke down once again today, so the next step is to figure out where to pull money from to pay for repairs.
- I am thinking about how to pay my bills this month. I work my butt off, pay my ex-husband child support ( anything for my kiddos )...do all the driving for them ( he refuses)... and hold the insurance.....making little money.
- What to write in my assistant's reviews
- What to make for dinner
- To have hot chocolate with Baileys or just water.
- If it's time I tried dating again, especially since I'm a single mom.
- Whether or not I should go to work tomorrow
- I have kind of a deep one today. Usually, I text but...I felt like a woman could understand more hence the email.
- I’m trying to decide what to in terms of having children someday. Long story short, I know that I want to be a mom but if I someday try to have a baby (when I’m in a place in life where I’m ready) it will be VERY difficult to conceive because some of my lady organs basically decided to turn against me when I was 19. So I’m trying to decide whether I want to try to someday have kids biologically or just go straight for adopting when the time is right.
- To continue watching catfished or change the channel.
- How to get 2 days worth of sleep in 8 hours
- Mint chocolate chip or Carmel cone...
- To buy the car or not...
- Sadly we already have the answer this morning but it was “when is the right time to let go of a pet?”
- Unless a miracle happens she will be in doggy heaven soon. :( I have no idea how to begin to let go
- On what house to buy!!
- my future..
- What to name our new puppy
- Which job to give up. Which state to move to.
- Crunch berries or Cookie Crisp.
- Stay on the couch or do laundry.
- Coffee or tea
- #TQOTD For the love of God! I'm trying to decide on a lot! Mostly tho, whether I wanna stay at my job right now. Everything is jacked due to other depts yet mine is the one taking all the heat and nothing changes in the other depts. #justquitalready #ihatemyjob #iUsedtolovemyjob
- TQOFTD-I'm trying to decide right now if I want to continue in the relationship I'm in and have a family with him or not.
- Well, our furnace has cracks in it. We have to hit the 401 to pay for it as my husband was hit by a drunk driver and has not been working. So far 3 companies have given us quotes 2 are high but reasonable for what we need. The 3rd one is double those quotes. One more quote coming today.
- Whether to actively try to have a baby now or just let it be and try again in a year if it doesn't happen on its own.
- Go to the gym today or stay home and workout at home with Beachbody. Hmmmm the choices.
- Tqd: Should I buy or rent table Linens for my wedding? Renting is convenient or buying is cheaper especially because you can resell them.
- I'm trying to decide if my 13 year verbally abusive marriage is worth staying in. Kids that aren't mine are involved
- Deciding if I want to go on a diet or say FISH it...
- Hey fish, whatcha wearing? ;), what I'm not really trying to decide anything right now, but if I were, it would probably be the bane of all adult's existence... What's for dinner... seriously, who knew that would be the most difficult decision you'd face every day?
- Trying to decide if I want to stay with the love of my life or leave this because it’s no longer the happy relationship we once had. It’s bad, but I haven’t cared for a man the way I care for him
- Trying to decide if I want to uproot our family and move to FL. My hubby is unhappy here, but this is where my family is.
- Trying to decide if I can afford to leave my boyfriend and live on my own. #adultingishard
- Something I’m trying to decide right now is whether to retire or not.
- Trying to decide... Where to live! We're looking at houses. My bf teaches in mona shores, I own a business in Caledonia.... dead center is about Coopersville but that place is STINKY! # landfill
- We’re trying to decide if we should have some friends over Friday night... they want to, we are at our social limit, so... leaning toward no.
- I'm trying to decide if I'm going to actually name my baby Lilith when it's born if it's a girl because I'm not finding out the gender until I have the baby on July 9
- I'm trying to decide what to go back to college for and what college to go to. Downside is I can only do online classes because I have to work to afford rent and my kids. #singlemonlife
- Whether we should elope in America or Europe
- I'm a year and half after my divorce I'm trying to decide how to start my new book of my life where I want to be after I finish my classes I have one more year before my last child graduate and where we want to start over after that
- I'm deciding if I should leave this line for Tropical Smoothie and just skip breakfast... been waiting to place an order for over 15min... love this place, hate the super long wait.
- If i should wake up for work
- I'm trying to decide how much longer I can fight to keep unemployment from an employee I fired for a very good reason
- Do I leave my job or move to be closer to my girlfriend
- I'm trying to decide which store to try next on my quest for a good bra. I swear, We can go to the moon and develop amazing medical science but there is no research done in bras. I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to find a bra that will support the boobalas, Not have spillage or underboob. Every company I've encountered doesn't understand that a small waist can have giant heavy boobs. This is not sexy. It's the absolute worst
- Whether or not to leave my husband and my girlfriend. We all live together
- BIB: 😂😂😂 whether I should fart here or at the grocery store or wait till I'm home, just in case? 😄😄😄 #uasked #bogoburritos
- I am trying to decide if I really need this job...but then I think my broke roommates (aka my crotch goblins) don't seem to want to make any money...so I'm back to being a slave to "The Man". #DamnTheMan #BrokeBestfriends #LameSituation #IWasSupposedToBeBornAPrincess
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