We try to get a little bit fun with the #secrets question this week and we ask you to sell someone or something out that you just hate during this quarantine.  (Also, no video today with Christine because of social distancing.)

What have you HATED about being quarantined??? AND WHY???

  • Having to stay home! I'd like to be able to go places again
  • Going to work when everyone else is off
  • I’m a single mom of 8. 7 are adopted or foster children. These 7 are alo medically fragile. I have really struggled with worry. I worry about every sneeze and cough. Every fever. Every low motivation day. But I have LOVED having a clear schedule. It’s been so awesome to play and not have to eat out. We are at home, enjoying each other (most of the time) and getting what we usually only get on vacation.
  • Not being able to see my girlfriend. She still lives with her mom and her mom wants a say in when I can come over. Well since the virus started, she has said no to me visiting, and every time she asks, her mom says "you don't understand the serious of this pandemic." And this was all before quarantine started. So now I can't see her until this all blows over.
  • What have I hated about being quarantined? I hate, hate, HATE not being able to see the people I care about. It’s driving me absolutely crazy.
  • The thing I hate the most about quarantine is that my boyfriend is in Norway and I am here. Weve had a pretty easy long distance relationship but we were about to spend a month together and then borders got shut down and were locked in our houses now
  • Not actually being able to stay home as instructed because the store has been sold out of things we need so we have to make periodic trips and hope for the best.
  • I am jealous of people working from home or having to stay at home. I am an essential employee and working 60 ish hours a week right now.
  • I work in mental health so I still see my kiddos. I hate that we are stuck at home and I can't take them out to a park to socialize or to burn off energy.
  • Trying to purchase groceries. I have not stocked up, I have not over bought- I have wanted to feed my family & the store shelves are EMPTY!! Where is all the stuff?? Who is buying it all? Why isn’t there more?? 2 weekends in a row ugh
  • Life is pretty normal for me. I'm an "essential" employee. Hardest part is missing face to face contact with my therapist. Video isn't the same.
  • Continuous anxiety and depression of the unknown and no financial stability.
  • The fact that we're in quarantine. People need to actually listen when they're being told to stay inside and stop the spread. I would actually like to enjoy my spring and summer, and go camping and whatnot, but at this rate we'll be stuck in quarantine for the rest of the year
  • I enjoy taking my littles places during the week (park, our local children's muesum) so I miss that. I feel bad we are cooped up but we are making the most out of it. I don't hate quarantine tho. It's a good thing
  • Worrying as a social worker, how our county's mental health will tank over the upcoming months. I have heard some really sad things (from my patients) over the past couple of weeks and it's starting to impact my mental health.
  • My mental health response... being stuck inside has triggered a PTSD episode where I felt stuck, helpless, and lost in a dark, empty space. It is absolutely terrifying to know that you are limited on your self care routines. Especially when anxiety and panic tend to bring on routine as people who struggle with it do not like surprises/schedule changes.
  • The unexpected emotional downs. Missing my social time with friends. And the copious amounts of dishes!!!
  • The fear of not getting the help I need. I have 4 chronic illnesses. No fun worrying about making sure I have what I need. Other then that this is my normal. Use to staying home
  • Due to have a baby in a couple weeks. Now I can’t have a date night out with my husband or take some personal time away from the house or leisurely shop for last minute items. All materialistic things yes, but it’s suppose to be a fun and selfish time before a big life change that will have to wait.
  • Trying to buy our first home has really been slow. Not much has been on the market anymore to see. Our pre-approval letter only lasts 4 months...we need to find a house.
  • Job loss and not being able to travel. We were looking forward to camping. Now the camper is our hide out from the kids
  • Seeing all of the people not take it serious. Stay home, stop saying this is “the flu”... it’s not. This is serious and the longer people keep ignoring it the longer it will take for life to get back to normal.
  • Having to still go to work and having people come in over the smallest stupidest things that could wait a few weeks throat punches and Lysol spray for them all for entertainment I guess
  • I'm in healthcare so I'm still going to work. Not much quarantine for me!
  • that Connie and Fish are back...nothing! All is good in this quarantine life with my entertainment!!
  • Having a senior in high school and a senior in college miss all the milestones that come with graduating, spring sports, prom, friends, etc.
  • I’m in my allergy season and my nose is always itchy. Being afraid to touch my face can be torture.
  • Trying to get a 3 year old to understand that we can’t visit Grammy or her cousin
  • Not a thing! Been out hiking and loving it!
  • This has shown me what life will be like when my husband retires. Not as big a problem as some people face but wanted to strangle him twice today
  • Not being able to watch my daughter play softball her Junior year.
  • SWB: I need a "special " visit with a friend - more social distancing allowed!
  • The paranoia it has brought up in me.
  • The comradely with my co workers. However I am getting more work done.
  • a social butterfly and not being around ppl is hard...i get all this but i really really hate it too.
  • not being able to ignore phone calls...haha as an introvert its suddenly unacceptable to ignore calls lol
  • Not being able to visit family and friends!
  • Nothing, I love staying home!
  • The kids fighting from too much together
  • Working in total chaos at a store that can't close and missing my bestie so much it hurts ❤❤
  • The fear of going to work and getting it and then giving it to my son
  • My new found relationship with the refrigerator
  • My anxiety levels are going way up
  • Being alone..think that says it all
  • I'm still going into work every day as an essential worker, thankfully. I miss being able to spend time with my mom and giving her a hug
  • #tqotd I miss my daycare fur-babies
  • I hate that I couldn't hug my aunt (social distancing) when I ran into her at meijer, I was picking up antibiotics for my sinus infection and I'm pregnant and very emotional. So I cried in the meijer parking lot. Not my best day. Quarantine sucks
  • What I'm hating about quarantine... is the fact that I'm still working! I work in a prison and inside nothing's changed. Therefore I hate the fear of bringing something home to my family, especially my son with asthma!
  • #Secrets what I hate most about the quarantine? I am an extrovert, so I hate missing my friends, the gym, seeing my parents and most of all, I just wanna give people hugs again!
  • #secrets I have hated not being able to go to the gym to work out with my friends. (And I'm breaking the shelter in place order by going back and forth between my house and my boyfriends place )
  • One thing I hate about the quarantine is no income.... and not knowing what's going to happen. On the bright side, I have time to work on my grow room
  • I've hated that there's nothing to watch on tv! My wife says watch whatever you want and then she hands me the remote. All I want to watch is sports!
  • I had the option to work from home or the office, i chose to work from the office because i couldnt handle being home with my kids
  • Quarantined with my soon to be ex husband.....enough said
  • I come down the steps..... Carol when r u gonna rake the leaves? Next... come down agian, Just got the mower fixed you can do it soon. Next......what’s for dinner? Next,....tired of carrots , they don’t really work on your eyes, Iam still goin blind. Next, Think you’ll get to those leaves this week? I love her but.......now you all know why I drink! Lol
  • My ex and I have been separated for over 6 months. He still lives with me as he won’t move until the lease is up in May. I literally am stuck with him until the end

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