What Do You Need To Get Off Your Chest Right Now? – #TQOTD
After arriving at the work this morning, we found that the elevator wasn't working, so we had to walk through the construction and up a stairwell that was covered in about an inch of dust. And then, on top of that, when we walk into the hallway, the temperature is about 95 degrees. That led us to our #TQOTD... Because we needed to vent a little bit about our work situation.
What do you need to get off your chest … RIGHT NOW?
- Something that's been on my chest would be. My best friends son just had brain surgery yesterday at Helen DeVos hospital to remove a large tumor and he is n't even 2 years old yet it still killing me inside because even tho it isn't my son it still breaks my heart my son and his best buddies see each other every day so I don't know if you guys can help out at all but we started a go fund me page for them the 2-year-olds name is Henry Brown keep praying for his recovery please.
- For the tax question of the day and I know you guys will like this but my boyfriend can keep off my chest
- I need to get off my chest my ex-wife lives off the state and she still wants child support we have 50-50 custody
- Off my chest..... bout 5 lbs each, lmao! #bigOLboobs
- What I need to get off my chest is I am literally in love with my coworker but he is in a relationship....what do I do
- Something I just need to get off my chest is that I've had thoughts of cheating on my bf I've been with for 3 months. Worried he might have the same thoughts.
- #tqod- I'd LOVE to tell my husband to STOP being a whiny BOOOOOOOCH! sometimes I think he's more of a woman with the attention he demands......
- #TQOTD I hate it when people at work use the handicap stall at work when they don't need it! Also at work when people don't reply-all to the last email in the chain. ugh freaking co-workers
- I wish I could tell my children what a jerk their father was to me so they will forgive me for leaving him
- *text question* I work with a bunch of morons that I would love to just smack upside the head sometimes!
- My bra! Cant wait to get home. #QOTD
- #TQOTD I am in a relationship but I am not 100% sure about. Our religious views do not add up and that is incredibly important to me. I like everything about him, but I feel that I'm being held back.
- I'm annoyed my husband thinks my tiredness is because of a lack of exercise but really just can't afford therapy for my depression
- My bra! Ha!
- #tqotd screw you asshole ex for being an abusive piece of crap. I hate being afraid I'll run into you over 2 years later
- Txt ? Of day: I would love to get this Sunburn off my chest! Ye-ouch!
- I need this off my chest: There's a dude I'm seeing, he's recently out of an abusive relationship so I understand why he's taking it slow, BUT I WISH HE WOULD JUST ASK ME OUT ALREADY! I WANNA BE ABLE TO ACTUALLY CALL HIM MY BOYFRIEND!
- I want to get my bra off my chest.
- I'm annoyed with my husband. I have to beg him to get anything done....and I mean anything...yes fish. Even that. Wtf!?!
- My fiances bother is going to stay with us tonight and I reallllyyyyy don't like him being in my house! He's a pig, doesn't clean up after himself, and just sits on his ass sweating on my couch and blankets all day...
- I need to get this off my chest: A big FROG U to my employer. Lol
- So I have to get something off of my chest... I just accepted a job at a new company and I put in my two weeks at my current job. All my boss said was, "ok... can you send me an email so it's in writing?" I've been at my current job for a year now and have busted my butt to go above and beyond in my job. All I get is an "ok" for a response... can I at least get an, "we're so sorry to hear you go! We wish you the best of luck at your new job!" To make matters worse my boss hasn't talked to me since.
- Having people taking advantage of your niceness and making my job more stressful.
- I'm by no means a person who has a bad personality, but I'm about to!
- What I need to get off my chest. Or did you open up a can of worms there? My husband stops wanting to touch me or make balloon animals a long time ago. And to top it off he's bipolar and we can talk about it one time and he'll admit that it's on his end and the next time we talk about it it's my fault because I'm a horrible person I don't know what to do and I'm at my Wit's End I have no relationship with my husband anymore and it's driving me crazy. He has actually told me he doesn't have time for me I know he's busy but I'm his wife
- #TQOTD I'M DONE with all three of my jobs, I just want to be one of those trophy wives that wear yoga pants with a ponytail and are always carrying a smoothie and talking about kale.
- 2 days before closing on our dream home we get the septic inspection. Failing septic! Seller would not wait 2 weeks for a permit so we could get an estimate on cost. Needless to say...they listed the house again and we are back looking for another house ♂️
- I need to get off my chest that I want to lunge across the room and throat punch my coworkers when they chew loudly. Who needs to crunch once OUT LOUD before then closing their mouth to chew #headphones
- My sister and mom have borrowed a combined like $600-$700 and I went over to their house yesterday and they have a new dog... and she doesn't like me!!!
- The principal of A high school had an affair with my wife. I'm not happy.
- I have a lot to get off my chest. My grandmother, who was one of the most important people in my life, died this weekend and I live with her. Now it is just me and her husband and there's a lot to work out on top of grieving
- I wish I wouldn't have moved back to adept at work I was in the previous cuz I hate the fact that half the team never shows up for work and those of us who do come to work have to pick up their slack
- I wish my parents and I could remove the negative people from our lives. But they work for our family business and there is no good solution.
- My fiancé is away for BCT and he told me he doesn't miss me. While I'm at home living the life we had without him missing him like crazy
- Something I need to get off my chest: getting sick and tired of having vehicle troubles with every vehicle I’ve ever owned, I do enjoy working on vehicles, just when I want to not when I need to
- My best friend of 10+ years and his wife are having a kid. They have 3 dogs that are not fully trained. I feel that they are not ready for a child. But I love them both and hope the best for them.
- #tqotd - I wish I could tell the people at work how much it hurts when they completely ignore me or make group/office plans outside of work, and never get invited. Plus, at a wedding that everybody was invited to, only one person from work talk to me (besides the bride and groom)
- I really need to get this off my chest, I am completely sick and tired of last-minute phone calls about work "SERIOUSLY" you think this is okay! Ftlog "for the love of god" ppl........ Just losing it.
- What irritates me is women, or men, who play the religion card ( after sex ), then complain the partner is not perfect enough.
- # off my chest - I wish my husband who's been injured would be magically healed. Working full time and taking care of our toddler alone is killing me. Shout out to single moms you are the true heroes. Go to the doctor!! Stubborn old man!
- Off my chest... My ex is now trying to use some issues that his son is having to get custody back... He never called his counselor or even talked to his son about the issues he just contacted his lawyer and they had me in court yesterday for an emergency hearing... now he's further hurting his kids for his own purposes because he's such a bouche!!! My son is so hurt at what his dad is doing it's unbelievable... lucky Friend of the court wouldn't change any custody yesterday by there will another hearing at a later time because he keeps dragging us through this... He is a narcissist control freak and needs to just go away