What Is Absolutely Worth The Money? – #TQOTD
Take a look around your house and tell us what you find that is totally worth the money.
What is absolutely worth the money?
- This is going to sound bad but not spending the money and spending time with my dad. He has ALS and is in year 4 of the disease. People rarely make it to year 5. So saving pennies and spending time with him at home is worth more than gold to me. This is time I don’t get back. Hug your loved ones. Take a minute to tell your dad you love them or your mom you love them. Have dinner with your family because honestly we don’t know what time we have with them and it’s priceless to me.
- My gym membership. It's expensive, but after trying other gyms and exercise methods, I finally found a place where I'm comfortable and thriving. Becoming athletic again has reduced a bunch of my anxiety, plus I'm physically much stronger (always a plus). The cost of the gym membership is worth it to me because exercise is important--and if you enjoy your gym/exercise, you're more likely to continue. AND we are still working out during this shut-down, just virtually. The coaches are doing an amazing job keeping us engaged and motivated. I am so grateful for them and the gym organization itself. Shout out to Fit Body Boot Camp.
- Cascade platinum dishwasher pods! I almost bought a new dishwasher because I thought mine was worthless. Tried the pods instead of the off-brand detergent and saved myself the cost and installation of a new dishwasher!
- LASIK surgery! My eyes had felt like sand in them all the time, I could no longer wear contacts & with no insurance we compared & 2 eye visits & glasses would only be a few $100 cheaper than surgery- which would be permanent! 6 years ago & have better than 20/20.
- Good shoes. 45 years on retail floors. In my teens and early 20's spent more on jeans than shoes. So stupid!
- A good kitchen knife and cutting board.
- I have cut myself WAY more times due to a dull knife and struggling than I have since I got a good sharp knife.
- My skin care Anything that keeps me looking 25 is worth it lol
- Good, properly fit to you, running shoes. The cheap ones will end up hurting you in the long run and your back, knees and ankles will let you know about it.
- If you have kids, A HOUSEKEEPER. You will NEVER go back
- Really good booze, shoes that are made right, and a nice Coach purse sounds good right about now.
- Sunday noon bloody marys and mimosas with the gang at our local watering hole...so worth the beverage money to hang out with the best group of people i know ❤. Can't wait to do it again when this virus is safely quelled.
- Our annual vacations to Aruba. Not cheap but worth every cent!
- Hobbies. They can save your mental health in a real way.
- Grocery pick up. WORTH EVERY SINGLE PENNY!
- A great pillow and sheets.
- HIGH END hair products, face lotion, wine and diamonds
- Great pair of shoes for work (I’m a nurse)!
- Who you use to remodel any areas of your home!
- Groceries? I mean, they keep us alive and can’t live without them....so.....yeah, I'm going with groceries.
- McDonald's coffee with 2 creams. $1.06
- Miracle Whip Light and Heinz Ketchup
- Any all inclusive vacay to Cabo Mexico where your booze is included.
- Uncrustables and a vacation to anywhere warm!!!
- My favorite box of wine for $13!
- Staying at home to not catch covid-19
- A Dishwasher ! I wish I had mine when my boys were little.
- Going OUT to ANYWHERE at this point
- Amazon prime and Spotify
- Traveling to new places.
- Any vacation where I can lay in a beach chair with a drink with an umbrella in it
- The Icee I usually get every morning going to work. Only had one since being told to work at home.
- A good pedicure and manicure
- Good pair of walking shoes.
- Huggies baby wipes-can go cheap on the diaper, but not the wipes!
- Bacon wrapped filets from Ken's Meat Market in Monona.
- Laundry detergent and ranch dressing. Lol
- Shipt and daycare for my kids
- Good alcohol and good hair products
- Snow plow service
- Paid off three credit cards
- Weighted blanket and getting my nails done
- Any vacation I've ever taken.
- Disney +, mead and supporting take out food #tipyourtakeout
- Family vacations
- Massages and highlights. A girl's gotta pamper.
- Shelter animals!!!
- SWB:Lego. And Jif peanut butter.
- Jockey underwear.
- My vodka
- My new truck with a heated steering wheel. Ill never have another vehicle without a heated steering wheel
- My dog!
- What is worth the money....any type of travel. I have 4 kids and travel is expensive so I buy everything else on the cheap...2 grand for a couch? no way....4 grand for a trip ? Absolutely!!
- The money I spend on my son playing hockey and my daughter’s competitive dance ...there isn’t much better than watching them grow in the activities they love!!!
- Text question of the day: A good screen protector! They even come with life time warranties for a few extra bucks!
- Vacations/travel is always worth the money. Everyone needs a break at times! #tqotd
- Good coffee!
- My 2 little girls are worth spending money on. I love coming home and surprising them with a new little toy or their favorite snack. My almost 3 year old loves blueberries more than anything and her eyes light up when I spontaneously bring home some blueberries!
- TQOTD. Lotion and perfume. I seem to pick the right scents for my chemistry because I'm frequently told how good I smell. Perhaps I need more!
- My 2 little girls are worth spending money on. I love coming home and surprising them with a new little toy or their favorite snack. My almost 3 year old loves blueberries more than anything and her eyes light up when I spontaneously bring home some blueberries!
- Superchargerfor my car would be worth the money especially right now of no one on the roads
- What was worth the money to me was my cowboy boots and my 3 tattoos. I’ve had a lot of compliments on my sleeve especially from people who don’t normally like tattoos
- Owning a house with hot tub even better, having hot tub has brought some sanity during this Virus
- Cheesecake! Any style, any flavor. It's all delicious and absolutely worth the money. Especially since I didn't have to make it!#lockdown weightgain
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