What Do You Know But They Don’t Know You Know? – #Secrets
Oh no! Our intern, Nick, isn't here to read #Secrets today because he is taking a stupid math exam. Nick, didn't anyone tell you that people in radio don't use math. Look at Fish, that dude only knows addition and subtraction of single digit numbers. Anyway, Christine will be reading your #Secrets today, and our theme is...
What do you know but they don’t know you know?
- #secrets My hubby doesn't know that I knew he was going to propose. He tried so hard to surprise me, couldn't break it to him that it was so obvious I watched him sneak the ring in his bag
- A friend who recently committed suicide would be who I would want to talk to.
- Just to let him know he is loved and tell him how much it hurts to know he was hurting alone and no one seen how bad it was. Show him how much we really do care because I'm afraid he didn't know.
- My secret. I dislike my roommate SO MUCH! She's a user but a nice user. So I wanna punch her in the face and thank her at the same time. #justmoveout!
- My brother in law (who is a total jerk) found out that my father in law might not be his dad and uses that as an excuse as to why everyone treats him differently (woe is me, everyone hates me, wah, wah, wah) but I know that when he was a young child, my FIL took him for a paternity test and knows that he is his. My MIL doesn't know that happened because my FIL originally told her it didn't matter to him and didn't want to look like he was going back on his word. Every time he complains about people treating him differently because he's not technically part of the family, I roll my eyes because I know the truth. Maybe don't be such a jerk
- I know that my girlfriend is buying me an engagement ring in 2019 but she doesn't know that I know
- My father in law doesn't know that my husband is his only biological kid. His other three kids are not. Their mother told them a couple years ago. No one has said anything to him
- My boyfriend is proposing on new years when we go to Vegas.
- I know that 2 of my coworkers are newly pregnant and they haven't told anybody but I overheard conversations.
- A secret that I know that my coworkers don't know I know is that I overheard them talking smack about me in a little group and now I have to go to work burdened knowing that my coworkers don't like me, except I'm not supposed to know it.
- Secrets...I don't have any secrets that no one knows. Someone knows my personal secrets whether it's my spouse or my mom. But they don't all the know the same secrets. If I have anyone else's secrets I know I probably forgot them already and I would never share them even if I remembered them! I share all my own. No one else's!
- I know my friend has over 30k in credit card debt but they don't know I know
- My Co-worker sneaks out to his car to smoke weed on his lunch hour. He would For sure be fired if our boss knew
- I have known for years that my dad might not be my biological dad..... working on getting a test for the other guy. Don't have the heart to tell my dad
- Secrets: my boyfriend's mom left Michigan when he was really young maybe 8 he doesn't know where she is or if she's even alive but one of his sisters dropped a bomb on me and told me that the Mom was in Florida and still alive. I don't know if it's a good idea to tell him I think I'm just gonna leave him in the dark for now
- Secrets: my sister doesn't know I know that she gave away the fact my now fiance was going to propose. She was showing me her new planner and on her calendar, she had a big ring picture drawn on an upcoming Saturday. All in all, I'm glad I saw it so I could pay attention when he gave his proposal speech and didn't black out with excitement and miss the moment
- I have a lot of people know, but the child it involves does not. my now Aunt who has a ten-year-old son lied about who the father was of her son until he was about 7 years old, and the courts have demanded that nobody tell this kid who his real father is who is actually my uncle, and so this kid just thinks he has two dads even though the that his real dad, my uncle, came into his life later then the man who he thinks is his real dad. It's like a soap opera
- That our former HOA president who said she was a nun, was released from prison for attempted murder, home invasion and burglary six months prior to becoming the HOA president. Anonymous.
- I have a half sibling that no one else in my family knows about my mother told me about a week before she passed away. My father had a child prior to marrying my mother
- My boss asked me to clean his desk out so I did obviously && I found affair letters he has kept for YEARS ago
- His wife && him have been today for 10 years
- Morning Connie and Fish! I absolutely LOVE listening to you guys every morning. My husband and I know that his best friend has had several affairs and continues to cheat on his wife. We really like his wife and are struggling with the fact that we know and she doesn't. I want to tell her but worry if she would get defensive and hate us. Other people have tried telling her that he has cheated and she hasn't taken it well.
- I know my best friend is cheating on her husband. This is a repetitive behavior for her, but this time I am not giving her a heads up that people are talking about it.
- I am a 38-year-old single mom of 2 kids that has been single for 7 years and have realized I am much more attracted to women than men the last year...I think one of my friends has experience in this area as well but don’t know how to tell her I think we should give it a shot
- My co-worker doesn’t turn in all her tips at the end of the night. She is saving money for Christmas and her kids. I don’t really think it’s fair that those of us that don’t have kids have to help pay for her kids but I also don’t want to get her fired’
- My BFF matched with a dude I hooked up with on Tinder. I think they will make a good couple but SHE doesn’t know everything about him yet. I am what you guys call a BIP
- I know for sure that my boss is going to fire me next Thursday. I have been backing up all my files and setting up my clients to leave with me while I Jerry McQuire the firm
- My girlfriend doesn’t know that I know she is pregnant. Found the test results and asked her sister. Problem is that I was going to dump her after Christmas because she annoys the crap out of me BTW … she is stupid hot
- My ex-husband told me he cheated on me with 3 women. We got a divorce. What he does not know is that I know he also cheated on me with his manager… that was a man. Scumbag. He now lives in Saugatuck
- The guy I'm talking to doesn't know that I know that I was his first time
- I know my bosses salary. The offer letter was left on the printer.
- I know that anytime he declines an invite from me, or doesn’t invite me along somewhere, or keeps me off his social media, it’s to protect the feelings of his ex who he’s been split from for at least 2 years. I’m not stupid, I see right through it.
- Good morning! I'm anonymous but I secretly know my boss is cheating on his husband with another man!!!! I'm not saying anything. None of my business lol
- Secret I have a few years ago we were going to surprise our kids with a trip to FL on spring break. 2 days before we were going to leave my son got strep and I had to go to urgent care and slipped and he found out we were going on vacation I told him not to tell dad and to this day my husband doesn't know. We told them we were going north to grandparents but headed south and my when my son saw Indiana sign he said EXTRA LOUD "Indiana? "...so now my husband says "INDIANA?" He thinks it's funny we surprised them. Lol
- #secrets my wife don't know that when I get home today we're going to have mind-blowing balloon animals #thebigO #hamburger
- I'm a 32-year-old gay man and my parents disowned me when I was 17 when I came out. I have since found out that when I was very young my father had a romantic relationship with a co-worker who is also a man and my mother found out.
- Hey, it's me again. My wife cheated on me with the principal of Alpena high school... She has cheated on me with about six different men. We're getting divorced. What she doesn't know is that the men she cheated on me with have been contacting me and telling me everything... Because she cheated on them too.