What Are You Wasting Money On? – #TQOTD
It's time to take a look at your finances and let us know where all of that money is going!
What are you wasting money on?
- Cell and internet. Poor service with both (limited options where I live).
- My Yahtzee game on my phone, it’s so dumb to waste time on it, but it has kept me from FB and the news during this last couple months so I splurged. I was crying daily and had to hide FB!!
- Just bought the husband a case....yes a case, of Crown Royal! The big bottles too!
- I have no money to waste unfortunately!! If I did have money to waste I’d waste it on steampunk apparel ❤️🙌
- Plastic silverware. Never bought it until quarantine happened. With the kids home 24-7 we were running out of clean silverware.
- A vacation that we’ve paid for and cannot go on now because of stupid Covid.😡
- Books. I have 2 stacks to read but still can’t pass up the book shelves
- Classroom supplies that I probably won't even get to use. 😭 Stupid COVID.
- Hulu live (stops all the time), scratch off lottery tickets, 20 ounce Coke at the gas station.
- If it is something that makes me happy I don’t consider it wasting money 😊
- Effing food! That’s it, all we do is frikking eat! It’s ridiculous!
- Cable. Too technologically challenged to cut the cord.
- Twitch!!! I am gifting subs and throwing bits like crazy.
- McDonalds. I’m happy when it eat it. But regrets afterwards. 😫
- School supplies bc who knows wtf is guna happen this year.
- Birchbox and Ipsy. Seriously how many samples do I need?!
- Paying other people to do stuff to my new house...I should suck it up and do it myself!
- My husband’s impulse purchases
- Starbucks....but it’s my only splurge so maybe it’s not a waste?
- Coffee, coffee and more coffee, Oy vey
- Camping and beer/seltzer!
- Eating out... It's amazing howfast itadds up.
- for my 50th birthday I'm wasting my money in Vegas!
- Amazon
- Books!
- Living
- Amazon
- Horses
- Take out
- Beer
- Smoking.....
- Just bought $159 worth of fall scented bath and body works candles # noregerts
- Wasting money on so called special hair product that's supposed to improve my overall hair health
- Of COURSE I waste money on the "basic" things, like coffee and amazon, but my biggest money waster is paying for cable JUST so I can watch the ID channel. Lucky me for not being a new customer so I pay up the wazoo. Worth it!!
- I waste my money of a few things. Ha... Biggest is right now masks...I keep seeing cute masks and buy them. 2ndly is make- up, I love make- up and just buy different make- up and I can't use it all before it expires, thirdly, Starbucks, fourthly and last but not least clothes & purses... TJMaxx is my weakness.
- TQOTD...I’m finally not wasting money on anything. I was on a tank top rampage for awhile but I stopped spending as I finally put a deposit down for a “self mental health getaway” this October and I need to budget it.
- TQOTD. Food. Always waste money of food. Chubby mama loves tamales and chips and salsa.
- I guess you could say I waste money on books. I love to read and own 42 paperbacks, and I’m always buying ebooks, and just recently I caved and purchased a Kindle unlimited subscription so I can read even more books. My college roommate always gave me crap about the amount of money I would have if I wasn’t buying books.
- "Thanks guys" for your question of the day today, as if I didn't already feel guilty for my spending now I have to think about it again...LOL. I would have to say the biggest thing I am currently wasting my money on FAST FOOD. Lunch at work and occasionally dinner, I think I am averaging about 50-70 bucks on the stuff...I will tell Taco Bell that I can no longer play with them now and it's all your fault. LOL.
- Craft shows. We do about 30 of them a year, and they are not cheap to be in.
- TQotD - Ancestry.com. $25 a month that I started when quarantine first started and I loved it and it was interesting but now I go in a once a month to cancel and then get sucked back in again! I need to stop!!!!
- Gas driving to and from work. If it wants me bad enough it should come to me. Lol
- What do I spend too much money on? Omg balloon animal toys...amazon has way too many fun things lol!
NEXT: Without Big 10 Football Which SEC Team Should You Root For?
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