What Baggage Did “They” Bring To Your Relationship? – #Secrets
Time to dish about your partner, past or present. What "baggage" did they bring to your relationship? It can bee good or bad baggage, but the only good baggage we've seem to have received was kids and pets. So, if you know any others, let us know.
What baggage did “they” bring to your relationship?
- Been together 12 years almost and I would say the only thing I would consider baggage is her ex husband wanting her to support her 27 year old son who doesn’t live here and can’t keep a job! He only wants to talk to his mom when he needs something or wants something or is in trouble with the law
- Well.......... debt , unstable family members & more
- Her mother.
- Lack of trust... thanks to his ex 😤
- To be determined 😊
- Alcoholism, narcissistic, jealousy, anger...20 years of marriage. 10 of divorce. I have 8 cats now and a dog. Much easier.
- His mother, lol
- Exs
- Dogs.
- Let's see, a lesbian ex who is the Mother of his 17 year old, a paternity test for a baby born in July , but um I'm the insecure one who needs to give him space. Take a look at my picture, I'm the freaking prize.
- The baggage my husband brought to our relationship is his ex-wife. She used to play "poor helpless me" and would call him at all hours of day and night. He felt he had to go because of his 2 children..
- He was abused by his brothers, babysitters, and neglected by his mother so he has a hard time being touched and doesn't trust easily.
- I had an ex-boyfriend that a few months in found out he had a 3 month old. So there was that..... also the mom was completely looney toons
- My girlfriend brought in the relationship that she doesn’t clean very much. But it really doesn’t bug me because I like cleaning
- We met at 40 so we pretty much brought a full seat of luggage.
- Secrets: my husband has been in prison twice. He also had an affair that ended with a child.
- ?of da day..... his wife and 💥BOOM💥there's no relationship...No baggage. Living the simple life😝
- My baggage is the fact I called off a wedding. Now I feel like future significant others will be scared to commit to me.
- I really don’t think my soon to be fiancé brought any baggage to our relationship but on the other side of it I brought insecurities depression anxiety and having to deal with the fact that my last girlfriend was verbally abusive. She has been more than supportive and has shown me what a healthy happy relationship is supposed to be
- Secrets: My current boyfriend brought commitment and abandonment issues. Can't say I blame him...mom left when he was 13 and his dad passed away unexpectedly when he was 25
- Secret day: my hubby brought a wife....we had to play private eye to track her down so divorce papers could be served as she walked out of the marriage 5 years prior. When we got together I never knew he was married cuz I met all the girls he dated prior to us.
- His mother. When our daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease at the age of 4. We had gone through a year of hell and tests to reach a final diagnosis. His mother? She told us that Sophie was just spoiled. And that there was nothing wrong with her physically.
- My ex-wife brought her mom's Crazy trait and I'm not kidding
- His wife
- My phenomenal step son ❤️
- His mother
- My husband's first wife cheated on him multiple times then ended up leaving him and marrying her mr mistress. He now questions every single person that likes any of my Facebook post and is super suspicious of everything I do.
- The baggage she brought in has its own train car. Grew up in a family full of generations of alcoholics and drug addicts, manipulative and negative household, and had a baby at 19. Struggled with alcoholism and got a couple DUI's. Left her with a load of insecurities and defense mechanisms. However, she has been sober for several years, tries to see the best in everyone, is a great mom and is doing her best to not pass on her family legacy to her son. She is beautiful and strong..... However.... It is tough to deal with the constant insecurities even though I know what drives them.
- My husband is a great man, with not so great baggage. The baggage he brought to our relationship is his mother. She is the most irresponsible, needy, immature adult I have ever met. We have had to help her numerous times whether it be loaning money (that we may or may not ever get back) or rises to wherever it is she needs to go. However in the last few months he has put his foot down with her and we’ve basically cut her out of our lives until she just wants to be around us and her grandkids out of love and not out of needing something from us. But there’s always been a catch with my MIL so to say we don’t really see her that often is an understatement. 😂
- It’s not so much my boyfriend but his parents. They’re always comparing me to his ex because they hated her so they will make comments like “Atleast you haven’t called your boyfriend a son of a bitch in front of us yet”
- Secrets.. well shoot!!! I'm the "they" I have a Waka do mama, a drug addict brother, and Sociopath brother. This could be very well why I have adopted myself into a different family.. Because mine's a little bit cuckoo
- Oh my word, his ex hands down! She is a meth addict that constantly tries to control our lives by doing crazy crap, and brain washing our child to hate us :(
- 1st ex: Narcissism Egotistical deadbeat. 2nd ex: self centered insecurities and me having to get therapy after He blamed me for "making him cheat on me with She-males" was the direct quote he used. Current husband: An alcoholic mom without 2 braincells to rub together and a toddler of a father. 😂😂😂
- My husband grew up in a cult. Not kidding guys. He lived in California on some commune. He "escaped" when he was 17. It's been interesting trying to raise our children with any sort of religion...
- Baggage you ask? She hates balloon animals. Don't you think that's something she should have told me BEFORE we got married?
- Her mom made her keep her hair VERY short while growing up. So now, she refuses to cut it. AND she refuses to cut our daughter's hair. I'm no hair dresser, but they ALL need hair cuts!
- When my boyfriend was growing up, his parents made him wear his underwear for a week straight. They didn't have a ton of money. So now, we fight about how much I was the family's underwear. He doesn't think washing after each use is necessary.
- Hey guys! My wife grew up super poor. They ate squirrels. Now, there are times, that she craves SQUIRRELS. Yup.
- My husband was in the Air Force and served in 2 tours overseas. But now he has ptsd. It prevents us from doing a lot things that I would've otherwise enjoyed doing with him. It can be very stressful. And his anxiety and depression has significant effects on our daily lives
- The baggage i bring unfortunately is that kids will probably not be a thing
- My husbands parent's where terrible when he was a kid. They suck now as grandparents, and make me wish my dad was still alive.
- My ex brought along her "baggage." She neglected this dog from day one, but here to say she's gone and Tucker is in a loving spoiled home now
- My ex-wife brought her mom's Crazy trait and I'm not kidding
- His mother. When our daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease at the age of 4. We had gone through a year of hell and tests to reach a final diagnosis. His mother? She told us that Sophie was just spoiled. And that there was nothing wrong with her physically.