Hey, jerks!  Why y'all such jerks?  That's what we wanted to know for the text question of the day and you delivered.

What do you do that makes you a little bit of a jerk?

  • Interrupt peoples stories cause it reminds me of something I did similar (or better or funnier) and I have to tell you NOW! I can't help it, I come from a family of female one uppers. My gramma (RIP) used to interrupt with "that ain't nothin'!"
  • Probably a lot of things. I am kind of an a-hole
  • I'm bossy, clingy but then not. I like to be right. I'm blunt and pretty honest (which isn't as great of quality as people think) I pretty much assume everyone hates me (good ole anxiety) Lol. So that's me 😁
  • I love to correct people online. Punctuation. Erroneous facts. Grammar.
  • If it sounds wrong or looks stupid, I'm gonna take 3 minutes and see if I can't find the truth.
  • I consider it a community service. 😘
  • When an engineer retiree comes to my work with perfect drawings to order a door and I hand it back to him without looking at it. I then ask him the size he needs 😂
  • I correct people's grammar when they speak. I tend to get excited about subjects when speaking with others and interrupt. I can be slightly opinionated at times. I've been known to be super bossy. I refuse to lie in life so I'm horribly honest. That's just some things I've been told over the years....
  • I hide the good snacks from my kids and husband so I can enjoy them alone when I'm "folding laundry". Lol
  • Always have an escape exit when I see people I know in public. Also I will correct grammar in text messages I actually did it today when in a group text at work
  • I used to secretly lift the lid off the Playdough so it would dry out and tell my kids I don’t know what happened.
  • Look at my caller ID and don't answer if I don't want to. Some family members are so annoying or boring to talk to!
  • I talk loud 🙈 especially when I'm passionate or excited about something. Lol
  • Everything
  • I ate the last cinnamon roll.
  • When my 8 year old asked where it was, I told her it was stale and I had to throw it away..
  • *this isn’t the first time, nor the last.
  • I remove the label from my coffee creamer at work and write "Breast Milk - Do Not Drink!"
  • Read through my social media while my husband is talking to me.
  • I use sarcasm..a lot....
  • Go earlier in the break room and get the donut I like ,when there r donuts, Dammmm now I want a donut.
  • Ooooo got another one. Ignor people when I got my head phones on and I can hear them and they know it , bahaha. Now quit judging me you guys!
  • Give the honest truth no matter what. Sorry if it hurts
  • I can be very passive aggressive. Like when I sent an ex boyfriend’s finance a framed picture of him in the nude at her bachelorette party. Or when a jerk parks next me all sideways making it hard to pull or back out of the spot. I get out of the spot and pull into it again close enough so they cannot get into the drivers side and go back into the store.
  • Remind people what I'm eating is vegan so I don't to share, especially when I'm eating oreos
  • Probably Everything
  • I work front desk and I don’t feel bad when people’s poor planning gets them in trouble. “Your poor planning does not constitute as an emergency on my part.”
  • I can’t admit when I’m wrong to my husband (but it’s because I’m 99.9% right all of the time)
  • I'm a boss of 85 ppl. So being a jerk sometimes is in my work title. Heaven forbid I just want the job done correctly and they don't want to follow rules!
  • You can say anything with a smile Con. Forget those judgers. I'm with you!
  • I've literally been up since 2 trying to figure out how to word a tough convo with my boss.... connie is 100 percent right
  • People tell me I am too blunt, argumentative and stubborn.
  • I eat the last chocolate in the house... alllllll theee time
  • People think I'm a jerk because I give vague answers
  • I often read people's texts but don't respond right away. Sometimes that leads me to forgetting quite often
  • TQOTD: If there's something about someone that's off-putting enough to me, I'll try to avoid them or give the bare minimum of communication.
  • I follow some people on Instagram because they are worse at what they do than I am and it makes me feel better about myself.
  • When my boys refuse to pick up their toys I get a trash bag out and make them think that all the toys I pick up and put in the trash bag are going out to the trash. I then hide the toys and re-introduce them later one by one after the boys have completely forgotten that they were taken away
  • I was told I'm a jerk because I'm very blunt and people don't like that because it hurts their feelings. I feel like this generation is being soft and needs to throw up the way that everybody else has what a tough life and understanding of why people are blunt.
  • TQOTD: I flirt entirely too much. My husband hates it, gets jealous and makes comments, but I do it anyway 😳 I'm an Butt Nugget I guess!?!? But for the record, I adore my husband!
  • #TQOTD My husband says it's my tone in my voice when I talk. I will say I'm a jerk because most times I don't like to listen to most people.  I'm one of the friends that won't tell you what you want to hear, so if it looks ugly, I'm going to tell you. 😂 #SometimesTruthHurts
  • I won't volunteer... No son, i will not be "room mom" on my day off. No, i will not chaperone your field trip and deal with all your little brat friends. And i definitely wont work the concession stand during your game! Sorry other moms... Im THAT mom 😁 #momjerk
  • I hide the cookies so my husband and step daughter don't know we have them cause they eat them all
  • I mow for a company and one lady came out of her house and yelled at me saying some of my lines were very good and she is ocd about it.... so now I purposely make on line out of the 50 bad and ik it's ganna bother her all week
  • Leave a half a swallow of liquid in a container and put it back in fridge

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