Everyone either collects something or secretly hordes something and we want to know what it is!  You don't have to own more of this thing than anyone in the world, just more than anyone else you know.  And it doesn't even have to be a thing either, it can be a concept or whatever else!

What do you own more of than anyone else you know?

  • Harry Potter Book Collections
  • Sets of dishes, most of which I inherited from my mom who had a *small* obsession with dish sets.
  • TQOTD.. What do I own more of than anyone I know... CHAPSTICK baby!!! Gota keep these juicy lips smooth. I get to choose from 2,483 different kinds. Just kidding I have like 100 Happy Friday.. I still feel like sh*t
  • Sunglasses
  • Vintage metal lunch boxes.
  • Back hair I mean it's blonde but everybody in my family and friends always makes fun of me
  • Worst Toys
  • Coffee beans
  • Cake decorating tools
  • Anastacia Marie Scott Cd's
  • I have more bath and body sprays and lotions then anyone i know i have about 25 different body sprays and lotions
  • #TQOTD Anonymous - Hate for my employer that I've worked for, for 17yrs. Just fed up.
  • Designer purses. I've got at least 30.
  • Guns
  • I have more earrings and DVDs then anyone I know
  • Good morning! I have more shoes & CDs than anyone else I know!
  • Text question. I own more Wrestling themed Jordan's than anyone. See in 2012 Jordan came out w 4 designs for wrestling themed Jordan's and I have them all. Not sure if ppl even know they exist
  • I have more scarves, ball caps and jewelry than anyone I know:)
  • TQOTD: the one thing that I have more of than anyone I know is broke hearts.
    My husband has more video games and video game systems...collecovision all the way up to xbox, playstation etc.
  • TQOTD.... DVD movies. I have over 600
  • I have over 20 rifles shotguns and pistols
  • I have probably 50 record albums from my childhood and teenage years. Some of them were my moms Christmas albums. Connie would appreciate those lol
  • #TQTD I have more paper cranes, I love making them and have a whole sewing box full of them and they all have names
  • TQOTD. What do I have more of than anyone else? Dust. My house is 118 years old and frankly, I'm lazy.
  • Chapstick..I have about 40
  • Connie, yes bath and body works. I have well over 60 bottles of their perfume, I love it!
  • TQOTD: I don't know of anyone who has quite as many geeky print t-shirts as I do yet. I have somewhere over 30 and I know I'll keep collecting more. I also really love cargo pants, and choker necklaces, so I have plenty of those too.
  • Good morning! TQOOTD... As a teacher.. I am obsessed with PENS. I have certain types, colors, styles for everything!
  • Sorry this is so late. One thing I have more of than ANYONE I KNOW is bath and body works hand sanitizer!!!!!!!!! I just bought my 29th one and I am NOT going to stop. Cue Ariana Grande #i see it #i like it #i want it #i got it #hiiiii producer steve!!!!!
  • Antique trunks... I collect them
  • Fabric
  • TQOTD....I own more male lion items (and each one unique) than anyone I know. Over 200 showing in my main living area, and yet it takes people about 30 minutes to notice...then they start counting.
  • My unit lol. Wait you said more of
  • Sass. I have the most sass.
  • I have about 130-140 pair of panties, all from Victoria's Secret and they are all beautiful! I just like them because they're fun and pretty. My drawer is so full I can't let myself buy new panties unless I throw old ones away.
  • #TQOTD I have more friends that work for Townsquare Media than anyone I know. (Minor exception is the friends who work at Townsquare... lol)
  • Text question of the day: I own more cowboy boots than anyone I know. I have at least 6 pair that are legit cowboy boots and probably another 6 that are cowboy boot style but they are shorter and have fringe or something like that on them.
  • I own more flip flops, bathing suits, and sunglasses than anyone else!! We also have a stock full of sun block!!
  • Owls I should elaborate...my owl collection consists of yard, pictures, and figures. My daughter will count them and I believe I have over 50 owls
  • I for real have enough socks to cover the feet of everyone from a small country.
  • My parents sent out numerous packages when I was in Iraq and Afghanistan with a crap ton of socks in every package.
  • I have a higher IQ than anyone I know. Actually, I wish I was just normal.
  • Debt
  • Hair ties! I know i have them, can't find them. have a great weekend!
  • Those private universities get you every time.
  • Buttons! I have 2 twenty gallon totes full
  • I have more Wizard of Oz things than anyone I know
  • Tqoftd: zippos & exes
  • Pennies close to 20000
  • Prom and wedding dresses. I collect and transform them for my portrait photography studio. #eklundphotography
  • I have more bobble heads (Milwaukee Brewer ones)
  • Text question of the day: I have more VHS tapes. Including the classic Disney movies still in their original cases. #90sbaby
  • dogs
  • I have more athletic running/triathlon shirts; running shoes and chapsticks. Love you guys Happy payday Friday
  • I have more kitchen knives than anyone I know my husband and I both went to culinary school so we have two full sets of professional knives for the kitchen as well as additional specialty knives that we bought over the years
  • I have more boardgames than anyone I know...182 was the last count.
  • I have more collectibles of Elvis than literally anyone on earth
  • I have more shot glasses lol from every state and vacation
  • I have more bobby pins in anybody I know and hair ties to for junior girls leave them everywhere
  • TQOTD I have more skittles than anybody else, I made the mistake to tell people they are vegan and now that's all I get for EVERYTHING! birthday? Skittles, christmas? Skittles, secret santa? Can you guess?... BAAM CORRECT! Freaking skittles
  • I have more pets than anyone I know: 2 dogs, 1 cat, a bearded dragon, 2 rats and one fish
  • I have three for coats and 2 warm parka's with fur trim!!! Keeping me warm!! HAMBURGER!! . Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!!
  • Fur coats
  • ? Of the day.... ummm I don't like to brag. Tee ok I have antique Silhouettes ,ear rings, rings. Bracelets
  • Star Wars and Star Trek baseball cards ( for sale ) lol
  • Weighing in late. We have more crystal and Porcelain tea sets from East Berlin. Bought prior to the Berlin Wall coming down
  • Disney snow globes
  • Debt from divorce
  • Snow globes. I received one every year for Christmas since I was born, and I would get them from family as souvenirs I'm over 30 years old....
  • Pugs, I have 4
  • shoes

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