What Do You #Secretly Wish Your SO Had Really Made As Their New Years Resolution?
We are back with our first #Secrets Segment of the year! And since it is the beginning of the year, we decided to theme it on New Year's Resolutions. We want to know what you wish your partner, significant other, husband, or wife would have made as a resolution. And as an added bonus, Christine got to read the #secret that she texted in!
What do you SECRETLY wish your significant other had really made as their New Years Resolution?
- I wish my girl would try to love herself more
- #secrets...I wish he would have made his resolution to be 100% supportive to my goals and dreams and not just part of the time (like when we are around other people)! #annoying
- I secretly wish that he would have made a resolution to decided not to break up with me a month before my birthday.
- I wish my husband made the New Years resolution to try to compliment me more or even at all. Try to tell me (his wife) that I'm beautiful every once in a while. sounds selfish maybe but even once a month I'd be happy with.
- I secretly wish my s.o. existed! 😫
- I hope my wife's new year wish was to make another beautiful baby or at least practices more lol love you guys
- To work on the relationship, the stuff she made excuses for could have been worked out. Or at least worked on with some communication. Oh, that's right we don't talk about her feelings!!!
- I wish he would’ve made his resolution to make more time for his wife.
- I wish that my spouse would have teeth taken care of as his NY resolution. His teeth have morphed throughout the years we've been together and he badly needs a whitening, chip fill-ins, & straightening :(
- I wish my S/O would have made a resolution to go to the gym with me every day. She's always calling herself far but never does anything about it. I think she's gorgeous, but it would be a fun thing to do together and I want her to love herself too.
- Spend more time with me
- Secret: I wish my fella would quit smoking. I didn't get to meet him until we were 40 and I want to spend a long time with him. I hate the smell and I also have asthma.
- I wish my gf made a resolution to get rid of her shoes … So many shoes … She has a problem
- Good morning guys! Unfortunately, I don’t have a boo. I just wanted to thank you for making my commute to college a bit easier each day. love ya! (Including Steve) #youguysareawesome
- Be on time for everything 😂
- I wish my ex-significant other would make it his resolution to make up his damn mind. He clearly still cares but is too stubborn to admit breaking up was a mistake. It's been 8 months of him giving me hope of working it out just to change his mind over and over. It's destroying me. 😭
- I wish my hubby would have joined a gym. He's put on about 100lbs since we've been together. He's pushing 350. Very unhealthy. Talks about getting healthy but never really put in the effort. I love him as he is but I don't want him to be so unhealthy.😔
- #secrets to put the iPad or phone with games on it down. #obsessed. I've asked and asked and feel like it's putting a major strain on our relationship and it seems to be getting worse.
- My husband quit smoking for the new year after 20 plus years and the is amazing and so proud of him but...I wish he would be more romantic and pay attention to me. #heartbroke #soproud #butsolonely
- I secretly wish my significant other made his resolution to quit smoking and stick with it.
- I don't have a significant other but since I do have dogs I wish that they would make a resolution to stop barking at every little noise
- I wish my husband would work less in 2019 He left yesterday at 5:30 am and wasn't home yet by 11 pm 😪😪
- Secrets. I secretly wish my husband's resolution was to get in shape with me. I love him but he has a serious lack of motivation to take care of himself. I need him to be healthy so we can die old together 😍 Just work out and gains some guns already. Happy Hump Day!!!
- Secret question...what do I wish my husband would have taken on as a new year resolution? Quit smoking pot we could use that money for something else
- I secretly wish That my significant other would have given me a ring this year For Christmas
- To stop procrastinating
- I wish my husband would make a resolution to lose weight. I love my husband oh, and his weight doesn't bother me, but what bothers me that I want him to be healthy so that he can do more the kids and myself that's, and be around for a while longer
- I wish his New Years resolution would have been to spend more time with me and our kids
- I wish my husband would have decided this would be the year he was more self-positive. He's amazing and I wish he'd see that.
- I wish he would stop being angry all the time & screaming at the kids all the time. Maybe try spending time with them and stop thinking that paying bills makes him a good dad.
- I wish my husband would take his weight seriously.
- I wish my wife would dress less like a mom and show more of her boobefits which are her best asssets
- #secrets to have more balloon animals with me or me and another girlfriend 😉
- That he would work on wanting to balloon animals. I miss that. Ps, I'm sexy.
- There's no reason for the draught.
- New number hope this works :) I wish my hubby would make a resolution to give me more foot rubs #happyfeet
- I wish that my husband had made the new years resolution to stop his swearing. Our three year old told our 5-year-old to open the Frogging door the other day... 😂
- Stop clipping his toenails in bed!!!!!!!
- I wish my significant other would go to the doctor to take care of his ED problem. #noballoonanimals
- That when she uses the bathroom she could close the door.
- My husband has a really bad habit of deciding to poop as soon as we are ready to walk out the door so I wish his New Year's resolution would be to figure that crap out
- Leave the room when she farts. She eats healthy and farts like a sailed the morning after.
- I wish my husband would have made a resolution to use his gym membership how it's meant to be used...to work out, not walk the treadmill looking at the asses on the elliptical.
- #tqotd I wish my significant other had made a resolution to lose weight. He used to be thin and in great shape and watched his eating. He's gained about 30 pounds, it shows, and… I liked the before picture better.
- That he would start telling the girls that text/message him all the time(from old relationships) not to anymore. I don't know who they are or where they come from. But they are new girls all the time.
- I wish he wouldn't be so negative and more appreciated for everything I do for him and our to little kids.
- I wish she made a New Year's resolution to let go of his past relationships and how he was treated and see that I'm a good woman I just stop treating me poorly because he scared of unconditional love
- I wish he would have made the New Years resolution to start picking up his dang underwear 😑😑
- I wish my hubby would have made his to be a better partner in our marriage! Clean the dang house and do the dang dishes!!!!!!!
- I wish my ex s.o. of 2 years would just let go of me and move on!
- I wish my girlfriend was better at communication. Which isn't one of her strong points in this relationship
- I wish my husband would have made a resolution to give me more me time! Between work, kids, and housework I have no time for me to even work out
- Hey guys! Love you guys! I wish my SO had made a resolution to spend more quality time with me. We're together most evening but it's been ages since we've had an evening just to ourselves without his buddies or sitting silently in front of the TV
- #secrets I wish he would leave his ex-wife who he still lives with
- I wish my hubby would stop annoying his wife on purpose!!!
- I wish my husband would've made a resolution to quit smoking...AGAIN! He did it once for a few years...I hate that he started again !!!!
- To quit being a d-bag
- PUT HIS LAUNDRY AWAY! It just sits in the laundry bin for weeks
- I wish he would stop being so damn selfish. And since hunting is over and we have no ice for him to fish he now wants to work on cleaning out areas of the house and don't care that I work twice the amount of hours a week he does. Then tells me I will help or it all goes in the trash. Which is my hard earned money in the trash the way I see it. Ugh!!
- I wish my wife would stop procrastinating and get a job, she's been a stay at home mom for 4 years but with both kids in school now she's always complaining she's bored!
- Something I wish my significant other would have made her new year's resolution is to exist... because I don't have a significant other right now 😂
- I keep hoping my ex will contact me. I still have feelings for him
- I wish my wife would give me more BJ's this next year
- To keep his dick in his pants
- I wish my significant other would .... o wait. Don't have one ugh