Hey family. It’s Fish. Alicia and I were having a conversation the other day about how much we miss FIRST dates. That feeling of will this work out … the first kiss … she liked the free meals … all the good stuff. When I was telling her about it Connie said: “Well I am sure there are other people out there like you and your wife” … so we made it the …

What do you miss about being single?

  • I don't miss being single because now I can be with somebody for as long as they want me and not be a hoe
  • Sammy Swinger's Wife - Sammy and I have first dates all the time
  • I miss not having to cook meals and and no dirty dishes
  • No curfew
  • What I miss about being single - I agree with fish the newness of a relationship the butterflies. Also my freedom not having to answer to someone
  • Tqotd- i miss being able to go somewhere without being asked who what where when. I love her dont get me wrong but the fighting and drama is getting old. .. Honestly questioning if i want to back to being single its been 3 years...
  • #TQOTD Well, I am single, but when I am in a committed relationship, I think I'll miss not having to worry about what his family thinks of me......and be ing able to have an entire pizza to myself.
  • Never being late!!!!!!
  • I miss not having to compromise when making decisions. #iwantpizzafordinner
  • I love being single! LOVE love being single!!!! I went through two absolutely terrible marriages they were toxic very unhealthy and I have been divorced 13 years now and I absolutely love that I don't have to please anybody but myself
  • #TQOD: Complete independence and freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want. And flirting. And free drinks. I don't miss dating though, that is weird and awkward.
  • I miss not having to account for where I am all the time and having freedom. I also miss not sharing my money!
  • A CLEAN HOUSE is what I miss most!!!!!!
  • Cereal for dinner!
  • Being skinny- my hubby fattened me up
  • This is going to sound terrible but I miss being selfish with my time LOL. When it was just me I could do whatever I wanted on my timeline but now I have to be courteous of someone else and their schedule. Oh and having money, LMAO
  • Everything... I miss just being able to do what I want to do
  • I miss sleeping corner to corner!
  • I will never get married again. . one and done
  • I hated being single. I miss nothing.
  • Not having to cook if I don't want to.
  • My wife absolutely hates video games, so I miss playing video games
  • I miss being able to watch my favorite TV shows whenever I desire
  • Less laundry.
  • I am single and thing that I love about it is not having to ask the women what she wants, her saying you choose, then saying no to everything I suggest.
  • Before I was married I miss being able to watch monday night raw because it was glorious now that were married I don't get to watch from the better Steve
  • The Strange.
  • Brother In Pain - What do I miss about being single? Not having to keep my lovers a secret.
  • I miss being able to spend a weekend in my pajamas without being ju dged
  • Missi from Holton. I miss being able to watch the Karate Kid whenever I want. Lol
  • Hey Connie, Fish, and Steve. I miss being single because I didn't have to worry about "Netflix cheating" hahahaha. Have a great day!! Almost Friday!
  • I totally miss not being nagged about every little thing I do, eat, and drink....
  • The thing I miss most about being single ALONE TIME!! With kids and a husband I'm lucky if I can go to the bathroom by myself without someone coming in t o talk to me or screaming outside the door
  • Sister With A Brain - I am single now after 28 years and I like that I can fart anywhere in the house . Lol
  • I have been with my husband since I was 15 so I really didn't have a single life. What's that like?
  • I miss binge watching "Sex and the City" now if I watch it I hear, "we are watching this again". I miss farting out loud, I miss eating ice cream out of the container and having a bed to my self. Oh and I miss wearing "granny panties" on my bad days.
  • I miss being single cause there was so much fun. I had no one judging me. Enjoyed the quietness and no stress days.
  • I've been with the same man since I was 17. I have no idea what it's like to be single. Can't miss what you don't know to stay inside
  • I miss having no outstanding debt. My husband has no problem with credit card debt which drives me crazy!! Had it all paid off once now they are back to $10,000!! I'm never going to be able to retire.
  • I miss the quiet
  • Freedom to buy and sell cars have projects and spend my money as I please
  • My husband blames his weight gain on my pregnancy.
  • Well let me tell u..i was in a relatilnship for sux and a half yrs. With a wonderful man. I missed being single evsrything about it so i acted on it..left the home..just in the end breakin my own heart..been single for almost 7 yrs..dated here and there but no one has interestes me to the point where i wanted a relatilnship. Please people the grass is not always greener on the other side..
  • I miss being flirty and that butterfly feeling of going on first dates with people
  • I miss absolutely nothing! It's the best feeling to have someone to come home to and to have someone that you know you can rely on
  • Nothing! I was married to an abuser for 20 plus years, have been single for 5 years and I LOVE the peace. It was so foreign to me it felt awkward at first to not have to be on guard and scared all the time. I will never again trade my peace for anyone or any material possessions.
  • Nothing. I hate being single. Not taken. And not Tyler.
  • Sleeping like a star fish in my king size bed
  • Hooking up with random chicks on Tinder. Best streak of balloon animals was 3 days, 3 different girls. #askinggirlfriendtomarrymeonjune8th #excited.
  • I don't miss being single I like to have someone for support and this day and age it is very difficult in the dating scene
  • I miss being able to watch other things on television besides MMA. We have one TV. #wevereadyseenthisfight
  • I miss sleeping in my bed alone lol my man is a bed hog
  • My marriage was awful and after the divorce I dated someone for over 3 years but as we got more and more serious I started to push away and I hated the relationship... I didn't want that again I realized... I was tired of worrying about somebody else all the time it's hard enough wearing about myself and my kids I don't need somebody else to try to keep happy too
  • The thing I miss about being single is having to only do my own laundry! I hate doing laundry to begin with and now I have twice the laundry to do with two of us. Ugh!
  • What I miss about being single is having the aux cord
  • Nothing !!! I am in the best marriage ever !! And no I am not newly married.
  • I've been with the same man since I was 17. I have no idea what it's like to be single. Can't miss what you don't know
  • I miss being single, because i am perfectly asleep then she wakes me up in the middle of the night to talk about random stuff.
  • I miss not shaving and shower beers. I miss eating pizza for breakfast without judgement. I miss blaring sweary music in the car like I'm cool. I miss being cool. Lol. Have a good day guys

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