What Do You Think Your Neighbors Do For A Living? – #TQOTD
When Fish first moved here, his neighbors would only see him out in the middle of the day with his dog and wondered why he wasn't at work. They assumed that he was a rock star because he was always wearing concert t-shirts. So, we wanted to know what you THINK you neighbor does just by looking at them.
If you didn’t know what your neighbors did for a living what would you assume just by looking at them?
- Tuesday TQOTD: lawn care company owners/DIY home makeover company! Always working on something, will take 2 hours to blow if EVERY LEAF on their small deck. I mean for gosh sake sit down on a weekend and relax and watch a movie and stop it with the noise while people are trying to sleep and relax over here 😭
- That's a good one!!! Collecting SSI... Milking the system
- TQOTD: I don't live in a great area while I'm trying to get back on my feet. My neighbors on the right certainly sell crack. My neighbors on the left must work in a baby factory because they have like 9 screaming kids running around. The neighbor across the street may be a secret agent. He has tinted windows on his car, always wears black, leaves at weird times, doesn't socialize with any neighbors and I'm pretty sure I can see the outline of a gun through his clothes... I don't live on Wisteria Lane 😳
- Drug dealers. Always people there. All hours of the night. Spend a ton of time in the garage. Really loud in the summer. I miss the old man that lived there before. He was crazy , thought aliens abducted him on a regular basis, but he was quiet.
- My son thinks one of the neighbors works for the CIA, is a sniper, or keeping bodies in the basement or something. LOL It is a bit suspicious over there. He is a loner with not one piece of window covering... upstairs or downstairs on the main level. He sits on the computer for HOURS because we see him at his computer EVERY single day/night. leaves super early in the morning and when he comes home, you never see him go between the garage and the house. Is there a damn tunnel under there?? 😂 We do hear REALLY loud pounding early morning hours from the basement that actually wakes me up. I dunno. Kinda looks nerdy. That there is suspect. 😂 He has said hi to me once.
- Storage unit bidders/resellers.
- They are always bringing stuff in (sometimes via a uHaul) and then hauling stuff away? It doesn't make sense! At first we thought it might've been a hoarding situation but, it's just all really bizarre.
- One set of neighbors-he's a teacher/coach, she works at subway. Other neighbors - unemployed jerks who wait to see me let my dog out, to let theirs out so that it's always a barking match in the backyard.
- Oh for sure the neighbor kitty corner from us runs a meth lab in his house.
- My neighbor Tom is a sweetheart. I could see a greeter at a grocery store or a pastor
- OMG, I’m just worried what my neighbors think I do? FUNNY
- Definitely a lawyer or CEO. They paid over 100K for their house and they have nice cars.
- So, there's this song by Garth Brooks called papa loved mama. I must WAITING for that song to play out in to real life with one of my neighbors. I swear he's a trucker and she's a lonely housewife lol.
- I think mine work at a casino .. they almost live there. Lol
- Elephants by trade, their nose is always in our business!!
- I don’t know what my neighbors do for a living. I do know they paid 390,000 cash for their house and have mad cameras everywhere! We always joke drug dealers
- This has been an ongoing conversation in our house since they moved in 6 months ago. The guy walks around in circles with his dog on a short leash and his wife turned around and walked away when I went to introduce myself... literally no words have been exchanged and I've never seen either of them drive, yet there's a car in their garage. They look far too young to be retired, but IDK. Is it bad to say, perhaps they're disabled and/or had a nice early retirement? Whatever, I miss the lady who sold the house. She was a gem, "edible distributor" and all.
- A drug dealer.
- I would think he was a rapper!
- Retired lucky dogs
- Drug dealer hood rat...but our hood is Podunk.
- That their drug dealers 😂
- Radio
- Goat herder 😂
- Mafia
- Dealer. Always got cars in an out of that driveway, just built a 8 foot fence around his house so no one can see into his shed in his back yard lol
- My neighbor drove a different car every day so I was sure he was a dealer...turns out he was the head mechanic at ford. My current neighbor is legit a drug dealer tho lol
- tqotd I would think my neighbors are voyuers bc she takes pics of people's houses with her scruffy side piece
- TQOTD... I'd think my neighbor was a handyman. He is constantly working on his house, yard or in his mancave/giant garage. He is very hands on hahahaha just kidding...
- Text Question: He is an enforcer for the mob, as he is the neighborhood bully.
- My next door neighbor always reminds me of Robert de Niro and meet the parents where he's retired and is super anal and is has like the most perfect amazing yard on the planet which means his house inside is probably pristine and perfect but you know just looking at him he probably was like a CIA agent or something like that it just makes sense it just f****** makes sense
- I would think they work for some type of spy agency. They are a young college grad couple, come and go at all hours of the day and night, but rarely together.
- Hardly ever outside, and when they are it's like a quick dash to get things done like cutting the lawn, yard work or putting the trash out. I'm not quite sure when that happens... seen it in 5 years.
- When driving by, they never look or wave... just straight away on a mission.
- She, BTW.... is a complete brunette knockout. I long for lawn mowing day. Black shorts and a white tank top is the lawn day attire, always.... I think she is on to my beer breaks LOL
- I would be her James Bond if she needs one..... I could totally covert operation with her anytime ;)
- Mr. Grumpy lives to find things we do wrong. I think he's a retired teacher and those kids messed him up.
- The lady across the street is an escort, no one has as many "dates" as she does. 😉
- ? Of the day.... The B club. She's always giving me the " Look" I think she's afraid of me trying to hustle her man. I mean really? Umm yeah stay in your own side of the fence.
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