With Mother's Day fast approaching, I thought it would be fun to share some stories from when you're not being a great Mother.  Because not everyone can be a fantastic parent all the time, everyone makes mistakes and sometimes those mistakes are at the expense of your kids.

What did you do in the last year that ensures you won’t be getting a “Mother of the Year” award?

  • I got a divorce. Kids hate me! But I'm happy!
  • I was at my 6 year old son's baseball game and I was too busy checking out a hot dad that I missed his hit all the way out to center field!! #momfail… urinate
  • I had my 2 yr old grandson over for the night (so my daughter & her hubby could go out), and I left him alone for like ONE MINUTE, and when I came back, his teeth were ALL BLACK! He had bit the top of a black crayon! And yes, my daughter was on her way to pick him up ... She didn't notice btw, that his teeth were kind of gray lol good thing she packed his toothbrush!! But I still told her lol Because of the horrid look on her face, I actually held back with how bad it really was!
  • I am a bad pet mom cause I brought home a puppy to live with 2 cats. Not sure when I will be forgiven. Happy Meowther's Day.
  • My youngest is in 9th grade and for the first time ever I completely forgot to pick my kid up from school.
  • Not getting the best fur baby mom award...accidentally locked my poor kitty in the bedroom for 30 hours. Would have been longer if my fiance and me would have stayed the extra night. I'm terrible!!! P.S. kitty is fine and doing well.
  • I kicked my daughter out of the house she's 24. It's time for her to be an adult
  • Not fur mother of the year because I got my cat T-shirt and she hates it
  • I will not be mother of the year again this year.
  • We planned a family vacation and the rule in our family is if you're not passing all of your classes by vacation. So when I checked grades she wasn't passing so no vacation for her! She had to go to school the entire week everyone else was on vacation!
  • I can probably guarantee that I will not be getting the mother of the year award because I kicked all of the kids out of the house after living there for free for 2 years and not paying a dime and I made them move out and grow up. (It was my daughter & her hubby and my other daughter and youngest grandbaby) BTW: They are doing well Its called tough love
  • Just two nights ago my six year old had her first front tooth that was loose. It was really really loose to the point where it was hanging on by one thread as they say. So my husband and I thought it would be a good idea to tie a piece of floss to it and tie the other end to a Nerf gun bullet like we've seen on YouTube. Well I tied the floss really good around the tooth and we shot the Nerf gun but the tooth would not come out so then my daughter was freaking out. We ended up not being able to get the tooth out and she had to walk around with floss tied around her tooth because we also could not get the floss untied. I just have a feeling that this is going to be one of those traumatic experiences that she hangs onto the rest of her life and throws in my face when she gets older
  • Ok here it goes...i'm not gonna get mother of the yr this yr. Because well my kids r still upset with me because I was in active addiction . As of July 12th of last yr i will have 10 months clean tomorrow BUT my older two children 20 and 17 R still very angry and distant from me. I try to be the best mom I can be now but the past haunts me. I pray for strength and patience every day. Needless to say. My youngest and I aren’t invited on Sunday to the family gathering
  • Our cat is mad at us for getting a puppy
  • Tqotd: according to my 13-year-old breathing and talking to her will knock me out as mother of the year
  • Breathing! Cause you know, teenagers know EVERYTHING!! Lol
  • I straight up told my kid he looked like a homeless person because he hadn't brushed his hair and was sloppily dressed. #tqotd
  • TQOTD I started grooming my dogs and they kept running away from me cause they hate it. I gave up and left them half way shaved... it was 3 months ago... they are still half shaved
  • I refused to let my daughter go to an out of state college that she had her heart set on
  • I had twins 10 months ago, and was just diagnosed with postpartum depression, which I have been struggling with for months. So this year hasn't been great
  • 5 kids and I have forgotten to pick up a child from school or other things multiple times this year not always the same kid
  • Had an affair and got divorced.
  • I'm a pet mom. One dog is in heart failure so we carry him a lot so he doesn't have to walk. (He's a shih tzu). He wiggles the other day AND I DROPPED HI M. ON HIS HEAD. he's alive and well. But I still feel like dookey.
  • I shut my two year olds fingers in the car door. The entire hour drive home all I heard was mommy hit me.
  • Dropped a whole cake on the floor was already having a crappy day said screw it went layed on the couch and let my chihuahuas eat it
  • Last week I backed over my daughters bike in the garage with the car...this weekend she said Mom look at my tire it's all jacked up...oh no what happened??? #worst mom ever.
  • Well I am pretty sure I will not be getting mother of the Year award or even anything for Mother's Day because I had a female to male sex change now I'm Daddy not Mommy
  • I made my 17 year old daughter get a job and then told her she had to pay for all of her own gas and oil changes... I don't think that voids me from being mother of the year but I'm pretty sure she thinks so!
  • I'm a bad fur baby mom because I made Noodles & Miss Pickles wear these Halloween accessories just so I could take a picture...not happy! Next up, they will be wearing a sombrero from Mexico! Lol
  • My son was in our kitchen and we have a cabinet that spins, and he ended up leaning against it and falling into the cabinet... I thought it was so funny that instead of helping my crying child at the moment, I had to take a picture first....i could not help myself
  • I, on accident called my six year old son a little shit. He looked at me very shocked and said "mom did you just call me a little shit?" Right away I told him he is not allowed to repeat what mommy says. #momoftheyear
  • Accidentally put butt cream all over my baby instead of sunscreen
  • kay so at my 7 year old son's baseball game the other day I brought him a Gatorade and he insisted I toss it over the fence into the dugout to him. I said... no buddy lemme hand it to ya. Nope he insisted cause mostly raising him is negotiating with a terrorist. So. I tossed it and it drills him right in the lip full up Gatorade all the parents in the stands watching. lip starts bleeding he's screaming. Ugh. Not mom of the year moment. Anyway I'm bringing Hitler and his cute sissy to school rn can you give a bday shout out to my lil queen. She's 9 today and loves you guys!!! Her name is Annalee :)
  • My 4 year old said "oh hell" in his Christian preschool - and then when I asked him about it, he said "Mom why do you and daddy get to say (and proceeded to say every swear word possible) all the time?!" And a couple weeks later he dropped pants and flashed everyone in the whole class before nap time
  • I work 3rd shift never woke up to get my kids when the school called I lied said I was on my way traffic issues - we live In the middle of bfe there is no traffic
  • My mom forgot my birthday and celebrated it 2 days late when she called me to come over. She had no idea
  • Tqotd : pretty sure I won't get mother of the year award this year considering my 10 and 11 year old daughters have health class today and as I was dropping them off I told them to have fun learning about penises! #embarrassingmom #inappropiateorfunny
  • Today I had a zit on my nose, my mom told me it needed to be popped. I hadn't popped a pimple before so she did it. It hurt really bad as we tried to get it for like 10 minutes and when we did it started bleeding, a lot.
  • #tqotd cuz I'm a dude
  • I won't let my son eat his boogers.
  • I won't be getting mother of the year this year because I have a penis. LOL have a great morning love you guys
  • I just became a Plant mom! I just bought them yesterday to start my first ever garden! I'm not expecting a present from them but I'm sure I won't get one now since it almost frosted last night & I didn't cover them = /
  • I found a vape and multiple cartridges Took them threw them away. He said the estimated cost was between 250 and $325. My son is only 16 years old and those Vape cartridges have nicotine in them so not only is it illegal but it was really stupid expensive habit. For punishment not only did I throw it away but I told him if you need to spend your money on something you can start paying for your own cell phone which I took away from him for five days.
  • Daughter had a loose tooth and I bought her in the and knocked it out she's like Mom you knocked my tooth out and I looked her dead in the face and said "we'll don't be mouthy"
  • I forgot to remind the tooth fairy to visit. Saddest 8 year old little boy ever. Luckily, the tooth fairy visited the following night with an apology letter.
  • TQOTD: I had a shirt made for my 2 year old that says "Sasshole." The daycare girls think it's hilarious but the other parents?? Not so much. I just call them as I see them ‍♀️

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