Everyone's parents lied to them at some point in their childhood, and today's #TQOTD will reveal those lies.  We got some really good answers and you could probably use most of these on your kids.

Once you were an adult … What did you find out your parents lied to you about?

  • #TQOTD My parents lied to me about balloon animals. Growing up, I always thought my mom was...uh..."innocent" on her wedding night. NOPE. Mama partied hardcore in college and slept with practically the whole town.
  • I was a hellion as a teen. My.parents told me in hopes to straighten me up that they tried for many years to have another girl as I have 5 older brothers one older sister and a younger brother. There are 7 years between me and the next oldest. When I became an adult they told me I was quite a surprise so they had my little brother so I would have a playmate.....needless to say I was an oopsie
  • My mom put off-brand fruit loops in the brand name box for 15 yrs. I never knew
  • When I was really little we had pigs. One day my mom told me they "Ran away" and I searched and searched for my poor missing piggies for years. When I was a teenager I found out the truth -_- I ate them. Jerky parents
  • Their love.
  • That the guy on my Birth Cert. wasn't my real father(never knew him anyhow) and I was a product of a one night stand.
  • Timing me to run around the house. I now do that to give me a bit of a break. Btw...its nevered timed!
  • My mom was seeing my real dad after my stepdad died and didn’t tell us right away
  • Coffee stunts your growth
  • If I climbed in bed with my parents because I was scared, they would go to jail.
  • How they really got rid of our pets
  • The little birds tracks outside were Santa’s elves checking up on us to report back to Santa.
  • Can’t go swimming 30 minutes after eating- when I’m on vacation I literally eat and then go into the pool and repeat
  • Everything.
  • That if you pee in the pool you get a blue ring around you and everyone will know you peed!
  • Weed is actually fun. Balloon animals isn't awful out scary...it's incredible!
  • That coffee puts hair on your chest!!
  • That it would be easy being an adult. Boy were they wrong lol
  • That some kitties didn't "run away". Lol
  • Never trying weed.
  • My brother learned that our mom, did NOT, in fact, learn to shuffle cards in prison.
  • TQOTD - I found out that although I was growing up like we were broke as hell, my mom was actually making bank, but my dad was really bad with money and that is why they never had a lot for the kids, because he was selfish and spending it all on himself and his cars.
  • TQOTD: I found out that the car will start without my being buckle
  • My parent always told me drugs were bad and to never do them. Come to find out my dad has smoked weed since high school and still does. When I was 19 I found a joint sitting on their bathroom sink. That summer I smoked weed with my parents. Haha
  • TQOD: this is an easy one! My mom lied to me about who my biological dad was
  • TQOTD. That my name was NOT Cinderella and normally ONE kid doesnt do ALL the chores... #Iwasamaid #Ihadallthechores #whyihaveocd
  • Parents lied and told me they were saving money to help me with college.
  • #TQOTD There were plenty of things that my dad would say "that reminds me of a song" and then would proceed to sing said song he was reminded of. I always thought he made those songs up. I didn't realize until much later that he didn't make any of those songs up and now I'm determined to find every song he would sing parts of and add it to my playlist.
  • My parents divorced when I was less than a year old. In high school my brother and I would invite my dad to sporting events, but he would always have some excuse like he had to work, etc. Turns out, after becoming adults we found out he was not allowed at or even near schools. He is on the naughty list. We no longer have any contact with him. Ain't nobody got time for no child molesters.
  • Found out my older brother has a different dad the all us other kids their r 6 of us
  • A half sister I didn't know I had until I was 20.
  • Growing up my parents told me I was allergic to alcohol!!!!
  • My mom used to tell me not to pee in pools because some people had a chemical that would turn your pee red if you did and everyone would know. I’m 25 now and told my boyfriend about it this summer and he had no idea what i was talking about.
  • When I was younger, my mom would have a day off from work but still get around like she was going to work until we left for school because she said if we knew she had a day off we would end up
  • When I was a teen my mom would say drugs are bad, don't do drugs, and swore she swore she has never tried any. Turns out she'd been sneaking away to smoke weed in the basement for YEARS. Found her stash later in life and she was forced to confess. Lol
  • My mom made me believe for years that she could make frogging pretzels disappear behind her back. Hook line and sinker.
  • When I was a kid, I showed pigs in 4H. They always told me they sold our extra pugs, but when I was an adult I found out they had them put in our freezer...so I was eating what i considered my pet pigs
  • When I was 13 my mom came home with her chest bandaged and a drainage bag hanging out she told me she had to get tar scraped from her lungs because she used to smoke only to find out later in life nope she got a boob job but I was just starting out in modeling and she didn't want me to think that I had to change my appearance to be beautiful
  • My parents would listen to ‘because I got High’ by Afroman and they told me it was “because I got hot” I didn’t realize it was “because I got high” until I was 18.
  • I got stung by a bee and my dad gave me a nickel and said put it on there it will take the sting out . I didn’t realize he would he would lying until my daughter gets done and I said give me a nickel my ex-husband looked at me like I was crazy. Little did I realize that my dad was only distracting me and make me stop crying
  • Growing up our family dog just "ran away" one day. I know so typical.. but come to find out as a senior in high school I finally got my mom to tell me the truth and they gave him to the family who lived on a farm down the road.
  • I found out this year that my brother has a different dad than I do. my co-worker told me, not my parents.
  • My parents had sex on their first date.
  • My parents never told me I have a sister who is 2 months younger me I just found out 6 months ago.
  • My parents lied to me about or should I say my dad lied and told me the cornbeef we were eating was kangaroo meat! I couldn't eat it forever. I do eat it now as I stand corrected and it's amazing. I guess it was a joke that never let up. I never got to enjoy the deliciousness and was sheltered from this enjoyment. Reubens were ruined for me.
  • My parents used to tell me that when the ice cream truck was playing music they were out of ice cream
  • TQOTD: That hamsters don't come from Hamsterdam
  • I'm not sure why, but my Grandma always told me lemonade was ice tea. I was very confused the first time I ordered an ice tea when I was older lol
  • My parents would always say we couldn't stay out after dark because dead people would come out of the swamp across the road and come for any kids still outside. They wonder why Im afraid of the dark now!

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