What Does Your Mask Smell Like? – #TQOTD
We have 3 things you need to do for the Text Question of the Day. First, put on your mask. Second, take a deep breath and blow in your mask. And finally, tell us what you smell.
What does your mask smell like?
- My mask smells like mint I carry them with me. So it doesn’t smell lol
- My mask smells (and looks) like Cheeto dust. I have a beard and it’s a very effective Cheeto dust scrubber inner brush.
- Pumpkin spice
- My mask smells like Jetts pizza!
- Tequila. I wash it in tequila, alcohol cleans it and I get the pleasure of smelling it all day long! If only I could find a way to fit a mini flask and straw inside there!
- Depends on what I just ate... Was it the day that I ate too much garlic and then put on a mask? Nope....one day at work I had a small bag of beef jerky and some coke. That was the worst effing burp in mask experience of my life.
- Overwhelming laundry detergent. I washed them today.
- Thieves spray or laundry soap
- Tide Mountain Fresh! Lol. A fresh mask every day.
- Depends on who did laundry. I don't put fabric softener in with the masks bc they smell like incense. Makes me wonder who engineered my fabric softener...
- The new air freshener in my vehicle. I hung it on the rear view mirror and forgot I put a new freshener in...wayyy too fresh up in that mask
- Sanitizer spray
- 1st I thought it said what do your balls smell like? Then I read it. My mask smells like a spring flowers after a light rain storm
- Musty basement laundry room ant Burt’s Bees peppermint lip balm
- Peppermint, I add Peppermint drops to mine daily
- Hand soap and old lady.....just moved into a “new” house so everything smells like old lady and paint.
- Lilacs. I use lilac body wash to hand wash them!
- Coffeeeeeeeeeeee.When shopping I've smelled a few passing me that smelled like weed though.
- usually my coffee breath!!
- Cinnamon from the gum in my purse.
- Scrubbing Bubbles bath cleaner
- Anxiety
- Smells like whatever is floating around the bottom of my purse, with a couple of dog hairs added in.
- I can’t even deal with this what’s the TQOTD coming to
- Today- tacos, yesterday- garlic bread, tomorrow coffee and sadness.
- Bath and Body Works (Sweater Weather) antibacterial hand soap.
- Like the stuff you don’t want it too, yeah that stuff, ewww right?
- Fresh! New one every day or as needed. Cloth ones are washed daily
- Laundry Detergent
- Gain laundry detergent
- Coffee and disappointment
- Fabric softener and laundry detergent
- The bottom of my purse
- Downy unstoppables
- Laundry soap
- Peppermint gum most of the time
- Laundry soap.
- My bad breath LOL
- Peppermint
- Nothing
- Gain - just washed
- Chocolate!
- Gain laundry detergent
- Lysol
- My breath lol
- Dawn
- Tide, Fabuloso fabric softener & lavender! I spritz lavender essential oil into mine before I go in anywhere... #claustrophobic
- Polypropylene
- My stank ass coffee breath
- Ass
- Mines boring. My mask smells like toothpaste and laundry detergent
- Whatever I just ate. So typically Wendy's. Aka work.
- My mask smells like dawn dish soap. Washed every day in hot water and dawn.
- My mask smells like pecan pie but the other day it smelled like beef broth.
- Mine smells like fire pit because I wore it by the firepit on Halloween
- Depends. In the morning it smells like my car freshener. While I'm eating lunch I spray it with lysol so it smells like that for the rest of the day.
- My mask smells like compassion for my fellow human beings and determination...
- Mint gum stale purse and a little bit of bad breath
- Text question of the day: My masks smell like a combination of sandle wood, and cherry pipe tobacco. The beard oils i use to condition my beard.
- Weed. My mask definitely smells like weed. ♀️ Have a great day! Love the show!
- Cocabutter. When I was 16 I went into a Meijer and bought cocoa butter for the first time put it on in the store. I went to the checkout line and this 7 year old girl look behind her and stared at me and said I smell like a beautiful chocolate man. Her father was obviously terrified by what she said apologize and promptly left. Ever since I have worn cocoa butter every single day so I can be the beautiful chocolate man that I've always meant to be. - Ray
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