What Is Something That Makes You Automatically Attracted To Somebody? – #TQOTD
Yoga pants, nice chest, rocking abs, a big ole booty. These are all things that some people find attractive (you know who you are), but sometimes all we want is just a good smile or sense of humor. That's why we asked you what makes you attracted to somebody for today's text question of the day. We just want to know if you are superficial or not.
What is something that makes you automatically attracted to somebody?
- When he pays attention to the little things, not the little things that fish is thinking. Witty banter...
- If their eyes sparkle
- Definitely a sweet smile...if a woman has a warm, genuine smile, usually means they are as well..
- Eyes, smile, their energy, kindness, empathy, warmth, confidence, intelligence...
- Genuineness. There was a dude, straight up looked like a young Mr. Burns. After 3 shifts of working with him, I had a little crush. He was one of the most genuine people. Personality matters more than physicality.
- Confidence, great smile, funny, good manners.
- Their eyes, sense of humor,
- Humor, not afraid to dance and sing.
- A smile that reaches the eyes and a good sense of humor.
- Confidence and how they talk about others says a lot. Also how they treat other such as wait staff and those in retail.
- When they know how to dress for the activity they are doing, strong hands and arms, and a sexy well groomed beard. My husband fits all of this .
- Sense of humor and definitely common sense!
- The ability to email a response instead of posting it. **snark**
- The smile and positive attitude when they speak.
- Attitude towards things. If you’re going to be a negative nelly about everything then it won’t work. Lol
- Seeing them with their kids. There’s nothing sexier than a good dad ☺️
- Skills!! Watching someone doing something they are good at and love to do
- Their eyes. They truly are the window to the soul.
- Intelligence and humor
- smile, facial hair, how my husband's butt looks in his jeans ;)
- Great sense of humor and very friendly
- Makes me laugh! And their eyes...
- Whether they talk, or listen.
- Quick wit and humor.
- Sense of humor.
- A warm smile... and great body
- Kindness.
- You have to be able to make me laugh.
- Teeth... Must take care of their teeth.
- Hard working arms and hands...
- They make me laugh!
- Good parent.
- Generosity
- They ooze niceness.
- Beard!
- Kindness
- Someone that's is thoughtful and genuine
- Kind to other people
- Humor!
- Their voice
- Loves animals..
- A man's eyes.
- Sense of humor
- Manners
- Humor!
- Dad bod!
- Smile or their smell
- Personality!
- Credit score above 750
- Sense of humor.
- Dimples
- A backwards hat always makes a guy look hotter. I don't know what it is but a hat on backwards with a little facial hair gets me every time!
- Intelligence makes me automatically attracted to someone.
- short hair
- Maternal
- Maturity. A guy who can take care of himself but likes have you around anyways. I want to date someone. Not mom someone.
- Immediate attraction? Physical-a bald head & tattoos Mentality - sincerity
- When you hold a conversation with them they actually keep eye contact with you instead of watching everything around them, they are focused only on you.
- Intelligence and the ability to admit when their wrong. Nothing worse than some A-hole who just has to be right about everything or thinks he's right and you're wrong. Ohh, and let's not forget apologizing.
- I'm a guy who LOVES guys who have a cute face but who can turn that pretty smile into a heart melting innocent look. The innocent eyes and smile get me evertime. Like "Hubba hubba Mr. Personality!"
- TQOTD... I just told my husband this weekend it's hot how he can drives a manual .. Drive a stick boys
- Mentality - sincerity
- I am a sapiosexual. I love, Love, LOVE intelligence and with smarts, there is almost always an amazing sense of humor.
- The ability to actually listen what the person is saying to you, as opposed to wait your turn to talk.
- Good logistics. I know that sounds odd, but if a girl says she'll meet me somewhere at a certain time and shows up on time, it shows that I'm worth her time. If she can't make it, tells me before hand, and specifically reschedules, that's shows she cares. After having people tell me they'll meet me at a certain time and then tell me they can't make it 45 minutes later, good logistics are gr8.
- Competence. I don't care what it is you're competent at -- just show me that you are. You know your job, or your craft, or your hobby; you've spent time learning the ins and outs, and you do your crap well. You are still learning. You want always to improve. Always to grow. And when you're here to do the thing, you're Here to Do the Thing.
- When people are genuinely interested in you and what you have to say. Knocks me flat. Can't be faked either.
- Voice definitively. You ever got goosebumps just from hearing the voice of a person ? That girl had that one of a kind voice that completely melt me.
- Being a good cuddler. Cuddles are important. Mandatory even. I have known a few people who just can't stand them, and that is a major turn off.
- Going out of their way to do small nice things for people out of the goodness of their heart. Genuine compassion and kindness. I notice someone's tendency to do that immediately.
- If they are attracted to me, I find myself being attracted to them. I'm easy
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