“What Do You Wish Your Valentine Knew?” – Intern Cheyenne Reads #Secrets [Video]
It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for #Secrets! Ever since we got our new Wednesday intern, Cheyenne, we have been having her read some of the #Secrets that you send in. Since she is such a good sport, we like to give her some of the naughtier texts just to get her reaction. This week the theme was "What do you wish your Valentine knew?"
Alright, now here are most of the #Secrets that we got today:
- I am miserable!
- Wish my partner understood it's not I don't enjoy making love but since my double mastectomy the simple touches are painfull even just to cuddle hurts to lay next to him. He is amazing and I am sure if he knew he would understand however he just would pull away as well out of fear that he is hurting me. I would love to just be normal again
- Not understanding the other persons job. As a medic it's hard some days for my fiancé to understand how painful it can be because it's what I signed up for.
- I wish my Valentine knew that all I want for Valentine's Day is a hot bubble bath candle-lit without being interrupted by my son
- I wish my husband knew that my love for him grows every day... but being pregnant, my hormones don't always let me show it.. #pregnantwifeproblems #5monthstogo
- I wish my valentine knew i was bored “in the bedroom” #Secrets
- That I'm super excited to meet her someday 🙂 #patience
- I wish my girlfriend knew I was gay... I'm trying to come out... But I also love her and feel like I will hurt her greatly.
- I wish my valentine truly knew I want a divorce,! She is part of my depression
- I wish my valentine knew it actually head over heals for him
- I wish my Valentine would stop hurting me.
- I want to tell my valentine a.k.a. my husband that I really despise him he is just all around an awful guy but dang it he is so sexy #YeahI’mShallow
- Its not that exciting...but I wish my valentine knew that literally after meeting him for the first time, both of my parents instantly approved and thought we would get married. We're coming up on 2 years of dating. Tbh, I hope he poooops the question soon 😋
- My husband spray painted I Love You in the snow. We have been togetherr 30yr.
- #Secret I wish my valentine knew that I was abused when I was a child, so I have trust issues when it comes to men
- My secret.... I wish he knew I want a divorce. I'm tired of the sadness and hate in our lives.
- ...that I existed.
- My wish my valentine knew my name...
- I wish my Valentine knew how to be romantic. He doesn't have a romantic bone in his body!
- I wish my valentine knew who I was. Lmfao
- I wish my Valentine knew that "Candy" at the Humane Society would make a great addition to any family and should get adopted
- I wish my valentine knew how proud I am of him, we are both in college and he has to works 40 hours a week unpaid (as an internship). Any hours that he works over 40 he gets paid for so he ends up working about 60 hours a week on top of being a full time student and stull manages to be an amazing boyfriend. I don't know how he does it
- I wish my valentine knew that I want him to do is play jut dance 2018 with me on the Nintendo switch he bought me for Christmas! He says he has moves but is to embarrass to bust them out! Lol
- I wish my valentine knew how proud I am of her. My wife is amazing and works so hard to provide for our family. I'm extremely proud she does so much for our family so I can go to school and be a stay at home mom with our 3 young kids.
- I wish my Valentine knew just how much his animosity with his ex wife has ruined our relationship.
- I wish he knew that I haaaaaaaaaaaaate my wedding ring. What can ya do tho? He tried so hard, I can't ever tell him.
- Sammy swinger says I wish my wife knew I was a swinger
- I wish my Valentine knew that even though I'm not your average girl (love football, drink beer, hate shopping) I still LOVE flowers!
- I wish my Valentines remembered her and I hooking up 20 years ago. It was a night on the town and she doesn't remember me 💔
- That I bought her an engagement ring. But I can't tell her obviously. It's hard to keep living the same life style when you're paying off a ring haha. Hope she doesn't notice I'm being more frugal with money.
- I wish my valentine knew that even though I left him a year ago, because of his relationship with the bottle, he still has my heart #secrets #truelove
- I am a single mom and I have feelings for my single male friend. I'm hoping he makes a move. #secrets
- I wish my Valentine would be more romantic sometimes, but I love him eirher way
- I wish my Valentine knew that I hate getting flowers. I think it's a waste. I would rather have the cash! Lol
- I'm single but I want my future Valentine to know I want it all about me and no chocolates or roses. Just romance.
- I want my Valentine to know I love him and can't wait to marry him this year on August 4th!
- I wish he knew I was bringing him to Cancun for his birthday so I didn't have to keep it in!!
- I wish my valentine was nicer to me
- My valentine knows everything been married 16 years April 27th
- Sammy swingers wife Trust me he has more than a minnow
- I wish my Valentine would invite me inside because it's getting cold out here in the bushes holding these binoculars
- I wish my Valentine hadn’t eaten those homemade brownies I made. I put EXLAX in them as a joke for someone else. Thank god there were 3 left. Hope you enjoyed the Brownies … JOYCE!!!
- I want my Valentine to know he is an ass clown