What Is Really Bugging You Right Now? – #TQOTD
We want you to get that crap off your chest for today's #TQOTD. What is really irking you right now?
What is REALLY bugging you right now?
- What's really bugging me right now is how much I have to pay monthly for my health insurance. My husband and I are self-employed and it is so incredibly expensive to have sub-par coverage .😢😢😢😢
- Text question of the day! Sister with a brain owns a dog without a brain and she ate a sock that had to get surgically removed yesterday. This is the second time in 5 months she has had to get something removed from her guts. First one was a stuffed squeaky toy that she swallowed whole. Great Danes are not so great but oh so sweet.
- Group projects in college! I hate paying for a class and relying on morons to do their part and on time in order to pass a class. I pay for the class, my grade should depend on me only.
- My ex husband breaking every rule out there and putting my kids and i in general panic all the time and the judge only giving him slap in the hand for it😡😡😡😤
- My two 60 lb huskies who must be sitting on my lap at the same time!
- My weight but I love food and hate exercise
- The environmental crises happening all over our planet, every single day, every single year. It breaks my heart. 💔
- That adults don't get nap time everyday.....
- People...always comes down to people!!!
- That it took over 2 hours to get the kids to bed last night 😬😒😴😵
- That my friend died so young at the age of 47!!!
- My sciatic nerve. It's literally a pain in my ass
- Honestly no one! I am happy girl because my parents came to see me
- My car transmission bit the dust and I've got no money to replace it
- Cheap ass people who complain if someone asks them for a discount but then they get on facebook and brag about how they took advantage of the system and used 19 coupons.
- First world 🌎 problem I have to get up to reach the remote ugh 😑
- my mint chocolate chip ice cream is gone😔
- Money of course and the fact my kids won't go to bed!
- Uncomfortable during pregnancy....
- What's really bugging me right now is that I don't have my own place yet and I have to wait for school papers to come in before I can finish my dang taxes so I can get my own place. Ugh
- My 13 year old son’s bedroom. All of the electronic crap drives me nuts (PS4, virtual reality, headphones, etc.). I need Marie Kondo to the rescue.
- My pre-teen. Haha
- That my nose won’t stop running and it hurts from wiping it so much 😭
- This cat of mine , ass is in my face. While Iam lying on my bed reading FB. How rude😳
- My lower back pain
- My mouth... nightmares that cripple you and make your jaw ache
- I need a main floor laundry room and I own to much stuff .
- My frogging contacts and I'm stuck at work
- Can’t sleep
- Double standards.
- Username and password requirements!!!
- Football!!
- Uhh. Technology
- Bills
- Misogyny...
- This just in: nothing was bugging me until 20 minutes ago. I was actually ON TIME to work this morning. Then traffic on 131 went and ruined that. It's been approx. 15 minutes & I just passed the 28th street ramp.😡😡😡
- I’m going have to get a 3 surgery on my knee and I’m only 20
- What's really bugging me- Samantha get off my back, I don't need to to tell me what i can and cannot do. I don't need you to micro manage my life. I'm a grown man and will make my own decisions in life, nobody owns me but me!!!!
- Currently pregnant and my baby father decided to move back to Chicago to get his life together and "be a better father when the baby comes".
- What's bugging me right now? That my fiance hardly helps with the baby because he works all day, but I'm a full time student and go to school all day. I'm tired, too!
- Text of the day. What really bugging me is that my wife is still letting are daughter sleep with us. Needless to say lacking in the balloon animals department.
- Cancer is bugging me. This is my second battle and it sucks! I have to go to the Mayo Clinic for the third time. Insurance doesn't cover that
- Ugh....frogging medical BS is bugging me. Our insurance decides what’s in our best interest even when we could potentially go deaf or blind or lose any sense or ability. It’s so wrong and so messed up. It’s frogging bugging me.
- Whats really bothering me right now is im 32 years old, living with my parents with my 2 kids after a horrendous divorce. I lost everything. One of my kids is special needs and required/requires a lot of medical attention which kept me from working a full time job. Starting next month ill be able to go back to work (thank goodness). But now im faced with the decision of what i want to do with my life. I want to go back to school and eventually start a career but im still deciding what to do. I wish i could preview what my life would look like 10 years from now to see if ill be making the right choice, not only for me but for my kids
- What’s really bugging me is my coworkers dishonesty and why they haven’t been fired yet
- My dreams are bugging me! I wish I wouldn't dream about my ex ALL the fricken time!!!
- #TQOTD Mine is sad...waiting on test results to determine if my 7 yr old Golden, Cooper, has lymphoma. This is the longest and saddest week ever for me! 😢
- TQOTD: my living arrangement. I live with my ex. We are financially stuck together. We also agreed it's easier on the kids. We don't argue or anything. It's just extremely hard!
- Tqotd- husband leaves his huge clunky boots RIGHT on the other side of the kitchen door in the garage and I trip on them every morning
- Body shaming is what's bothering me! You cannot tell if someone is healthy based on their size. It drives me nuts that we are so body focused in our society, and that is what is fueling our toxic diet culture
- Here's what's bugging me. The fact that some kid who was texting rear-ended my husband and my 11 year old last night, totalling the car. They were ok, but my son has some bumps and bruises. The kicker? We just got the car in September.
- The fact that he can do remodels on someone else house and cant finish projects hes started in our own home..
- Well guys what’s really bothering me is that i went to be a nice boyfriend the other day and put my girlfriends phone in charger and seen a message from another guy saying” your boyfriend is a beach” and it wasnt beach
- My naracist husband beat the crap out of my 2 year old St. bernard because she got sick & pooped in the carpet...he then bragged to my kids that he did it & he never wanted her here...I’m living n HELL!!!!
- People at work not taking care of themselves and staying home when they’re sick so I keep getting sick.
- What's bothering me is my son.he lives with us and his 4 yr old son.i just for the life of me can't understand how you can ignore your own son when he is there every fricken day.he does nothing with him and doesn't support him .me and my wife do.my grandson# bud for life is what we say to each other which is pretty cool doesn't deserve to be treated like that and we are taking the proper measures to see that he isn't.if you don't want to take care of your kid then wear a condom
- Something that is really bothering me: I am supposed to be moving in with my boyfriend next month and we've been dating 9-10months. We have known about this move for a few months now and he still won't move things around in his house and make room for me. I have told him how this makes me feel uncomfortable and he says he understands but still won't make room for me or ever really talk about the move. I'm wondering if I should just renew my lease and not move.
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