It's time to talk to crap about your family!  For this week's #secrets we want to know which family member would be the worst person to live with and then we want you to share the dirty reasons why.

What family member would you never let live with you and why?

  • Secrets: I would never let my birth mom and step dad live with me. They think they know everything and will try to tell you otherwise even if you are right.
  • My sister or younger brother. Neither one of them can keep from running there mouth and starting a fight. Not even allowed at my house
  • Any of the ones that can prove with a dna test that we are in fact related
  • My husband's sister, she's 2-faced
  • My sister. We are complete opposite personalities
  • My nephew cause he doesn’t understand the concept of showering or bathing more than 1 every 20+ days
  • My mother. Enough said ‍♀️
  • My parents.
  • I would let any of my nieces & nephews live with me.
  • Call me terrible but my parents. We don't along so well....
  • My mother... been there, done that. And haven’t spoken in 3 years
  • My aunt
  • My moms mom lol
  • My sister. Were too much alike. Lol
  • My father in law. We had him living with a couple yrs ago and he completely screwed us over and we our 3000 dollars in debt
  • My aunt because she is a liar took money from her own mother never paid her back she is a thief stole from other elderly she worked for and most of the family believe she had something to do with my uncle's death
  • My sister. She is a certified psychopath. No joke!
  • My siblings omg horrific slobs
  • I would NEVER let my big brother live with me cuz he's a boosh and he makes me mad
  • Secrets. Sorry... Not sorry! NONE OF THEM. They drive me nuts now and if they lived with me, my face might be front page news if ya know what I'm saying lol ( My kids and husband are excluded from this ?). Happy Hump day! ❤
  • My family member that I would not let live with me would be my mother because she is so anal about everything, example shoes have to be next to each other and the hill has to be backed up to the wall is just one example
  • I would not ever let my cousin Teasha live with me because when she lived with our grandma she stole silverware and other things from her!
  • I would never let my mother live with me. She was very abusive growing up. She's a diagnosed bipolar psychophranic(sp? Sry) and an alcoholic. HARD PASS
  • Literally anyone in my husbands family!!!
  • My brother-in-law they smell like a landfill
  • My mother! I love her because she's my mom but she drives me CRAZY! As a teenager, she was always down my throat yelling at me but now that I'm an adult I'm her favorite child. she treats me like a best friend and I don't want to know about her dating life and I don't want her to text me every second of every day.
  • Thankful she lives in a different state!
  • So I never ever have my youngest sister live with me because she is a complainer, always want everything her way and she would spend money on long trips or fancy items for pretty much anything.
  • #secrets my sister in law. She's rude, and a she thinks she know it all but she doesn't know what she's talking about most of the time lol.
  • I would not my mother live with me again. Twice in the past I've let her stay with me and it's a pain in the butt. She always wants to over step and try and run our house instead of my wife and I. Or she'll bring random people over that she just met. Plus she still has 5 kids that live with her, so guess who becomes a live in babysitter!!! Ya we'll never let that happen again!!!!
  • I would not let one of my younger sisters ever live with me. She is a slob she can’t hold a job constantly lies has no license and has plans on marring a guy who now has gone to jail twice now for stealing money. Neither one of them can hold a job even their body Oder is bad bc. They don’t take care of themselves
  • My brother... he was the best roommate I ever had in college... but now I would never let him live with me because he comes as a package deal with his wife. And she's a total slob, hasn't worked in 3 years, and is dragging my brother down...
  • I won't let any of my family members with you family is the first to screw you over
  • TQOTD: I don't think id want to live with my aunt. She told my mom that I needed to " get out more and socialize " because I was playing a video game (it was a game I borrowed from a friend, and was trying to finish to return it) She is a little quick to judge, bosses my uncle around a little, and probably cant take the criticism she herself dishes out.
  • My mother because she is full of evil!
  • I would never live with my mother-in-law. She's rude lazy just mean talk about people behind their back's and she doesn't care about herself her house or other peoples feelings. She always complains about how hard her life is when all she does is sit on her butt every day and not go anywhere or do anything and she always complains About how she doesn't feel good when she doesn't do anything to try and give her self a healthier life. She's a toxic person and every time my husband has to see her it makes him very emotional and guilty that this is the state that his mom and childhood home or in
  • I'd never let my grandma live with me. Love her to death, but she nags about everything and is SO judgmental
  • I wouldn’t let anyone in my family live with me and my husband. But I would allow any of my in laws at any given time!
  • My father-in-law... I would have to wait on him hand and foot. He would criticize my meals, argue with my husband, sit in the chair and watch tv while ordering me around. NEVER!!! If he moved in, I'd move out without even thinking twice.
  • Guys I would not allow my father-in-law to live with us because he's the type of person who doesn't like to take a shower he will go to the bathroom take a big crap not wash his hands come out reach into your cupboard grab a bag of chips eat them and put them back in the cupboard that's why I would never allow him to stay with us because he's not very clean
  • My boyfriend's brother. He's is a TOTAL Mama's boy!! He's 23 and can't make a meal or do laundry to save his life.
  • My brother-in-law. Although we're great friends and hang out often together, he thinks he is always right and it would just never work to live together.
  • The family member that I would not let live with me would be my Uncle Paul. You know how every family has "one"? Well, he's ours.
  • My mom. She is completely opposite of me and would drive me nuts!
  • My sister. She has a completely different personality than me and gets upset whenever something doesn't go her way. I love her, but no thank you.
  • My mother. She makes me bat-guano crazy and doesn't get that she oversteps at every chance and thinks that money is the solution to everything. She still doesn't understand why my husband is so mad at her when she snuck the bill from brunch on mother's day. It's his gift to me and she said it's not her problem that he didn't have another gift
  • My mother in law or sister in law. Neither try to make their situations better and will suck you dry and expect more
  • My Aunt. She is so content on keeping all of us in line that it gets annoying. Always telling us what she thought was right.
  • Let’s be honest, I don’t want anyone living with me. I like peace and quiet lol
  • I would never let my sister live with us. She's a kind of person who desperately wants somebody to take the lead in the household but will complain and criticize because you didn't do it their way. Her own house is a mess because her husband is afraid to clean it differently than she does so neither of them do it
  • Please use my name! I would never let my brother live with me MICHAEL , he's obnoxious, full of himself and down right rude, he always has to be right.
  • WOW!! I'm wierd I guess... any of mine could.... Mother in law??? Not!!!! OCD...psycho
  • My father-in-law would never live with me he is an absolute wreck but he is good at getting people to feel bad for him he has stolen tens of thousands of dollars from my mother-in-law and he is so emotionally abusive towards his family that my wife has a restraining order against him
  • My brother who has been homeless for most of his life. When he has stayed at my home h e prefers the garage because he drink so much that he pees on him self. We have tried to get him stable housing but he always ends up back on the street. 40 plus years homeless in California
  • My sister everything is always about her and she might be a hoarder
  • My Methodist minister uncle. Hes judgemental and rude. Hes 1 of 6 kids but is cousinly reminding everyone that you thinks it is the best of them. Also I'm an atheist so that may cause a problem.
  • I'd never let my grandma live with me. She wants to meddle in my business all the time so I can't imagine how intrusive she'd be if we shared a roof
  • My sister because she is bossy and cheap!
  • I would NEVER let my sister love with me. She's an entitled, selfish bitch among other things. She attempts to be vegetarian when it's convenient then shuns everyone for what they eat. She's also messy and makes excuses why she could never help clean
  • Brother, 36- still lives at home. Rent free. Doesn't do laundry food or dishes. Mom still cleans his room...Oh and if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down
  • My ex wife. She's now living a motel. She lazy and keep a job. She does wacky tabacky and sits around the room. Cant drive no shower
  • My father, he's a buttnugget. My brother would never live with me either because he takes after my father.
  • I would never let my brother live with me because he is a manipulative narcissistic assface. Lol. Happy Wednesday! #Yourule
  • Additional side note to my response… I actually have my brother blocked in my phone and on all social media.
  • I wouldn't want my mother in law to live with me because she's nuttier than squirrel poo...
  • My Methodist minister uncle. Hes judgemental and rude. Hes 1 of 6 kids but is constantly reminding everyone that he thinks it is the best of them. Also I'm an atheist so that may cause a problem.
  • Woke yo late and just saw the question for secrets. Honestly, I would never want to live with either of my siblings again as adults... what a nightmare!! Connie would see me on an episode of ID.. #murder
  • My husband's stepmom. Us kids are positive that she is using him for his money because he owns his own company. If he ever tells her no for money, she will take it out of his pocket and we are pretty sure that she has dipped into the company's finances. Her daughter has also told my husband's sister that her mom is just using their dad. We have tried to tell him but he just won't get rid of her
  • My mother-in-law, she has no idea of boundaries… She's moved pictures on my walls she's moved my glasses from one cupboard to another just because she thought it made more sense. And this was just during babysitting visits!
  • Can I pick two? I could not have my mother live with us because her and I are toxic when we live together plus she just drives me crazy after any long period of time. The other would be my father-in-law. He's a wonderful guy but he had a TBI and can be very erratic because of it.
  • My in-laws who call me by my husbands ex's name .....even after 7 years
  • Secrets I would never let my mother in law live with me. Actually my husband and I have a golden rule of no parents can live with us. On a side note my mother in law is a few fries short of a happy meal. Have a great day
  • I could not live with my brother or sister. Hence why I moved to another state when I was 19! Lol I am now 56!
  • I would have to say both of my parents. My father loves to see me fail and sets me up for failure whenever he can. My mother treats me like I'm a child even in my 40's. I tell her I'm in adult but she won't have it. She needs me to be a continual five-year-old in her eyes. #Unhealthy #Crazy
  • My ex wife. She's now living a motel. She lazy and keep a job. She does wacky tabacky and sits around the room. Cant drive no shower
  • No way my niece's husband. He knows everything and always corrects you
  • FAMILY??? What family? NOT one of them- our Mother died after my last chemotherapy and them my "siblings" didn't like that I was coexecutor of the estate, as I was the "baby" of the "family" and during the entire time I was undergoing stage 3 breast cancer treatment continued to throw me under the bus!i would rather have the homeless person stay the night!
  • My kids. Once they graduated, they were out and on their own. I love them and I'm so proud of them, but I'm done finding dishes and clothes in random places!
  • I would never let my siblings or my mom live with me again. My sister is rude and likes to act like she's in charge, and won't help around the house. She also makes excuses why she can't pay rent. One of my brothers is a drug addict, and the other has anger issues. And my mom is like my sister, rude as hell, and lazy.

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