What Do Your Neighbors Do That Drives You Crazy? – #TQOTD
Don't worry, you are anonymous when you text us to complain about your neighbor. Well, except for the lady who was complaining about the lady who constantly tells her dog to "go potties, go poop" and then that very lady texted in to say that it was her...
What do your neighbors do that drives you crazy?
- I used to live in a condo where we had decks that were above a walkout patio. Our neighbors had 2 large dogs and never took them out... they only let them go potty on their deck. #1 and #2!!! Their deck was just covered in shit (literally) all year round. So much so that pee was coming down and staining their lower windows below the deck. Every time we had our windows open or we were out on our deck we could smell it. So gross!!! Long story short.. we complained.. they were evicted. Sorry people.. maybe you shouldn't own dogs if you can't take care of them properly?
- My neighbor lady would let her two weiner dogs out, stand right next to them and repeat incessantly, "go potties, go poop"......."go potties, go poop"...."go potties, go poop" which we could hear if our windows were open. This would be constant, 3-4xs a day. I think those dogs secretly wanted to strangle her in her sleep with their leashes. Thank God she moved!
- The old lady across the street from me has nothing better to do than chain smoke and complain about everything everyone does. She will call the police or township to report any and everything. She is a thief of joy.
- Speed up and down the road , they literally killed 2 foxes 3 of our cats and 4 of his own.Plus he drives our dogs crazy and he’s 49 years old
- I’ve never had a good neighbor while living in an apartment. First one, the couple below me would fight all the time. Current apartment: first above neighbor liked to play video games at 2am and was apparently awful cause he was always swearing and yelling. New neighbors just moved in and they have 3 young kids that run and jump and the dad just yells.
- Black powder cannon. That’s the BIGGEST complaint in the entire neighborhood. They refuse to let veteran’s know they plan on shooting it off. 4 of them have seen combat in Afghanistan or Vietnam. So rude.
- We have the BEST neighbors...they are always leaving me treats in our mailbox, help fix our lawn mower or mow our lawn. I’m spoiled. However, I would say the young kids driving fast around our neighborhood in golf carts. It’s dangerous. I have witnessed so many close calls.
- Roar past on their motorcycles at 10 pm revving their engines. And speed around the neighborhood during the day. It’s so obnoxious!
- The one house that's a rental on my road has two disrespectful boys who ride dirt bikes on the dirt road late at night at high speeds. (They have acreage and a track on the property).
- Splash around in their inground pool while I’m sitting in my 30” inflatable pool.
- Planted a garden on our lot line and then digs holes for compose , never fills the holes and then the critters take the food out and leave it on our deck
- Lot line they have every excuse why the surveyed lot line isn’t right and alway day they have a guy coming out to check it
- Sell drugs and think that we dont know exactly whats going on.
- We live on a dirt road and I'm on the corner So the neighbor Drives his 68 Ford mustang like 5 mph by my house in the summer time making me super jealous
- Have their garages so full of stuff that they can't park their cars in them!
- My neighbors and I share a driveway...so when 50 cars are on their side or make their way to my side!! they need a house with their own driveway.
- Peeling out on our road at all hours. Random fireworks.
- Sits on his driveway revving his shitty harley motorbike, blaring music, having loud conversations on his phone, 30 something year old still living with his parents, he needs to move out
- Talks loudly on her phone, while in the yard. Once even, I turned the vacuum off to hear her talking about how much her neighbor vacuums
- One of our neighbors lets their dogs get loose, doesn’t come get the loose dogs, and then gets annoyed when we chase them back home.
- Always yelling at their kids cuz they're too lazy to get off the couch. I can't even have my window open.
- Their dogs never. Stop. BARKING!
- My neighbor feeds peanuts to the squirrels and now we have tree rats hanging from every branch driving my dogs nuts.
- Just had a long discussion on our neighborhood Facebook page about dead spots in the grass from dog urine! For the most part neighbors are pretty respectful but some seem to think non dog owners have to accept neighborhood pets killing their grass or leaving poop piles.
- Walks back and forth in her front yard conducting business on her phone, Loudly. I sure would not want her for my lawyer...Some times up and down the street.
- They exist.... They are up playing loud playing music, drinking, revving their motorcycles all hours of the night and more or less every night of the week. This girl gets up at 5am M-Th...not cool...not cool at all.
- Smoke on there front porch. The smell comes into my bedroom window
- Not clean their kitty litter, so the whole apartment building smells like cat poop
- Nothing. I live in the country surrounded by farming...
- 1 neighbor lets his dog out when he gets home from work at 10pm and lets her sit outside and bark nonstop till midnight.
- Let their dogs bark. If I can hear them barking, you can too.
- When they get over 40 goats and still keep getting more
- Living above a family whose kid doesn't stop screaming and banging doors. Not a toddler either!!! Old enough to know better
- Park in front of my driveway, plant flowers in my flower bed
- Park in front of my walkway... especially in the winter...
- it out on their front porch and yell at people in the road....another neighbor likes to play their music very loud and all hours of the night
- They have a dog that just bark all the dang time ;-(
- Play loud music, sit outside in the hallway and smoke and talk loudly
- Leave their dogs out all hours, they bark at everything.
- Loud music!!!!!
- Upstairs neighbor's teenage son loves to run and jump etc. He has no respect for the other Tennant's in the building.
- They have a hound dog they allow to bark all the time, all hours of the night too..
- I’m just scrolling to see if my neighbors wrote anything...
- Their kids stomp and it sounds like they jump off of things at all hours of the day
- They have beagles
- Sell their house.
- Talks to me
- Exists
- Step out side
- They breathe
- Smoke some super skunky smelling weed outside. It seriously smells like skunk.
- They are too quiet. Us nosy people don't appreciate that negativity
- Sell drugs
- My neighbor which is moving soon but not soon enough is constantly asking my hubby for help or thinks she needs to give her 2 cents about how I have taken care of my so called flower bed
- Feeds ALL the animals in the neighborhood and that brings skunks EVERY NIGHT! She has dogs on all sides of her and doesn't have one herself so does not get it! -- .
- Wish my neighbor take care of their trees. It has cost insurance 18 grand in damages Between my truck and my camper. Numerous arguments. Mind you I have already butchered the tree from my property lineup does not look lol.
- My neighbor incessantly runs their leaf blower... 930 at night. Leaf blower. Dead of winter. Leaf blower. Rained over night. LEAF BLOWER!!
- My neighbors exist. Ugghhh
- TQOTD. The D-bag who lights off mortars all hours of the day, all days of the year. When it is legal, we can put our dog's thundershirt on and give her anti-anxiety meds. She has a disease that stress exacerbates. Poor thing shakes uncontrollably and worse case, we could wind up at the animal ER for a crisis
- TQOTD: they'd let their dogs run around the neighborhood, and they'd go in our yard. Seems to happen a bit less since my dad once relocated their dog-poo from our yard to their porch
- My neighbors deal heroine
- My neighbors like to have loud, vulgar, conversations in the driveway, talking about sitting on faces and other things of the sort. We have 4 toddlers! Which brings me to my next point, the neighbors like to peak in the privacy fence, call to our dog to get her excited, and throw random bones over to her without asking.
- So I’ve got three my next door neighbor complains none stop about me not racking my leaves everyday in the fall yeah no I’ll do it once they all drop. My two across the street the one which he has three wives are very anti social and the other gets his mail in his underwear which by the way my wife says connie would be so proud and maybe they need to do lunch together sometime
- Call the cops on us, and trying to get us evicted (within days of moving in) for things we don't do because of one of 2 things (or both) We took "their"parking spot even though there is not assigned parking. They are just mad that they are too fat to get out of their car when another one is parked properly next to it. (Coveted spot is next to a vacant handicapped stall) Or, we are 2 women living together as a family.
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