What Is One Of Your Favorite Things About Getting Older? – #TQOTD
Not everything about getting older is bad, right? Right? Please tell us it isn't.
What is one of your favorite things about getting older?
- One cool thing about getting older... and I'm only 30... is having younger "kids" come to you for advise.
- My ability to get a cat (and dog some day) and nobody can tell me no!
- Granddaughter, my pets, doing what I want when I want, realizing I don’t have to keep up with anyone, realizing it is okay to take care of myself too, and being thankful for every day no matter how bad it is (not always easy).
- More wisdom and watching my kids grow
- Naps and my own TV in my room, husband can have the living room, I’ll be comfy in my bed and my shows
- I can have chocolate cake and coffee for breakfast and there's not a darn thing anyone can do about it.
- Naps and my early retirement at 59.
- Just that...getting older! Not everyone gets the opportunity to age and live a long life!
- Grand babies! Love me some babies!
- That I get to get older!! I battled sarcoma cancer for 19 years (ages 29-39) and have now been in remission for almost 4 years
- Caring less and less what others think.
- You're a lot smarter ,and wiser.
- All the naps and all the coffee
- Having my own dogs
- Wishing i was younger knowing then what I know now and physically feeling now like I did then.
- Confidence, and letting go of being concerned about what others think.
- Hey I am curvy....deal with it. 40 comes with cushion. Mic drop
- Nothing really, my whole body HURTS!
- I don’t waste as much time worrying about stupid stuff. The closer I get to 40, the more IDGAF about pretty much everything.
- Not having anyone to answer to (other than my boss and bills)
- Lol what’s with all the napping
- Getting to eat cake whenever I want to and not having to share it if I don't want to
- You no longer care what people think.
- Not having to drive to work in the dark on icy roads ever again...
- No high school
- I’ll let you know when I figure it out
- No more worry about what other think.
- being the adult who gets to decide whether we can have another pet. “Why yes, yes we can”
- Naps!!!!!
- Being single and not having to put up with peoples petty poo
- When your penis doesn't work as often or as well as it used to. It dramatically lowers sexual expectations.
- It's like a huge weight off your shoulders. Lol
- I’m definitely more confident, comfortable in my own skin...
- That I get to get older!!! Had cancer for 10 years (ages 29-39) and am now almost 4 years in remission!
- Becoming more comfortable with not caring what other people say about me... think about me... etc. so over trying to live life to make others happy. (Married a chick, it pissed people off) ❤️ Lesbian Nurse Tennille P.S. love your faces, we need to have lunch together soon, my treat!
- I get to have the career and lifestyle worthy of being my age without any regrets in my pursuits in life.
- Enjoying time with my grown children as adults.
- My favorite thing about getting older is knowing I'll have grandkids sooner or later and my kids will get payback.
- TQOTD. I'm finally comfortable in my skin. Do I laugh too much? I don't care. Am I a bit fluffy? Better believe it.
- Tqotd- Learning how not to care about some things.
- Watching my kids grow and becomes me accomplished young adults.
- Your friend group gets smaller but in the best way. You see who your real friends are
- 1 favorite thing I like about getting older the more wiser I become
- Question of the day… When I'm over my kids house and all the grandkids are running around screaming like animals, I get sick of them, I can leave anytime. She always asked me, why are you ? "My reply…Because I can!" Ha ha Ha
- I'm 7 and win i grow up ill get a lambrgeny and get rich also a lowgony to...
- Having less friends with a more genuine connection
- I'm 25 and so far nothing. It's not fun at all. I'm so stressed and anxious all the time. I'd like to cancel my subscription to adulthood please.
- Getting much closer to retirement is my favorite thing about getting older.
- When I've had a bad day and want to go home and have a stiff drink at 2pm. I can! Day drink away , don't care what they say!
- One of my favorite things about being an adult is having a stable home with my fianc . I moved well over 20 times by time I was 20 so having a stable home with the man I love is truly a blessing.
- TQOTD - as I get older I love that I could care less what other people think! There's a little bit of freedom when you just don't care!!
- TOTD: One of my favorite things about getting older is that I no longer care about what others think, or what they think about me. I'm not insensitive, but I am not changing me to become what you think I should be. I am me, and I am comfortable with me. If you're not, then you're not for me. Doesn't matter if you're friends, family, co-worker, etc....I still get along with everyone, but I pick and choose who gets my quality time. My circle has shrunk, and I've never been happier!
- Drama-free 40s! The realization that I am in control of how I react to others, has made for a lot more happiness in my life. I will gladly help you as much as I can with your stress, anxiety, and drama, but I refuse to take it on and make your problem s my existence.
- What do I like about getting older?!? The hilarious crap my kids say as they get older! Hahaha my 9 year old CeCe, without skipping a beat upon hearing the question,said “I get to retire and get a phone!”
- My favorite thing about getting older is that I now know who matters and who doesn't… I don't give a toot about what most people think about me! My favorite thing about getting older is I don't care what y'all think! Love you guys bye the way
- What do I like about getting older...ask me again after Thursday when I turn 40... But I would say learning from the past by making better decisions now! Brandy
- Freedom for sure!!! I’m divorced, my kids are in college and I can run through the house naked cranking my surround sound!!
- The think I love about getting older this that I am 18 and I am living by myself and I am still in high school and I have a job and I have my own apartment
- One good thing about getting older is being thankful I'm not a millennial (Like Steve’s) ! I'm thankful that our generation is much less sensitive then the older Millennial one (no offense Steve). We still respect our elders (Sorry Steve it’s True), can properly shake a hand (Steve) and can realize the world doesn't owe us anything (Again … still love ya Steve). Happy birthday fish
- One of my favorite things about getting older is not being judged for not always shaving my legs. I’m 29 haha
- As much as I don't want to get old I am looking forward to if I ever get put into a nursing home I want to be that pervy grandma who pinches the paramedics butts when they come into the nursing home. Man or woman I won't be picky. CANT WAIT!
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