What “Goofy” Story Do You Still Pick On Your Friend About? – #TQOTD
We want you to tell the goofiest, most embarrassing story you have about someone else. (or yourself if you are brave)
What “goofy” story from the past do you still pick on your friend or family member about?
- We have a friend that plays on our team of six. When we used to play Call of Duty 4,we were winning 74 to 0 and a random 'nade came over the bushes as my husband was calling in his nuke and our friend died by that random 'nade before the nuke detonated giving the other team 1 kill and ruined our skunk of the other team. We still dont let him live it down... hey, Simply, remember that one time........lmao
- We still pick on my brother for thinking he was Superman at age 5 and jumping out a first story window in our garage. He broke his wrist and found out he could not fly.
- My dad saying our dining room window was the “fish bowl “ an when people drove by they always saw us “fishies” in the window, then points to the oldest in the house and says “and she’s our biggest fish!”
- My dad is wonderful but has no fashion sense. A few years ago, my sister and I were visiting during Cherry Festival. Dad ran down the stairs ready to go. He was wearing a tank “wife beater”, raggedy cut off jean shorts, and white tennis shoes with black socks. My sister and I looked at each other, then told him at the exact same time: You’re not going out like that!
- My mom wixes her mords (mixes her words) all the time. My favorite one is "Look how road the wet is"
- My brother getting stuck in a highchair at a restaurant and having to lay it on it's back and pull him out. He was 6 or 7. But the place was busy and there were no more seats!
- Back when we were in college my best and I were out with our friends instead of in class at college. Well we were drinking Boone’s Farm and we decided to drink something stronger! Well let’s just say Bacardi 151 was her best friend! She was unable to go home so I took her back to my house. I was sober but we had my mom believing she was sick. Leave it to my sweet momma to take care of her!
- My sister, she was checking the oil in the car and found out that it needed oil so she used a funnel and poured the oil in the dipstick hole. She could not figure out why it took so long to fill. I took her two hours to put a quart of oil in.
- There was this commercial a long time ago, were the girl is at a car lot and likes the car, and another girl comes up so first girl licks the handle. So I'm out with friends at subway and I get a sub, they never had it before so I take a piece off and share it, they go on about how tasty it is, so I licked the bread like the commercial and. They. Did. Not. Get. It. And were slightly offended.
- My brother would throw himself down the stairs to make himself cry so our mom would give him more computer time or cookie dough as a treat. If he didn’t cry the first time he would do it again lmao
- My brother and I sent my littlest brother to the bus stop at 11pm....told him we were sick and staying home.... he stood out there waiting for the bus for a while!!!
- I wasn’t there, but, when my BFF her and a bunch of friends were at a bar. Her being the innocent one, not kidding, when someone suggested they order a pitcher she speaks up and says “Yeah, who has a camera ”...Picture, told you she was innocent...back then We still tease her about this
- My best friend hung over AF Easter weekend in Gulf Shores Alabama while at Easter Sunday service in a Catholic Church went into a confessional and puked in a plastic plant pot... Spring break 1997!!!!!
- My family still picks on me for driving on a flat tire for 5 miles lmfao
- My short friend getting stuck in the washer and her sisters video of it!! ♀️
- My friend Delaney went to get a refill of her pop and popcorn at celebration (a little drunk lol) and on her way up the stairs, in a hurry, she fell UP the stairs. Popcorn flew EVERYWHERE and pop spilled. Of course it was the quietest moment in the movie so everyone heard and saw this. Needless to say she is by the no means the most gracious people when she falls. Probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen. She acknowledges it was pretty funny, but hates that shell never live that down haha
- Ok I got a good one. One summer my then boyfriend/now husband and i had a little competition to see who was getting the most tan. We would compare our arms each time we saw each other. I had been winning, and he decided to use his Moms fake tan right before a trip with a huge group of friends. He showed up that day looking straight up ORANGE. His face, hands, arms, all that you could see was orange and his hands were so splotchy from applying incorrectly. We teased him that whole trip and looking back on photos makes my day because you can see it in every photo.
- I love to make fun of my mom. My sister and I were riding with my mom in the car and she stopped at the gas station. She pulled up to the pump and realized that she had pulled up on the wrong side. She pulled the car around to the other side of the pump and was going to get out. I was laughing so hard and I told her, “mom, you are still on the wrong side”. She finally did figure it out and get some gas.
- Before my husband and I were married. We went on a tubing trip up north with about 15 others. Took a group picture after the trip. We all were around and in the bed of one of our friends pickup truck. Set time on the camera. My boyfriend now husband of almost 35 years is mooning in the picture. Lost og sun,fun and to many BEERS that day. His buddy made a copy for his 40th birthday that was 17 years ago now. I have that picture on the top shelf in our walking closet. Priceless the girl standing next to him is looking at him in shock LOL!
- Best friend had me over on a half day in 8th grade for the first time. She insisted on cooking Mac and cheese for me. Nice thought but she added the powder cheese to the boiling water....my daughter has since taught her to cook
- Text question of the day: when my husband and I first started dating we went on a double date with his best friend and his girlfriend and I was super super nervous because I didn't know them well and I wanted them to like me. Well while we're sitting at Applebee's my big mouth husband decided to say you know what a good name for a baby girl would be if it didn't have such a bad connotation, chlamydia. I refuse to let him live that down ever! And when we have children that will never be in the running for the name!
- still tease my daughter who is now in her mid-20s because when she was about 11 or 12 she complained of a stomachache one day and wanted to go to the doctor, I told her she was fine and didn't need to go to the doctor. The next day she had a headache to go along with her stomachache and stated she
- I used to work in customer service in a call center environment. One of the guys accidentally called a woman "mom" over the phone We still give his crap for it.
- Tqotd: a couple of friends were hanging out at our farm when I was younger... we were drinking underage of course and decided to have a bonfire... one of my friends invited a girl he liked... we started the fire and he decided to throw an old pallet on it.... my friend wanted to show off for this gi
- Number one story people still laugh at me for was when I partied all night and then disappeared and they found me the next morning in the town over in the mijer parking lot underneath the truck in my underpants
- So a goofy story would be about my brother that was notorious for being a heathen when he was little. So one day our mom went to move a plant that had been sitting near the kitchen window, to find that it wouldn't budge. She knows she cleans enough that it's not the grime holding it to the counter. Well my brother said he was bored and decided to super glue it to the counter. So later that day she went to get milk poured a glass and noticed it was coming out yellow and green. Well my brother wanted Chocolate milk and he had m&m's so he poured them into a gallon of milk. An it gets better because before the day was done he had to pull of one more act. He was told to take a shower before bed, so he did. When my mom went in there next she almost couldn't believe what she saw. My brother claims he was trying to put baby powder in his boxers. The entire bathroom was covered in baby powder!!!
- I didn't know it could be about myself: So in Reno I got SUPER DRUNK! Like pass out in the bathroom drunk, when they found me I said I need my aunt. Only reason I knew my room number is it was same as my address. Wheeled me up in a wheelchair. Couldn't find the tub to lay in the warm water so I sat on counter with my feet in sink, naked. Water running on floor. Aunt not happy. Long story shorter stayed in tub til 4 next day and still don't live it down from aunt today. Hmmm u may have heard this.
- When I worked at the grocery store they would make the newest grocery bagger take a bucket of water to "fill up the drinking fountain" which was them basically pouring water down the drain.
- Tqotd: a couple of friends were hanging out at our farm when I was younger... we were drinking underage of course and decided to have a bonfire... one of my friends invited a girl he liked... we started the fire and he decided to throw an old pallet on it.... my friend wanted to show off for this gi
- When I was a kid my job was to burn our trash. One really hot summer day I was doing my job and I accidentally burned on the garage and my brother's car. I've since been dubbed the family Pyro. I'm 35 now and it still gets brought up at every family function
- I accidentally stabbed my hubby in the arm with a fork 20 years ago. My daughter's friends love that story and call us CRAZY!
- My mom and dad removed the pool slide. And left the railing and the stairs still standing there. They invited my sister over and told her that they painted the slide with a new invisible paint. She could not wait to get some of this new paint!
- Vacation in Florida , after a night of drinking at a resort my friend shows up to breakfast with his underwear over his shorts lmao , what a weenie lol
- My husband and my girlfriend and her husband all went to Target one day to do a little shopping for spring break party we were having a few year back with our kids. Everything is going fine in Target we are shopping as per usual, and next thing you know I see Jessica (my girlfriend) start walking toward check out with man that definitely wasn’t her husband. Next thing I know her actual husbands walks up to me and stands next to and proceeds to ask “Where is my wife going and who’s that guy?” Which I proceed with “No idea maybe it’s your replacement?” We both shout at Jessica to see what she is doing and when she realizes she is walking away arm and arm with a man who isn’t her husband she was absolutely mortified. To this day we still tease her that she went to Target to try to buy a new husband to take home!
- How me and my brother had a jelly toast fight in the middle of a restaurant while out for breakfast with our mom. She was quite embarrassed and her 21 and 27 yr old sons :-)
- My daughter farted so loud in church one time that the preacher stopped the sermon. I was mortified, but she couldn't stop laughing. She's lucky I love her...
- Number one story people still laugh at me for was when I partied all night and then disappeared and they found me the next morning in the town over in the Meijer parking lot underneath the truck in my underpants
- My husband and I were peacefully sleeping in bed when he quickly jumped up and ran out of the room. Confused, I was like, "whatever, now I get the whole bed for a minute!" And I stretched out..... In doing so I realized why my husband jumped out of bed! He had peed himself! When he came back in with new sheets and blankets the only thing he could say was "I'm so sorry! I had a dream I was peeing next to a pig barn and it felt so real!" I pick on him about it all the time! Only grown man I know that accidentally peed the bed
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