Steve and I remember the day that Connie was talking about how she hated touching raw meat. I also remember the next day that the list of answers that you guys gave made her get the chillies. So heads up … get ready to get a tingle in your pringle if you read these new answers for the TQOTD on this….

What do you hate to touch?

  • Cardboard. Gross.
  • Microfiber
  • When you accidentally reach down thinking its a stick and turns out to be a little black snake...ugh.. I felt that nasty thing on my fingertips for days and it's disgusting to me
  • Cold wet food in the sink.
  • Velvet
  • Dryer lint
  • Raw meat
  • Microfiber towels. Makes my skin crawl
  • Velvet... blah even the thought grosses me out!
  • I hate touching anything sticky. I know most people don’t like it. But it really stresses me out until I can get my hands washed
  • Raw chicken
  • Bananas
  • Bio freeze. The stuff is amazing but the slimy, sticky texture is gross.
  • Wet food especially wet bread
  • Uncooked liver
  • Rotten vegetables/potatoes, especially when you go to grab, thinking it's all good... but its not!
  • Styrofoam!! I. HATE. IT. I don't know why, but i can't stand to touch it or hear the sound it makes when it rubs against other styrofoam. Ew
  • I’ll answer for my mom... she HATES anything that is raw wood... like a wooden spoon etc... I don’t understand this but it must be a thing
  • Chalk, unfinished clay things, terra cotta planters, fingernail files. ....
  • Gnarly toenails on my bare legs...
  • Syrup. Ew.
  • Chalk. It makes me cringe.
  • Wood
  • Turkey or chicken necks/spines.
  • Hair in a clogged drain
  • butter paper. can't stand the feel on my fingers.
  • Cat vomit
  • Microfiber dish towels - the feeling is not normal.
  • Raw meat and vomit
  • My daughter’s pet !
  • When putting a worm on a fishing hook and they get like ridged and squirm.
  • Jeans fresh off the clothes line
  • Wet hair in the shower drain. Or nasty wet slimy food in the sink drain
  • Worms!
  • Muck in lake
  • Rocks, plus the inside of squash and pumpkins. Dry, dry, dry…
  • burlap/sandpaper eww
  • Chalk
  • Fish
  • Grass
  • Bugs of any kind
  • Chalk and sand it makes my whole body feel dry
  • Sandpaper
  • Poop, vomit, burger meat, dirty dishes that have sat...hence to why the dishes get done asap at my house..
  • Door handles
  • Mud
  • Sand on my feet
  • Frosted glass, Styrofoam and feet! Nasty
  • Cotton sister used to buy the jumbo ones & then rip them in half because she knew I couldn’t stand the sound.
  • Other people. I don’t like touching other people or them touching me in any way. Oh and seaweed of course. Eww gross Lol
  • Fish and Raw Chicken
  • Velvet or velour
  • Feet
  • Screens
  • Certain types of foam. It gives me the heebie jeebies
  • The toilet handle
  • A wet wooden spoon or cutting board
  • Corduroy and microfiber cloth
  • Jello
  • Newspapers
  • Styrofoam. I literally gag
  • Raw chicken and pork
  • Wet hair
  • The hair catcher in the bathtub...disgusting!
  • Chalk, clay pots, emery boards so
  • Oysters, jelly & jams,....
  • Money
  • My husband can't touch corduroy. Lol
  • Raw poultry....especially the Thanksgiving turkey
  • Snakes
  • Wet bread
  • You know when you have those weird pajamas, and the dryer just melts into tiny little fabric BB's...... Can't stand that.
  • Play-doh!
  • frogs, worms, snakes
  • Paper if my hands are super dry. And any raw meat.
  • Anything reptile or amphibian! Eww
  • A peach.
  • Microfiber towels and rotten produce. Especially lettuce.
  • Styrofoam & photo paper
  • Fish (alive or dead), worms, frogs and chalk.
  • Paper Towel
  • Olives
  • Dirty baby diapers
  • Rocks. The texture freaks out my fingers, especially if my hands are dry.
  • Raisins
  • Wet shower curtain!
  • Wool makes me cringe
  • Touching a soft dog stool through a bag while at the park.
  • Peach fuzz
  • Cold sauce
  • Nylon jackets
  • A cat's litter box.
  • Foam. The kind used in couch cushions.
  • Butter/oil
  • Spider webs
  • Marshmallows and cotton
  • Rough finished metal work, feels like sandpaper but with glass. I know it's strange, but there's a black coated metal thing at Lowes with that exact finish and it was like what nails on a chalkboard would feel like.
  • I hate touching the bottom of pop cans....especially if I accidentally run my fingernails across it! It's a horrible sound and feeling.
  • microfiber. And that fake moss people put on nativity sets
  • Slime! I hate it!
  • Clothing or fabrics that are crusty.
  • Other people’s dirty laundry
  • Toilet brushes
  • I seem to have an aversion to touching a lot of things, too many to list. It gets worse the older I get. How crazy is that?
  • Pretty much anything sticky... syrup, honey, popsicles, suckers, jelly. Oh and microfiber cloths, they are just not right.
  • Sticking my hand in the disposal. To retrieve whatever fell in there . .
  • Metal silverware
  • Cheap Paper towel! Omg I can't even think about it without wanting to go get my hands wet immediately!
  • Things that are unexpectedly wet. Like a wet spot on a counter that you didn't see or a wet door handle.
  • Butter/oil
  • Worms
  • Popsicle sticks, tongue depressors, Unstained/unsanded wood
  • I absolutely HATE touching anything that's greasy, or that feels like hair gel, it makes me sick to my stomach.
  • Dried on bugs on a car!
  • Slime, ick
  • Raw meat of any kind....nevermind the bacteria. I'm talking about the cold nasty squishiness of it. Gross.
  • Microfiber anything..... Hot Laundry....sticky anything.....water (unless I have lotion nearby for after)
  • Raw onions or garlic
  • Peeling sweet potatoes
  • I hate to touch fish..... not u Fish, the person, but those gross things that swim in water.... Ewww
  • Mice
  • Guts of any kind
  • Carpet
  • I hate touching velcro. Makes my skin crawl 😩😫
  • Oddly enough, handrails. I can’t even imagine how many germy hands have used them.
  • Messy ketchup lid
  • A few things I can’t stand to touch, bananas might be tops but I discovered when checking out new countertops there’s a LOT of them I can’t handle. I had to get completely smooth. Checking counters made me nauseous for dayyyys
  • Feet... NASTY!! Unless they are cute little baby feet of course
  • Wet hair in the shower drain.
  • Fresh puke ( human or animal)
  • Dirty dishes that have been sitting in shallow water that has gotten cold and Getting wet feet, especially with socks on
  • Putting my hand in the toilet! Gloves & scrub brush!
  • Slimy textures, like green boogers running down a toddlers face
  • Sand... yes I deprived my kids of a sandbox when they were kids
  • Koosh balls and those little spiked rubbery balls with lights in them.
  • cotton balls that are inside medicine bottles. I can barely think about it...makes me squeamish.
  • Lotion or anything on my hands!
  • Sucker sticks and popsicle sticks. And I can’t stand when people chew on them. I get chills thinking about it.
  • As a guy - when you’re sitting on a public toilet and you feel it touch the rim

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