Every family has their own little quirky things that they do and for today's Text Question of the Day, we want to know what that is.  What weird thing did you do while growing up that you look back on now and say "what the heck?"

What does your family do that you didn’t realize was BIZARRE till later in life?

  • My dad always burned our trash. When we were told to take the trash out it meant we had to take it put to the burning barrel. Once I moved out it took a while to get used to not having to separate the non-burnables from the rest of the trash.
  • My wife found it weird that we date our birthday and special event cards... never thought it was weird, but then again my family saves ALL cards...
  • Putting our birthday cake in a bowl... with milk ‍♀️
  • For the longest time I called the dining room table the mail sorter and didn’t know people actually sat at a table and ate ‍♀️
  • Washed and reused ziploc bags
  • Eating lunch meat sandwiches with butter instead of mayo. Didn’t know it until college when I was making sandwiches for a group picnic and yelled “butter or mayo” and got a room full of weird looks
  • Always thought ding-dong ditch was called ding-dong digit until recently...I’m almost 50.
  • Putting raisins in our rice krispy bars. I didn't know until college that no one else does that!
  • The tv remote is called the clicker
  • We had taco Tusedays on Wednesdays....
  • Called the hallway laundry hamper "The Dirties ". "Can't wear that, it's in the dirties." Friends in HS are like "it's where?"
  • My family formerly dresses up for Thanksgiving and Christmas. So like Thanksgiving Day or Christmas morning we would shower and dress up in our holiday clothes, and then come downstairs to have a big holiday breakfast and open presents. We would also use all of the fine china. So my friends got to wear fat pants and I'm wearing a velvet dress lol
  • Didn't realize until jr high/highschool that it was 'not normal' that we lived in campground for 3 months when I was 10yrs old. At the time I didn't realize we were essentially homeless.
  • We grew up heating our water with wood fire and our freezer was on our back porch for years.
  • Its more like what we didn't do. We never went camping or even talked about it. 25 years later, I've still never been.
  • the one thing that my family did with food, that I think we were the only ones that did this. My mom made homemade mac and cheese we all topped ours with mayonnaise
  • #TQOTD There was always food in my parent's house. I only realized this was different because my friends family would consistently have Friday nights be pizza night because they genuinely didn't have enough food in the house to make a meal. Later realized that what my parents did was different but it's always going to be what I prefer. People that never have food in their house when they can afford it must have a large cash flow to eat out every week.
  • My family does not talk about anything serious. Like, nothing! I had cancer when I was 25 and it just got shoved under the rug and never discussed because my family does not talk about anything serious we avoid.
  • TQOTD. My family stayed in a camper at a campground all summer, returning to our house the Sunday before school started. It was incredible and I wish my kids could have experienced something similar.
  • My younger brother has always "rocked" himself to sleep. He holds his ears and rocks his head back and forth; elbows in air. And while growing up we never thought it was weird or off. It was just something he did. He does it to this day. In his early 20s he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. This was approximately 16ish years ago. Now, a few years ago, it randomly dawned on me that maybe it was sign. Maybe we should have been more concerned with this behavior...we'll never know.
  • My parents would fight constantly. I mean literally my mom would area k my dad and tried to stab him before. My dad has tried to kill my mom too. But I didn’t know u til I was an adult that it wasn’t normal because I wasn’t ever allowed to stay anywhere
  • My parents are hoarders
  • My Mom called maxi pads "crotch grabbers" first time I said that to someone. They thought I was nuts!!
  • ?of dah day Frickin everyone one of us lean to one side when farting. Mostly when sitting! Omg , I thought everyone did it.
  • Mom would take us dumpster diving. We thought it was a blast until we became adults. We found good stuff and would have garage sales.
  • TQOTD.. ‍♀️‍♀️ My family.. Ugh! I can't say it..They..Eat..A..Twix...WHOLE I mean who does that?? Everyone knows you eat it caramel first, then the cookie part. For years I hid my secret of eating layer by later, but found out THEY are the bizzar ones for eating it whole. Blasphemy ‍♀️‍♀️
  • TQOTD: when I was a kid, in the summer, my grandma would wear just her white bra and a pair of shorts while at home. I never thought anything of it until I was an adult and realized that she walked around in her bra like it was a bikini top
  • TQOTD – when I was a kid in my teens all the way through our team and our families walk around in their underwear around the house all the time we lived out in the country
  • Needless to say it was awkward because several of my brothers friends saw me in my underwear a lot
  • My family outings centered around going to the airport to pick up a body. Then we'd go to Mr. Steak while Mr Hannigan would chill in the back of the van. #funeraldirectorsdaughter #thatsnormalright?
  • So it's not normal to grow up with your parents using your social security numbers (mine and my siblings) for personal items.... only to grow up and realize your credit is shot. Ummm just asking for a friend.
  • For the text question... My Dad’s entire side of the family has always and still tries to kiss all of us on the lips, I am now 30 and didn't realize it was weird until a boyfriend mentioned it

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