What Is The First Thing You Think About Every Morning? – #TQOTD
Hello, Connie here! O.M.G. I hate my alarm. I hate YOUR alarm. I HATE ALARM CLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Alarm clocks are the main reason that I CANNOT WAIT to retire. I hope to never have to hear one again.
However you feel about your alarm, what thoughts go through your head when your alarm goes off?
Do you think about your kids? Getting them up? Do you have to pee? Are you sweaty? Freezing? Grumpy? Or, do you jump right up and go work out (If you do, high-five!)
See if YOU think what OTHER people think when their alarms go off. Here's a list!
What is the first thing you think about every morning?
- I think about food
- First thought of the day: GOTTA POO!
- 1st thing: "I gotta pee"
- "There is absolutely no way I can do this for the rest of my life"
- My gf then my dog
- After I accept the reality that I have to get up and realize what day it is, I think of the man I left.
- First thing I think about in the morning... Ugh... What am I going to eat for breakfast?
- Love!
- I don't wanna
- The first thing I think about in the AM is COFFEE!
- I give thanks to God
- do I really need to go into work today?
- TQOTD: first thing I think in the morning? "dogs have to go out"
- The 700 things I need to do in my classroom
- The first thing I think when I wake up is "FROG you, alarm clock!!"
- Coffee!
- Mornin' Connie and Fish. My first thought of the day is usually I gotta pee. This is because my alarm is ocean waves crashing on the shore.
- Sammy Swinger - How I can make Susie happy all day!
- #TQOTD balloon animals or exercise... which to do first?
- I wake up and think about how I hate the leadership at my work and can not wait to get out of there!
- 1st thing I think about is why is my dog waking me up 30 minutes early, when she was just out 2 hrs ago and is what my cat doing itching me again.
- Seriously they do this every day.
- First thought of the day: is that my wife trying to tickle me, or my one year old trying to push me out of bed?
- I am a snooze hitter, so after I actually get up, my first thought is I like my paycheck.
- I love my job but the first thing I think about while my alarm is still buzzing is if I could get away with calling in sick so that I can sleep in.
- I am a morning person but waking to an alarm makes my whiny teenage girl head voice cry out I don't wanna get up.....geez I just went to bed. Then I say thank God I woke up another 6 feet above the ground
- Snooooooze
- Everytime I wake. I think getting older SUCKS!!! Aches and pains.
- The first thing I think about each morning when I wake up is what day of the week it is. For some reason when I wake up in the morning there is always a couple of minutes of confusion about what day of the week it is. Is that weird?
- First thing that passes through my mind when I wake up is what are the possibilities of me getting out of going to work today lmao
- The first thing I think about when I wake up is how many hours till I can take a nap.
- Is my bikini body worth getting up for the gym?! Does my boyfriend really care?!
It's easy to get up every morning. I have a puppy, and he needs to go out! - Food
- Every morning when I wake up I think about going back to bed for the next night.
- As in how early I can go to bed and get away with it. I want sleep! LOL
- Things I think in the morning: What the heck was that dream. Why are there always boogers in my eyes? Dang I drooled didn't I? And finally, do I really need to get up right now.. no? Ok sleepy time again.
- Shut up Alexa
- TQOTD "Sill not a Kardashian... I guess I gotta go to work"
- First thing I think about is how many hours it is before I can go back to bed
- First thing I think is, I hope that my kid isn't a monster when I wake him up.
- How many times can I hit snooze without being late? Followed by; is my child awake?
- I wake up and think... Geez I am tired!
- When can I come back and sleep!!!
- Tqotd... Oh crap, I'm going to be late to work
- The first two things I think about are my kitty, and then how can I get rich so I don't have to wake up and go to work ever again!?
- First thing I think of when I wake up is oh God I still have six years before I retire
Retirement - I think about how much more sleep I can get before I'm late for work
I'm a nurse so I think... please don't let anyone die in front of me today!!! - Only 20-plus more years of this yay! LOL
- I hope I have clean underwear and if not what pair will be the least funkiest
- The first thing I think in the morning is "how can I squeeze in more sleep(by eliminating makeup and showering) -sister with a brain
- First thought is ugh I wish I had more money to divorce ur ass
- I think how much I hate my life & how am I gonna make it another day
- I usually think of the beginning lyrics to Kesha's Tick Tock
- 1st thought is always, I'M NOT READY TO BE AWAKE YET!!
- The first thought in my head is NO, I don't want to do this anymore! Only 22 years until retirement...blah!!
- My first thought is "Can I sneak out of bed without waking my sleeping baby and have hot coffee alone?" And then I look at him sleeping and choose to snuggle instead
- I don't know about first thought, but I woke up 20 minutes before my alarm this morning. That's the absolute worst! You might as well just get up at that point
- How can I fake my own death so I don't have to work
- Text question of the day: I think "how long can I snooze before I really have to get up?"
- I immediately start thinking of ways I can get out of going to work
- Snooze snooze snooze- Frog I'm late! Every morning
- The first thing I think about is whether I should call in from work or not.
- Why did I stay up so late?
- After only 3 hours of sleep, my alarm goes off to get my kids off to school and I always think do they have to go to school today. Yes... I get up and take them. But after getting home from work @ 1:30am and then getting to sleep at 3ish am and up again at 6:30am sucks!!!
- Did my lottery numbers hit?
- I wonder if maybe I have the winning lotto ticket in my purse and I can skip work today
- Good morning! First thought is what day is it?
- The first thing I think of is "how much longer can I sleep before I end up late to class?"
- My first thought of the day is "how long can I cuddle with my dogs in bed before I gotta get up?"
- I'm up at 3 am every morning with my husband then get grocery list and house cleaned then get kids up and off to school then me to work by 9 am... Ugghhh
6am. come on Spanky dog let's go out. - @#$%! I'm late!
- I think about how I should have asked for the day off.
- how to get rid of morning wood.
- Five more minutes
- Right now I think every morning... When will my baby sleep through the night?
- Every morning I think...what excuse can I use so I can call in. :)
- Every morning when I wake up, I think about how lucky I am to have my soon to be fiancé and our beautiful pup kai kai. The two of them have always been the best thing that's happened to me. I am truly blessed to have been given an opportunity to take care of them.
- #tqotdI always think through how my day is planned. Today, that includes DMing my first DnD adventure! #nerdlyfe
- #TQOTD the first thing I think when I wake up every morning is "I wonder if I'll be able to squeeze a nap in today." It never happens lol.
- The first thing I think is HAAAMBURGER. What are you wearing?
- Uhm... I get to listen to Connie and Fish (and Steve) again. Oh, and I NEED A NEW JOB!!@
- TQOTD--- Every morning when I wake up I wonder why I have a king size bed and only ever get a sliver of it.. my daughter sleeps with me Right now because I have family that is living with us and using her room and when she goes to bed she goes the bed in the middle of the bed I wake up with a tiny sliver of the bed with a leg hanging over the side and usually look over at her in the middle but snuggled up to me and there's an entire half of the bed that is not even being used
- Tqotd-Going potty. Although my cat would like it to be feeding her first.
- TQOD: The first thing I think of in the morning is how great it will be when I can climb back into bed
- Coffee, a smoke, n my cat. (and why am I still with the living?)
- #Tqotd First thought of the day, Frog! I hope Joyce calls in sick today!
- Snooze...... my paycheck doesn't matter that much right
- Hi, the first thing I do is exercise, and then hate myself for not taking a shower instead because I go to school, alarm clocks suck, axe deodorant saved my life
- Food! Every time I wake up I'm starving. I usually dream up this amazing breakfast; bacon, eggs, pancakes, French toast, etc. Then, I grab a protein shake on my way to work
- Depending on the time of year (end of school year) is it summer yet? End of summer: why don't I send my kids to an all year round school?
- My first thought in the morning is nooooooooooooo
- The first thing I think of in the morning since I am going through a lot, is why am I waking up at all... Some days I hope that I don't ever wake up
- TQOD: first thing I think in the "morning" is what time is it? #lovethirdshiftlife! The next is where is my puppy? (8yearold husky-pit bull... Total cuddle bug!)
- In response to Robert and his "least funky underwear" according to my husband, deer camp rules are as follows: underwear can be worn for 4 days - right side out, right side out backwards, inside out, inside out backwards
- Great talking with u both this morning.
- Every morning after waking up I always think..."what could the text question of the day be?"
- I have a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old. They play on the carpet. Shoes at the door, please!